Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Snoring Experiment Part 2

So on Thursday night I tried not one, but two products that claim to reduce snoring. Surprisingly they seem to help. On the first night I didn't wake Monica once. Last night she said my snoring was almost back to normal. So it doesn't heal snoring completely, but it looks like I'll be using these products for a while because they help.


  1. I'd have lost that bet. I can't imagine sticking a piece of tape to your nose does anything other than make you look like a linebacker.

  2. I think that it may be a mixture of the two. I'm too scared to try one without the other. Until my throat feels better I'm sticking with both.

  3. CPAP machine is the way to go.

  4. Kris, I don't know what that is.

  5. We'll talk later. Ha.

    --Terrace Crawford


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