Thursday, June 30, 2011

3 Questions

So last week I had a blast on this blog by simply asking 3 questions. It spurred a ton of comments and great discussion. Check it here. I love getting to know the faithful readers of I'm scared to try it again for fear that it will be like the movie Speed 2...a hot mess that doesn't go over as well as the original. I'll never know unless I try so here goes something...

3 Questions
  1. More embarrassing - being caught picking your nose or being caught picking your underwear out of your butt?
  2. What was the first album that you ever bought?
  3. What is one chore you wish you never had to do again?
My answers:
1. Being caught picking your underwear is way worse. Just say you have allergies or your nose itches and move on. You get caught picking your butt and nobody is shaking your hand that day.
2. DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince - Parents Just Don't Understand. It was a tape and I bought it with my allowance. I loved that tape.
3. Take care of the flower beds. Hate it!

Okay, now it's your turn. This is an all play. Answer the questions and let's get to know one another like e-harmony minus the falling in love part.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I Need A Laundry List

I hate doing laundry. Now let me clarify. I hate doing laundry since I got married. Okay, now I really need to clarify. I hate doing laundry since I got married because I jack it up. When I did laundry as a single guy I never messed with any of the dials on the washer or dryer. I knew to separate colors but I just threw them in to whatever setting they were on. My wife on the other hand changes the dials based on the type of clothes that are being washed. I try to remember everything but I never do it right. I forget to turn the dial to hot/cold. Or I forget to turn the dryer to permanent press. It's frustrating to me. It's frustrating to my wife as well.

Now we could have fought about it. The conversation could have gone like this...

Monica: It's not that hard to remember a few dial settings!"
Rob: You are right, but I don't do the laundry as often as you. Because of that I forget. I'm trying to help you!
Monica: Your help is no help at all. You jack up all the clothes. What are you stupid?!
Rob: Well that comment jacked up my anger. Now I'm going to show you what stupid is!
(Rob takes dirty laundry and throws it all over the front lawn.)
Monica: Well that was dumb. Now you have to clean it up.
Rob: That's what you think!
(Rob pulls out the lawn mower)
(Rob mows the lawn and destroys their clothes).

Thankfully we didn't have that conversation. Thankfully our conversation went like this...

Rob: I'm sorry I mess up every time I do the laundry. You know what would help me? If you could print out a list of all the settings and put it in the laundry room.
Monica: I'll see what I can do.

The next time I did the  laundry this list was laminated and in a place where I could see it...



1. Choose water level.
2. Water temperature- Cold/Cold
3. Speeds- Normal
4. Ultra Clean Notch 8


1. Choose water level.
2. Water temperature- Hot/Cold
3. Speeds- Normal
4. Ultra Clean Notch 8

For the babies whites, use bleach. Fill corner notch 2 times with bleach. Be very careful for your clothes you are wearing. I wipe it dry with one of their burp cloths after I’ve poured it.


1. Choose water level.
2. Water temperature- Warm/Cold
3. Speeds- Normal
4. Ultra Clean Notch 8


Timed Dry- 45 minutes
Fabric Temperature- Normal/Permanent Press (Medium High)

One thing that I've learned in marriage is that if you win a fight you've really lost. You've lost because you've hurt your spouse. Many couples treat marriage like it's a boxing match. They spar it out. They throw punches until they knock out their opponent. The problem is that when you've won the fight the love of your life is laying on the floor, and destroyed by your vicious attack. Because it's boxing you've been hit pretty hard too. I want my marriage to be more like a team sport. We may argue with each other but our end result is finding a solution that we can agree on. We win when we solve the issue together.

