Monday, October 19, 2009

Sunday at WEC

Sunday at Waters Edge Church was amazing! The day was simple. No gimmicks. It started with one worship song. Then Lead Pastor, Stu Hodges, gave a simple and clear message. Stu challenged everyone to ask if Jesus was Lord and Christ of their life. His talk was from the book of Acts where in one day 3,000 people became Christ Followers and then were baptized. Stu ended the talk by challenging everyone who asked God to be Lord and Christ of their life to get baptized on the spot. We had everything taken care of so no one could have an excuse. We had two heated tents for changing rooms (one for guys and one for girls). We had shirts, shorts, underwear, sports bras, hair ties, brushes, and towels. We also had a photographer take pictures and we videoed it so we can put it online. That way people can show their family and friends.

On Sunday a bunch of people asked Jesus to become Lord and Christ of their life. It was too many to count. Right afterward 132 people were baptized on the spot. It was an amazing day! Here are some pics from the service my wife went to.


  1. This was wonderful to experience and be a part of. I especially like to see the younger folks stepping up, the midlife folks, and the older folks. Oh right, that is just about everyone. Anyway, awesome night.

  2. that is awesome rob! amazing.

    on a side note, hit my 1 year blogoversary over the weekend. i have you to thank for pushing me through the cyber door. thanks buddy!

  3. so glad you were there to baptize scott and be part of that experience <3
    what a special day it was!


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