Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pastor Appreciation Month

When you think of October what holiday do you think of? If I were a betting man I'd bet it's not Pastor Appreciation Day. Oct. 18 was Pastor Appreciation Day, but I've read some things that declare the whole month of October as Pastor Appreciation Month. I'm not sure why, Hallmark or whoever else declares holidays, picked October but they did.

This past Monday WEC celebrated Pastor Appreciation Day by sending in cards to our Lead Pastor Stu Hodges. Over 120 cards were given to Stu. Being one of the Pastors I also benefited from some very encouraging cards and a couple of gifts. I'm thankful that WEC appreciates their pastors. Being a pastor can be lonely, draining, stressful, and can weigh a person down with the the problems at the church. Hopefully pastors don't do what they do for recognition but it's nice to know people care. Thanks WEC!


  1. know you are appreciated Rob...smiles.

  2. Thanks for posting the pics. I see the card from my C.G.. I smile remembering the fun we had dreaming up ideas.

  3. I actually have a storage bin full of cards that I've collected over the years. When I'm going through a particularly rough time (always seems to be once or twice a year) I'll pull it out and start reading through the cards. It is amazing how much good that does me. So, yea, appreciating staff is pretty important.

    --Terrace Crawford

  4. It's in October to battle the devil's holiday.


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Leaving a bad comment = a curse that will cause all of your children to be born bald and naked.