I forget how to do the laundry the way my wife likes it. What is one thing that you constantly forget how to do?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

25 Things I'd Rather Do Than Sit In Traffic

Over the weekend I sat in traffic not once but twice while going to VA Beach. While sitting in it the second time I started thinking about other things I'd rather be doing than sitting in traffic. Here's my list...
  1. Watch Twilight without Monica. I hate Twilight but I will watch it with my wife. It's awful but I'd rather watch it then sit in traffic.
  2. Read Twilight books. The movies are bad but I'd always pick the movie over the book. Reading this would be awful but I'd rather read it than sit in traffic.
  3. Go to the doctor. I like that we have doctors, but I hate going to them. They poke and prod you and then make you take gross medicine. I dread going to the doctor. It's awful but I'd rather go than sit in traffic.
  4. Get a rash. Rashes are gross but I'd rather get one than sit in traffic (as long as it went away).
  5. Take my shirt off in public. I'm not a fan of having my shirt off in public but I'd rather do that than sit in traffic.
  6. Babysit a cat. I'm not a pet person. I think animals were created to be enjoyed outside and on dinner plates. No offense pet lovers. There's not much I like less than cats, but I'd rather babysit one than sit in traffic.
  7. Listen to a baby cry. A crying baby is not fun, but I'd rather do that than sit in traffic.
  8. Sneeze and fart at the same time. Have you ever done that? It's awful. It kind of hurts. I don't think that much force should come out of both ends of your body. It's rough but I'd rather do that than sit in traffic.
  9. Eat broccoli without cheese. I like broccoli with lots of cheese. Without I'm not a fan. But I'd rather eat it than sit in traffic.
  10. Watch a reality dancing show. I like reality TV but I don't like reality dancing TV. It's boring to me, but I'd rather watch it than sit in traffic.
  11. Run. I hate running. I run because it helps me lose weight. At least when I run I am doing something productive. I'd rather run than sit in traffic.
  12. Have a tickle fight with a stranger. I'm not a touchy feely person. To have a tickle fight with a complete stranger would be awful, but I'd rather do that than sit in traffic.
  13. Smell the cheese. Who cut the cheese? I don't know but I'd rather smell it than sit in traffic.
  14. Get my back waxed. I've never waxed my back but it looks painful. As long as it took less time than the time I sat in traffic this past weekend I'd rather have my back waxed than sit in traffic. 
  15. Suffer through the Buffalo Wild Wings Blazin' challenge. 12 blazin wings, 6 minutes, no water, and no wiping your face in any way. It's torture but I'd rather suffer through that than sit in traffic.
  16. Watch a New World. Have you seen that movie? It's like having your life move in slow motion. If I am ever told that I only have two hours to live I'm watching that movie because it will make my last two hours seem like an eternity. It's boring but I'd rather watch that than sit in traffic.
  17. Wear a suit. I hate wearing a suit. I wouldn't own one if it weren't for the fact that most weddings and funerals require them. I hate dressing up in a suit but I'd rather do that than sit in traffic.
  18. Change a poopy diaper. I change a lot of those these days. Some make me gag. Others make me gag violently. I'd rather change diapers forever than ever have to sit in traffic again.
  19. Floss. I don't like to floss. It hurts. My gums bleed. I forget to do it until two weeks before my dentist visit. I hate flossing but I'd rather do that than sit in traffic.
  20. Drink Diet Mtn. Dew. Diet Mtn. Dew shouldn't exist in my opinion. It gives the amazing beverage that is Mtn. Dew a bad name. I'd rather dink Diet Mtn. Dew than sit in traffic.
  21. Watch an episode of Barney. Is Barney still around? I hope not. I don't want my kids having to suffer through that. Barney is low quality TV but I'd rather watch that than sit in traffic.
  22. Go skiing. Some people like to ski. Those people are not me. I went once and I fell a lot. I don't like falling. I like trying to get up on skis even less. I'd rather go skiing than sit in traffic.
  23. Root for the Celtics. Being a Lakers fan it goes against everything in me to cheer for the enemy. But I'd rather cheer for the Celtics than sit in traffic.
  24. Go camping. I hate camping. Camping is not vacation. It's going backwards to a much less civilized time. Sleeping on the ground in a hot tent is awful but I'd rather do that than sit in traffic.
  25. Pluck my nose hairs. It hurts to pluck a nose hair. It hurts like a mother. I'd rather pluck a nose hair than sit in traffic.
Now as I was compiling my list I Jesus Juked myself. I started thinking about why I didn't use that time to pray. Instead of complaining I could have spent the time talking to God. I hate that I wasted an opportunity to talk my creator. Maybe next time.

So what would you rather do than sit in traffic?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Questions Prevent Burning Powder

Warning: The following post contains WTMI (Way Too Much Information). You've been warned.

