So camp is over. We arrived back home around 7:00 PM last night. This was 30 minutes later than what I had told parents. We were right on time until our bus driver had to take an alternate route because of an accident. We ended up going across the James River Bridge and right at the top they raised the bridge for a big boat to go under. Cursid boats. Don't get me wrong I love every minute of camp, but I was on the middle school bus (we took two buses and put all the high schoolers on one). That's right...7 hours of pure middle school madness. The middle schoolers were restless, strung out on sugar, and the zoning out affect of watching a movie had worn out. They had resulted to yelling my name out every five minutes with important questions like "how much longer", "what time is it", "can we watch another movie", "can we stop to go to the bathroom". I'm not going to lie I was ready to pass them off to their parents, but I will tell you is awesome and I wish I could do it again on Monday. Here is a pic of everyone that went to camp.

Why is Jamey peeing on all the students??