Last night I attended my first MAN SHOWER. It was in honor of Matt Kuchera who is getting married next month to Kelly Hill. It was a lot of fun. We played poker and ate a lot of food. The girls joined us for the second half of the night and Matt opened manly gifts like tools, we told more MAN SHOWER jokes, and then...we ended up with a photo of all the guys (fully clothed) in the shower. Wouldn't you know it...someone turned it on and got all of us wet.
The night was fun. I was struggling with my Dark Knight hangover (I don't drink alcohol but because I stayed up so late the night before I was exhausted tired and not a lot of fun). Thanks Heather and Kelly for planning it. Great idea! Here are some pics below.

We had a blast, and I need to give a shout out to my man Tim (who was the Man host!) who made ALL THE FOOD and made sure everyone had fun! It was awesome!