Questions prevent burning powder. Those seem like random words, but they are oh so dom. What is dom you ask? Dom is the second half of the compound word random. The first half is ran which means "To move around in a hurried direction." The second half is dom which means "A title prefixed to the names of some Roman Catholic dignitaries and Benedictine and Carthusian monks." In other words, after you read this post "Questions Prevent Burning Powder" will make complete sense.

I've been jogging with a friend of mine. I always like jogging with other people better than by myself. It makes the time go by faster and it allows me to get to know someone better. Well, this particular friend started off the jog by telling me about Gold Bond Medicated Powder. He said that it feels really nice and that he used it after a shower. At first I was a little weirded out that we were talking about after shower powder, but then I started thinking about it. This guy is a runner. He runs races. Maybe he is on to something, and he's just sharing his knowledge with me. Later that night I asked Monica to pick me up some from the store.

A few weeks later I had my very own bottle of Gold Bond Medicated Powder. I quickly learned that I should have asked more questions about this powder. I discovered instantly that...
  1. I don't have a fat clue how to put on after shower powder. My bathroom looked like a winter wonder land exploded. Powder goes everywhere when you try to put it on.
  2. He didn't tell me that it burned like Fabio holding a blowtorch and attacking a tub of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.

So now I have a quandary. Do I keep using this burning powder that turns my bathroom into the North Pole, or do I throw away an entire bottle minus one use? Or I could strike up the nerve to ask this friend about the powder and pray it's not too weird of a conversation.

I often don't ask the right people the right questions. I tend to learn from mistakes. I think it's great to learn from our mistakes, but it is less painful to seek wise counsel.

The Bible says, "Who is wise? Let them realize these things. Who is discerning? Let them understand. The ways of the LORD are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them." Hosea 14:9 (NIV).

Did you catch the end of that verse? If you find yourself stumbling, could it be that you are not asking the right people the right questions? When we seek out wise counsel and ask them the right questions we can learn to become wise.

I wish that I did this more. There have been many times when I am faced with a situation that I seek wise counsel. I believe with all my heart the truth in this verse, "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm." Proverbs 13:20. When you seek wisdom you will find it. When you hang out with fools you will suffer harm.

Before you date someone, get married, have kids, take a job, move to a new house, or make any major or minor decision you should seek wise counsel. I wish I would have thought of this before my adventure with the after shower powder.

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being never and 10 being always, if you're honest, how good are you at seeking wisdom?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Double Feature Movie Review: Super 8

This is part two of a double feature movie review. Enjoy.

I think the 1980's produced the best movies of any decade ever. Three Indiana Jones, Two Star Wars, Karate Kid, Back to the Future, Ferris Bueller, Batman, Goonies, and Die Hard are just a few of the classics from that decade. The reason that 80's movies resonate so well is that they are creative stories that didn't copy anything from the past. The special affects in movies today destroy the special affects of the 80's, but so far this decade has struggled producing new original characters. Think about it, besides Jack Sparrow what other iconic movie character has been created in the last ten years? You can't count Harry Potter because that started as a book. Even if you do count Harry there aren't many others. I say all of that to make a point, Super 8 has the special affects of today but feels like it's out of the 80's.

Super 8 has a compelling story that makes you feel for the characters. I can't tell you how many times I leave a movie theater and think to myself, "every person in that movie could have died and it wouldn't have mattered to me." Not in this film. The acting is stellar. The Directing is amazing. The story is original. The only flaw that I found in this movie was that it's so good it makes me that more critical of other movies. Why can't other movies take the time to develop characters? Why can't other movies not settle for some good special affects...ahem ahem...Transformers 2...and actually create a plot that is worthy of two hours of our time?

Super 8 is intense and it has some scares in it. Even though it stars kids it's not a kids film. I don't recommend bringing little kid. It's rated PG-13 for some swears, action violence, and intensity. I give it two thumbs up.
Rob's Rating System =
Two Thumbs Up - A great movie worth paying full price.
One Thumb Up - A decent attempt and worth seeing at a matinee price.
Thumb to the side - An ok film, but wait for video.
Thumb down - A stinker of a film. Don't waste you life seeing it.

Double Feature Movie Review: Green Lantern

This is post part one in a double feature movie review. Stay tuned for later today to read the second post.

