Friday, July 10, 2009

You Pick

What are some things that you, the reader, would like to see me, the blogger, blog about? What do you want to see more of. I would love to hear what you would like to read. Let me know.


  1. A case of bloggers block? Say it ain't so Rob. Let me step in and help you out here. If I could ask for anything on your blog, it would be for more pictures of delicious fried chicken! Mmmm. No, you don't have to thank me, consider this suggestion my gift to you.

  2. amazing stunts you go out and pull in public...ok, i like your blasts from the past happy memories with rob...

  3. Social morals vs. religous morals. What society claims is religously moral vs. what the bible actually says about those things. Example: society's view of gathering wealth vs. a biblical view of gathering wealth. Or society's view of helping the poor vs. Jesus' teaching found in Luke, about giving to people in need. asked.

  4. me lol na jk but you do a good job on here maybe some more funny stuff and definitely trivia so me and dillon can compete about it

  5. Rob your blog is tops already - like the variety, the craziness, USA slant on life so what to give the blogger who has everything ...

    Ok here's a couple ...

    1. how you developed dreams & fulfilled them

    2. what Americans think about other nations e.g. Australia. Angola (what the?), France

    that'll do for starters

  6. Camp it be kids, MS, HS, you as a camper or counselor. Differences in camp now compared to years ago. My very 1st memory of meeting you was you telling me & another lady a story about camp and I was rolling! It had to be 15 years or more ago.


Leaving a good comment = God's blessing on your children's children.

Leaving a bad comment = a curse that will cause all of your children to be born bald and naked.