Tuesday, September 22, 2009

100 Calorie Packs Pros and Cons

Have you ever had a 100 calorie snack pack? Here are the pros and cons of the 100 calorie snacks.

  • They are only 100 Calories
  • They taste the same as regular snacks.
  • More and more of your favorite snacks are becoming 100 calories
  • Hostess makes 100 calorie Twinkies, and cupcakes
  • Did I say they taste the same! They are amazing!


  • Can anyone just eat one snack pack? They are so good I end up eating 600 calories worth of 100 calorie snack packs.


  1. One way to eat only one is to bring only one with you (to work or wherever you are going). Pack just one as a snack or dessert. Then you have the indulgence in a moderate amount without consuming lots of carlories because you can't stop. Don't eat them at home when you can just get another pack, and don't keep a stash at work. Easier said than done, but possible.

    They are a great idea!

  2. I know what you mean! But those 100 calorie packs are excellent for Weight Watchers! I love the little circle pretzels that are dipped in chocolate!

  3. I love those things! It helps control portions...but sometimes you are still hungry after. I found 100 calorie packs of almonds that I really like recently.


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