When it comes to big budget superhero movies the spectrum ranges from Hulk (awful, art house, mess of a movie) to The Dark Knight (amazing, one of the best films of all time, captivating story). I'm a sucker for superhero flicks. I typically end up buying the good and the bad on video. Green Lantern falls somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. Somewhere near Fantastic Four. It's not the worst superhero movie of all time but it is galaxies away from the best.

The problem with the Green Lantern is it's too much movie and not enough plot. What I mean is that the movie jumps from earth to space multiple times. Each time it introduces characters but it never goes into depth for any of the supporting cast. The movie sets out to be epic and it feels like a fat guy in a little coat. The size of the movie doesn't fit no matter how hard it tries.

If you love movies and you love superhero movies then catch this one for a matinee. If not then just wait till it hits video and rent it. It's rated PG-13 for a few swears and some action violence. I give it a thumb to the side.

Rob's Rating System =
Two Thumbs Up - A great movie worth paying full price.
One Thumb Up - A decent attempt and worth seeing at a matinee price.
Thumb to the side - An ok film, but wait for video.
Thumb down - A stinker of a film. Don't waste you life seeing it.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

3 Questions

I love sharing my life with the readers of this blog. I also love getting to know the readers. So here are three questions for you to answer.
  1. Do you always wash new underwear before wearing it?
  2. What was the first car that you owned?
  3. What reality TV show would you like to be on?
Okay, this is an all play. Answer the three easy questions in the comments and let's get to know one another like eHarmony minus the intention of falling in love.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Moral Turpitude of Watching The Bachelorette: A Guest Post By Knox McCoy

Knox McCoy has the coolest name in the history of blogging. He's laugh out loud funny, this generations the Fonze, and a big fan of the Bacherlorette. That brings a huge dilemma to me. I hate the Bachelorette and make fun of guys that watch it. That might change after this guest post. Enjoy...

The Moral Turpitude of Watching The Bachelorette

In an existential panic recently, Rob contacted me about a conflict so deeply embedded in his soul that it was interrupting his circadian rhythm. Naturally, I was alarmed for him. But it got me thinking: Rob probably isn't the only human grappling with the conflict he spoke to me about. In fact, it may be something many of you are experiencing. I'm here for you.

Today, let me be your Oprah. No. Let me be your Dr. Phil. NAY! Let me be a conglomeration of the two: Dr. Phil Winfrey or Dr. OpraPhilfrey. Try that one on. Goes down smooth doesn't it? I think I like that one the best. You know what? I'm rambling. I'm sorry. It doesn't matter what we call me. Just let me help.

There's a little show on television right now called The Bachelorette. Maybe you've heard of it? I got swept up in it a few years ago and now I spend my Monday nights writing 6,000+ word recaps about the show. Did you read that? That number isn't an exaggeration. See for yourself here. So naturally, when Rob contacted me in a moral quandary about watching the show, I understood his plight. So let me try to properly contextualize the show for you and see if that might answer some of the fundamental issues plaguing you.

Essentially, The Bachelor/Bachelorette is like if the Song of Solomon was put into the form of a reality TV show. Except the exact opposite. It's an absolute dumpster fire of a premise and the entire show is conducted with the smarminess of a Grey Poupon commercial.

In over 20 iterations of the premise, the show has led to a total of 3 marriages, 232,456 covers of US Weekly, and a derivative show called The Bachelor Pad that is so insanely moronic that even the Sunnis and the Shiites pause their feuding to briefly unite in the wake of it's stupidity. So they're like 3 for 24 in terms of matchmaking and though I'm not a mathematician, my powers of deduction tell me that it's a less than awesome success to failure ratio.
So the question becomes, what is the allure of a show that in no way acts as a conduit of love and is a veritable Ellis Island for fame-mongers? Why do I spill all that vitriol towards the show but yet still devote myself wholly to it on Monday nights like Kermit to Ms. Piggy?

Easy. Because the show is completely unaware and oblivious to itself. It is our generation's version of Mystery Science Theater and if you aren't watching it, you are missing 120 minutes where you can guiltlessly rip on the contestants for bizarre and intellectually-challenged behavior. Every episode is a cornucopia of idiocy, hyperbole, and grandiose cliches about love. And you know what? It's fantastic.

