Number 1:
Today I battled a snake...
I went out to get the mail this afternoon (I often times refer to getting the mail as an adventure)and on my way back a snake, about three feet long, slithered from the side of my house to my front door. The snake was wigging out which made me a little nervous. He/she was slithering up the front door and then falling back to the ground. It then started hissing at me and wagging it's tail like it was a rattle snake, but it didn't have a rattle. It was hitting the front door pretty hard and I was nervous Monica would hear the commotion and open the front door. This would have been bad for two reasons. 1. Monica's worst fear in life is snakes. 2. The snake would have got into our house.
So after a lengthy stair down I walked to the front of my house trying to give the snake some time to calm down and then slither away. He didn't. At this point I'm really nervous because I have been gone for a while and I don't want Monica opening the door to check on me.
I walk over the side of the house and I start yelling Monica whatever you do don't open the front door. She didn't respond. I then threw a stick at the snake. I hit him/her. It didn't move. I went back over to the side of my house and this time the snake slithered away from the front door and to the front of my house.
The snake went into one of the bushes in front of my house and I ran inside to grab a weapon of mass destruction. I found a shovel. I took the shovel and hit the bush. Hitting the bush scared the devil out of the snake and he shook like crazy. I did this two more times and on the third time he/she slithered out of the bush and around the front of the house and I think it went under ground. Monica captured some of the action from the safety of our house. The picture is of me trying to stab at the snake who is now under ground with my shovel. I guess today getting the mail really was an adventure.

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