It's been two weeks and I am still thinking about the funeral I did for a four month old. I met with the parents the day after the accident and the mom kept asking why. Why would God take her four month old? Why would God allow this to happen?
After asking why over and over again the father spoke up and said, "God must of needed another angel." This was his attempt to answer why.
The truth is that God didn't need another angel. God is complete. God is complete and He doesn't need a four month old baby. That mom does. I don't know what your theology is or what you believe about God, but there is no evidence that a loving God would take a four month old because He needed another angel.
We live in a fallen broken world where cancer exists, people hurt others with their actions, and a mom finds her four month old dead because of an accidental drowning. I don't know why this happened but I know that God didn't need another angel.
As I was reflecting on what I could possibly say at the funeral I thought about if there was anything that I could learn from this tragic situation. The only conclusion that I came to is that we are not guaranteed tomorrow. I often live like every breath is guaranteed. I treat people like they will be around forever. What I learned from doing a four month old's funeral is that I need to cherish every moment with the people I love because we aren't guaranteed tomorrow.
it will mess you up man...burying my cousin...who lived for just a couple months...seeing him in that little 2 foot coffin is still an image that sticks with trite religeous explanantion works to explain it away...but it is in Gods hands
ReplyDeleteI have no answers man. But I know that in an instant a world can be destroyed. Loss of a child, the betrayal of a spouse, an unexpected pink slip, the crash of a car. One second normalcy. The next chaos and questions and .... and silence.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Death and tragedy are consequences of a fallen planet and neither good or bad, young or old are exempt. Makes me doubly thankful for a Savior who redeems us for a world in which there is no death.
ReplyDeleteThere are no words. You cannot explain tragedy. No one can. You can only trust God to heal the pain that they are feeling. My heart goes out to that baby's family.
ReplyDeleteI have always beleived that things happen for a reason.....even though a lot of the times you can't understand or explain the "reason". I just have to believe that God has a plan for each one of us. I agree with you wholeheartedly, "cherish every moment".
ReplyDeleteI believe that everything that happens in life is ultimately for the greater glory of God. Its times like these that leave us question how these situations cause God to be glorified. I was in Colorado when Columbine happened and all I remember was questioning why?
ReplyDeleteWell put. We don't always know the answers, and we have to be okay with that. :( Terrible situation.
ReplyDeleteCherish the moments--hold those you love tight--and know that God remains in control.
ReplyDeleteNo, God doesn't need the 4-month old to be another angel. Neither did He "take" the child. In fact, when we look for someone to blame, we should pay more attention to what Jesus told us about things like this. In John 10 we're told that the thief (not the Lord) comes to kill, steal and destroy, but Jesus came that we may have life. Let's not forget that we have an enemy, and the things that give us joy are his #1 targets.