Last night one of my students told me jokingly that they had multiple personalities (at least I think they were joking). I've been thinking about this for some time now, but I believe that we all have multiple or split personality if you will.
Think about it. Almost all of us have experienced the discipline side of us that works out, eats right, and lives healthy. At the same time we have all experienced the couch potato side that considers working out lifting up the TV remote to change the channel, eats everything in sight (making sure we consume the essential food groups of fried, cheese, and extra sugar), and starts wearing pants with elastic at the waste line because they stretch.
We see this in kids. Kids can be cute as a button one minute and then act possessed by Satan himself the next. It's weird to me how some of the most unselfish people I know are also the most selfish. Some of the most laid back people also have the biggest temper. Some of the most insecure people seem to be the most confident. Some of the most Godly people I know do some of the most ungodly things imaginable.
Have you ever wondered why you have the ability to do such good and yet such evil at the same time? To be continued...
good blog.