So coming up in just a few short weeks the wife and I are going on vacation. Well, we actually have two weeks off for vacation but we have nothing planned. Why you ask? We have 3 month old twins. Every idea that we come up with seems like work and not a vacation. We can't pawn them off on someone else for two weeks. It's way too much work. So here is where you come in...
Is it possible to vacation with babies? What is your best vacation idea for parents with 3 month old babies?
You can visit the funny farm they are creating and let them watch you deal with life. Then again, I suspect they wouldn't care. it has been so long ago over 32 since our youngest was that age that I can't even remember what we did besides barely survive. :)
ReplyDeleteIt is really no problem vacationing with children that small... it is when they get older and start to complain about where you picked that becomes a problem... better go now while you still have the chance to enjoy it !!!
ReplyDeleteYou could go to the mall and push them around. That's all I would say you could do.
ReplyDeleteThe best thing is one week for the children at grandparent set #1 spa and resort. Then the next week they can visit grandparent set #2 dude ranch. Then you and M can fly off to some exotic location and get away, or better yet, just stay home and recharge! You should have just come to me first. I am the answer man.
ReplyDeleteIt's possible if you understand your babies' schedule. We worked to get both of our girls on a 3-hour rotation, and we drove from Indiana to Florida with them when each of them was under a year old. The key was to plan out stops every 2.5 to 3 hours to match their feeding schedule and to change them, but you probably would already do that anyway to gas up your vehicle, take a stretch, visit the rest room, etc.
ReplyDeleteDon't pass out until you read all of this........Camping!
ReplyDeleteBut NOT the tent variety.
( Tho that's fun too - but not yet! )
Many campgrounds offer little cottages nestled in the mountains or near the beach. Reasonably priced, fun & its a change of scenery.
Look for ones with nearby restaurants so Monica gets a break too...
: )
Its a family favorite. Instead of a birthday party, my twins ask to go camping ~ again!
KOA's are usually very well kept... Check ~ not all cottages have AC
"Camping" in a cabin at Wintergreen or a villa at Massanutten... SO fun and relaxing, plus they both have resort-type amenities, so you could send Monica off for a massage, while you relax with the twins by the pool, or vice versa!
ReplyDeleteDude, you can't vacation! I don't care where you go or what you do, its just "home" somewhere else, except you don't have all your stuff and the place isn't babyproofed! Either drop em off, take some help with you (I recommend college student - cheap/free) or just deal with the fact that you can vacation in 5 years
ReplyDeletePick a destination and go. Having 2 babies is like taking pets. You do not need to let life stop you from going. Me personally I would go someplace cooler because it is so hot ..heat = unhappy. I would not recommend camping especially for a first family vacation its a lot of working getting set up. Get those papoose type of carriers and go. Get away from technology and unplug. Let God speak to you and M enjoy every aspect of being a dad without the world right on top of you. Do not worry so much about child proofing everything just GO!
ReplyDeleteFor us (like some others have mentioned) it was working around the little ones' schedules. Especially the ones who need morning naps. If we were at the beach/pool, we'd do stuff early after breakfast then spend before lunch, lunch, and after lunch inside. Then we'd do something before dinner while it wasn't too hot outside. :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with Steve. Life doesn't stop because you have kids...and I promise you it will be easier to travel with them THIS year than next. I also agree that you should go somewhere where you can rent a cabin with all the amenities of HOME. I would try to go somewhere cooler just because it would be easier to take the babies out. I cringe everytime I see a hot baby in a stroller at a theme park or something. So, ON the beach or in the mountains is probably a good place to start. Go and have some fun!
ReplyDeleteBest thing to do, whatever stresses you and your lovely bride the least or conversely whatever sounds like the most fun. I've known people who traveled early and often with their kids and had fun. For us, my wife tends to be a worrier so sometimes the pre-trip stress carried all the way through and the vacation wasn't all that fun. For us those first couple years of vacationing weren't all that great.
ReplyDeleteIf possible, I echo the ideas of doing something where there are other potential helpers. The vacation might be fun but if it's just you and wife you don't really get a break.
The barely survive is what makes me just want to stay home for vacation.
ReplyDeleteThanks. But with everything we would have to load up for two babies I don't know if we would enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteYes you are. Now let's just hope grandparents can last for one whole week with em.
ReplyDeleteThanks. We do understand their schedule. Once you got to Florida were you able to enjoy it or was it just a lot of work with babies?
ReplyDeletePassing ou.....
ReplyDeleteInteresting. I have been there in the summer and it is nice.
ReplyDeleteThank you. This is how I feel. Since you have young kids you would know.
ReplyDeleteSteve, thanks but that is why I have never owned a pet as an adult. I like the idea of getting away. I just don't like the idea of lugging all their stuff with us.
ReplyDeleteI hope we can. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI like how you think.
ReplyDeleteHead away for a short time. If you can, take an inlaw or someone you trust with you. Then, when the twins go down for the night, you might be able to go on a date.
ReplyDeleteIf you're staying home, take turns planning mini-outings. Routine is key with twins, but so is not being a slave to it.
Good luck.
I don't remember it being too bad... once we got there, we made sure that we tried to keep to her nap schedule too, so we would try to plan in 15 minutes to a half hour of driving before nap time because that would usually put her to sleep.