Thursday, January 7, 2010

Flash Mob

Flash Mob (plural flash mobs)

1.A group of people who converge on a spot with little forewarning, perform some action (usually a protest), and disperse quickly.

Thanks If you haven't seen a Flash Mob they are pretty incredible. I don't have a fat clue how someone organizes it but I'm impressed. Check out this madness as the Black Eyed Peas preform on Oprah...amazing! It starts with one lady, but at about 40 seconds the crowd gets involved.


  1. that's almost seemed like most were participating...i would be the one with my back against the wall not moving!

  2. It almost looked like it was some kooky pre-rehearsed dance thing staged for T.V.. There must have been a grassy knoll involved somewhere. Yes, it seems there
    is one in the corner of the video, over by that building used for literature storage.

  3. that was fun! i wonder what the black eyed peas thought :) haha

  4. How do they plan that?!?!? I want to be in one!

  5. I saw a story on this. Yes, it is amazing... Loved it! Apparently the Black Eyed Peas trained these people ahead of time. They didn't go into detail about how they did it but it rocked. That had to take a lot of coordination!

    --Terrace Crawford

  6. This is awesome:) Rob- you do such great posts!!!!!


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