Tuesday, January 19, 2010

More Awesomely Bad Movies

It's time for more Awesomely Bad Movies. Awesomely Bad Movies are movies that you think are awesome, but in reality they are bad movies. Some examples from some of my friends include...

Troop Beverly Hills

Dark Crystal
Sometimes it's hard to admit that a movie you love is Awesomely Bad. If you need help invite someone who has never seen one of your favorite movies to watch it with you. If they say it's awful then there is a good chance it's an Awesomely Bad Movie. So now it's your turn...what are your favorite Awesomely Bad Movies?


  1. I can easily agree on all but Dark Crystal. A lot of levels to that flick, but I will agree that it is odd. To add to the list:

    Howard the Duck
    Batman and Robin (yeah, the Chris O'donnell clunker)
    Mac and Me
    any of the 3 Ninja movies
    Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever
    Oh, there's plenty more, but this'll do for the time being!

  2. I always like The Dark Crystal. I saw it in the theater and liked it. I saw it many years later on late night TV and it held up for me.

  3. Jamey, good list, but I'm pretty sure Catwoman is just bad. JK.

    Daniel, I never saw it as a kid and one of my friends rented it. It was hard for me to take serious. Maybe it's just me.

  4. -Snakes On A Plane (purposely made to fit into this category)
    -Mortal Kombat
    -Santa With Muscles (one of the many Hulk Hogan movies from the 90's)
    -any Steven Seagal movie

  5. Drop Dead Fred
    It's the best worse movie! I Love it.

  6. I actually really love Troop Beverly Hills! It is one of my favorites! One of Philip's awesomely bad favorites is Time Bandits! Hated it, but he LOVES it! I also LOVED Drop Dead Fred! So good!

  7. My favorite awesomely bad movie is Rhinestone with Sylvester Stallone and Dolly Parton. Love that movie!

  8. Drop Dead Fred is the best "Panties she's not wearing any panties"!
    I am pretty much the expert on Awesome movies:
    brain Donors
    Summer School
    problem Child 2
    The possibilties are endless


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