Saturday, June 18, 2011

If I Ever Spoke At a Graduation

Yesterday I had the privilege to go to a high school graduation. Congrats to all the graduates that represented Waters Edge! It reminded me of a post that I did two years ago. In case you missed it here it is again with a few additions...

At the graduation I found my mind drifting. I don't know what you think about when your mind wanders off, but on this occasion I was thinking about what I would say if I ever had the opportunity to speak at a high school graduation. Here's what I came up with.

Class of blah blah and blah. Let me be straight with you. Today is a historic day for you. For some of you it is the end of the best years of your life. Most of you aren't going to make a difference in this world. The majority of you will end up working in jobs that you hate. You won't be able to quit because you have to pay the bills. According to statistics those bills will include at least $7,000 of credit card debt. The majority of you will find love and get married. At least half of you will get a divorce. Most of you will never become famous. Most of you will never make your dreams a reality. Like I said most of you won't make a difference in this world.

Unless...unless your willing to do what few people are willing to do. I believe that if you want what few people have you have to be willing to do what few people are willing to do. If you want to make a difference then you have do something different than the status quo. If you want to work at your dream job then you have to be willing to take a chance. You have to be willing to fail and learn from your failures. If you want to enjoy life then you have to resist instant gratification and Visa. If you want a marriage that lasts you have to be willing to do what few people are willing to do and that is put your spouses needs ahead of your own. I know you are a few years from marriage but you can put your spouses needs ahead of your own today by learning to put others first. You can honor your spouse today even though you don't know them by saving yourself for them. 

Today is the beginning of the rest or your life. If you want to make a difference then you have to be different. Refuse to settle for what everyone has. Instead dream big, but work hard until that dream becomes a reality. If you want what few people have you have to be willing to do what few people are willing to do. Congratulations and may you prove me wrong.

I don't know maybe it's harsh. It's just what I came up with as my mind wandered.
Congratulations to the guys in my Student Community Group. May you do what few people are willing to do!
Dillon Tulip - you have the potential to change the next generation. Keep living for God. I pray that Hayden can be an example like you were in high school.
Austin Bouthille - people like you. Lead em to Jesus and watch how it changes your life. You are more of a leader then you know.
Alex Vanecek - I believe in you. You are funny! But more than that you have a great heart. I remember when you thought God was calling you to ministry. I believe that He is going to use you.
Brian Hammons - I thank God that you started coming to my group. God has plans for you that are bigger then you could ask or imagine.
Mitch Outten - You have a servants heart. You love Jesus. Keep living for Him. You won't regret it!
Mark Carr - I have been blessed getting to know you at group. You are special and I don't mean that in a handicap kind of way. You are a great guy and full of potential.
Davy Saunders - your flips are fantastic, but you are more than hardcore parkour. Thanks for bringing your posse to Waters Edge. I'm glad our groups merged so that I could get to know you better.
Jacob Waller - you are one unique dude. Reading through the Bible I see that God likes to use unique people. Don't ever change who you are. Stay original. 
Cord Chipman - you went from being the only student that I have ever almost sent home from camp to being a leader in our group. We joke you about the floozies all the time, but you are a man of God and I'm glad to know you. 
Steven Barnes - I still don't know why they call you Bruce. What I do know is that you have more potential then you realize. God wants to use you in college to impact others for Him.


  1. Your address to the students is right on, but I am not sure that it would play well in a graduation ceremony. The best part of this post was your list of congrats. I love how you invest in people and make a difference.

  2. I like that you took the time to compliment each of these guys, and highlight their strengths! Way to build them up, Rob!

  3. I like the speech Rob, although I seriously doubt the admin would be thrilled that you laid it on the line like you did (especially the credit card companies).  Also thought your words at the end to each of the guys was powerful. Way to speak into their lives. 

  4. I wish you had spoke at my graduation... I am in a dead end job that I hate with $7,000 in credit card debt.

  5. Thanks Bill. Have a great vacation! See you on the blog when you get back.

  6. Leah, thanks. I doubt many of them will read it but just in case I wanted them to know how I felt.

  7. Dustin, thanks. I try to speak truth into their lives. I just hope they hear it.

  8. Thanks Daniel! How you doing this weekend?

  9. WOW! So touching. Every young man,  needs a man they respect to publicly praise them. It is life changing.

  10. This is great - what an honor to speak into the lives of these young people!

  11. Awesome man. Good words and special shout-outs.

  12. Heather, I agree. I try to speak public truth whenever I think it. If I think something nice I try to say it.

  13. Leanne, I bet you were an amazing grad speaker.

  14. You're an awesome influence in those kids' lives. Great job, Rob.


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