For me, the lure of the show is that it's so stupid, it's funny. It's like a joke where everyone knows the punchline but yet the joke-tellers ALL firmly believe that it's the first time the joke has ever been told. Every season, gallons of tears are cried and teeth are gnashed all under the notion that true love can be acquired through something like 36 total minutes of alone time throughout the course of the show. But the thing is, the participants all TRULY believe that they are treading the same ground where history's great romantics have trod before. But it's less Romeo and Juliet and more Britney and KFed.
So if you are feeling that tug on your soul to watch the show but your better judgment tells you to steer clear, just give in. Allow yourself to fall in love with watching ignorant, but attractive, people grasping at the concept of love like two obese hillbillies fighting over pork rinds. You won't regret it and that's a guarantee straight from Dr. OpraPhilfrey. I know, right?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Attack of the Squirrels

My friend Matt tells true stories that are unbelievable. For example, he once took a job as an exterminator. He found the job by reading an ad in the paper. His interview consisted of one question: can you catch rodents? Matt, being the hunter that he is, said "yes." He was then told to wait for a call for his first assignment.

A few days later he got a call. Without any training or equipment, Matt went to a house to get rid of a squirrel problem. The squirrels were in the attic. They had found a hole in the roof and had made themselves at home. Matt said there were dozens of them. So Matt, with his bare hands, tries to capture a squirrel. Somehow he catches one, but doesn't really think through his actions. Squirrels don't just cuddle up with you when you catch them. They squirm, bite, and act crazy. With all the commotion the squirrel was making, Matt lost track of his footing and took a step...a step through the ceiling. Luckily for him the attic was over the bedroom. Next thing you know Matt is laying on a stranger's bed and looking straight up at the ceiling. Well, the posse of squirrels must have thought that what Matt just did was fun because next thing you know it starts raining squirrels. Matt says that dozens of squirrels started pouring down onto him and onto this stranger's bed. Like I said it's a true story that is unbelievable.

Now when I first heard the story I laughed my face off. Once I settled down I started asking questions. Why would a company not give you a uniform or at least a weapon of mass destruction to take out an army of squirrels? Why wouldn't they make sure you were trained? What in the world did the woman say to Matt after she walked into her bedroom and saw him sprawled out on her bed, cuddled up with dozens of squirrels? Matt jumped into something without asking any questions. He was in over his head and chaos ensued. Needless to say Matt only worked one day for this company.

Now you might not be able to relate to Matt's squirrel story but I bet you can relate to jumping into something without asking any questions. I know I can.
Here are some areas where people jump into things and don't ask many questions:
  • Dating.
  • Marriage.
  • Raising Kids.
Think about your dating life. Did you do any research on how to date? My guess is probably not. You just jumped in and try to figure it out, right?

What about marriage? I know many people who get engaged without getting premarital counseling, reading a book, or talking about which way the toilet paper should roll off the roll. Hey, that's really important.

Then there are kids. I think more people do research here when it deals with babies, but what about when your baby grows into a kid or a teenager?

I am notorious for jumping into situations and not asking questions. I've gotten in way over my head way too many times. But I did some research before I started dating, got married, or had kids. Here are some books that are great reads depending on what stage of life you are in.

Dating - 10 Commandments Of Dating by Ben Young.
Marriage - The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, and The Creative Marriage by Ed Young Jr.
Kids - Babywise by Gary Ezzo and Dr. Robert Bucknam, The Father Connection by Josh McDowell.

Whether it's going to rid an attic of squirrels, dating, getting married, or raising kids we should do some research before we get in over our head.

What books would you recommend for dating, marriage, or raising kids?

Monday, June 20, 2011

I Love Being A Dad

Yesterday was Father's Day. It was my first. I didn't know what to expect. After all my kids are only 12 weeks old. They can't write, speak, or buy me stuff. A great gift from them would be to sleep through the night or to not poo for one day only. Maybe next year.

Even though my kids don't have a fat clue that for one day a year they are forced to celebrate me I still had an amazing day. My wife is a rock star. I came home from church to this...
Pictured Above: Reese and Hayden with two gifts.

Pictured Above: Hayden rockn' a matching outfit with his dad. Look how happy he looks.

Pictured Above: Reese rockn' her I Love Daddy shirt.

