One would think that playing racquetball with a nearly crippled 98 year old would equal a victory...
The other day I went to play racquetball with my friend Dan Peters. While we were at the gym we were asked to play cutthroat (racquetball with three people). I kindly declined. Immediately when I saw this guy I knew he would destroy us. The guy looked like he was 98 years old, but I could tell he was a wise old sage in the game. You see racquetball is one of those sports where you don't have to be incredibly athletic or even quick. It's all about placement and control.
After a little pressure from the 98 year old (not actual age...he might have been 103) we gave in and decided to play. When the 98 year old got up he could hardly walk. He hobbled like he had arthritis throughout his whole body. I'm telling you he could barely move.
In our first game I think he was just testing us. He wanted to see how good we were...or better yet how good we were not. I won the first game. The second game was a different story. He destroyed us. I didn't score a point. Now the cool thing about playing this guy is that he used to be a racquetball instructor. All throughout the game he would give us pointers to help our game out.
As we left the court I told Dan that I really enjoyed playing the 98 year old. Sure it's embarrassing getting destroyed by a guy who was around when bathrooms were called out houses, but the only way to get better is to be around better people. This guy was like our very own Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars. I love being around people that are better, smarter, and wiser than I am. It helps stretch me. I think we need people like this in life. We need people to point out how we could be better. We need people to model how life should be done. We need people to inspire us to be better than we are. Who do you know that stretches you? If you don't know anyone is it because you avoid them or because you haven't searched for them? Whether it's reading a blog, a book, or asking someone to mentor you it's healthy to be stretched out of complacency by someone who is at another level than you are. So who stretches you? Who is your Obi-Wan Kenobi?
aside from commenting on every single blog of yours (and having my friends give you hints), and getting back to my quota of 5 out of 7 blog days a week, how else does one get added to the list of robshep.com's favorite blogs?
ReplyDeleteIt's done. I didn't really think anyone ever looked at those. I guess I was just being lazy because I haven't added Brian Miller yet either.
ReplyDeleteI literally know Obi Wan Kenobi. He lives in the woods of Newport News Park, and I trek out there to receive wisdom... and occasionally chase sand-people for sport. Not sure why sand people also reside in NN Park..... but I don't ask questions when I hear that distinctive yell, and they start popping out from behind trees wielding their gaffi sticks
ReplyDeleteJake's comment is hilarious. It made me snicker out loud, which is embarrassing when you're in a small office with 3 other people and you should be doing work.
ReplyDeleteWhile you're updating favorite blogs, get rid of Kuchera's the machine is permanently broken.
Rob, i feel like this 98 year old man is more of a yoda figure. The way you describe him struggling to even get up from a seated position reminds me how yoda uses his cane to walk with, but then kicks butt with his lightsaber.
ReplyDeleteGood point Brad. The guy did act more like Yoda, but he looked like Obi Wan. He was an old white guy with a beard.