Friday, March 21, 2008

LA Here we come!

So Mon (Mon is short for Monica, my wife....I am acting like people actually read this thing, but the only person who reads it is my wife Monica) and I received our Jay Leno tickets in the mail today! We have to change our Price is Right tickets now because they are for the same day. I am amped about April 7-11. Two Lakers Games, In and Out, Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles, Jay Leno, Shima (Monica's best friend from high school and the person that gave me my favorite wedding gift!), Price is Right and more. I can't wait. We are still holding out for American Idol tickets. I doubt we will get them but we requested them. I am super excited!


  1. I'm really honored to be up there in ranking with Monica because I've been reading too!!! (He He).

    Keep writing!!!!

  2. Thanks for the comment JK...I feel the love!


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