Now it gets better. My wife loaded up the kids to drive to Chipotle, picked up lunch, and brought it home for me. Amazing!

I know that my kids are little. I often think that they don't have a fat clue who I am. I mean they cry, eat, and even smile no matter who is holding them. But even though they don't bring anything to the table I love being their dad!

Reese and Hayden, I know you can't read. I wish you could because I want you to know how much I love you. I am not perfect, but I promise to be the best dad I can. I will do my best to turn off my cell phone and give you my undivided attention. I will do my best to be interested in what you are interested in. I will do my best to not embarrass you. I will do my best to be the best dad in the world. I love you.

What did you get your dad for Father's Day?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

If I Ever Spoke At a Graduation

Yesterday I had the privilege to go to a high school graduation. Congrats to all the graduates that represented Waters Edge! It reminded me of a post that I did two years ago. In case you missed it here it is again with a few additions...

At the graduation I found my mind drifting. I don't know what you think about when your mind wanders off, but on this occasion I was thinking about what I would say if I ever had the opportunity to speak at a high school graduation. Here's what I came up with.

Class of blah blah and blah. Let me be straight with you. Today is a historic day for you. For some of you it is the end of the best years of your life. Most of you aren't going to make a difference in this world. The majority of you will end up working in jobs that you hate. You won't be able to quit because you have to pay the bills. According to statistics those bills will include at least $7,000 of credit card debt. The majority of you will find love and get married. At least half of you will get a divorce. Most of you will never become famous. Most of you will never make your dreams a reality. Like I said most of you won't make a difference in this world.

Unless...unless your willing to do what few people are willing to do. I believe that if you want what few people have you have to be willing to do what few people are willing to do. If you want to make a difference then you have do something different than the status quo. If you want to work at your dream job then you have to be willing to take a chance. You have to be willing to fail and learn from your failures. If you want to enjoy life then you have to resist instant gratification and Visa. If you want a marriage that lasts you have to be willing to do what few people are willing to do and that is put your spouses needs ahead of your own. I know you are a few years from marriage but you can put your spouses needs ahead of your own today by learning to put others first. You can honor your spouse today even though you don't know them by saving yourself for them. 

Today is the beginning of the rest or your life. If you want to make a difference then you have to be different. Refuse to settle for what everyone has. Instead dream big, but work hard until that dream becomes a reality. If you want what few people have you have to be willing to do what few people are willing to do. Congratulations and may you prove me wrong.

I don't know maybe it's harsh. It's just what I came up with as my mind wandered.
Congratulations to the guys in my Student Community Group. May you do what few people are willing to do!
Dillon Tulip - you have the potential to change the next generation. Keep living for God. I pray that Hayden can be an example like you were in high school.
Austin Bouthille - people like you. Lead em to Jesus and watch how it changes your life. You are more of a leader then you know.
Alex Vanecek - I believe in you. You are funny! But more than that you have a great heart. I remember when you thought God was calling you to ministry. I believe that He is going to use you.
Brian Hammons - I thank God that you started coming to my group. God has plans for you that are bigger then you could ask or imagine.
Mitch Outten - You have a servants heart. You love Jesus. Keep living for Him. You won't regret it!
Mark Carr - I have been blessed getting to know you at group. You are special and I don't mean that in a handicap kind of way. You are a great guy and full of potential.
Davy Saunders - your flips are fantastic, but you are more than hardcore parkour. Thanks for bringing your posse to Waters Edge. I'm glad our groups merged so that I could get to know you better.
Jacob Waller - you are one unique dude. Reading through the Bible I see that God likes to use unique people. Don't ever change who you are. Stay original. 
Cord Chipman - you went from being the only student that I have ever almost sent home from camp to being a leader in our group. We joke you about the floozies all the time, but you are a man of God and I'm glad to know you. 
Steven Barnes - I still don't know why they call you Bruce. What I do know is that you have more potential then you realize. God wants to use you in college to impact others for Him.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Days Since Last Incident

Warning: The following post contains the word pee and it involves me getting peed on by my son Hayden. I know what someone is going to be tempted to say, "get a pee pee t-pee." I have one. This joker finds a way to pee on me, but that's not what this post is really about...

This past week I was changing my son, Hayden's, diaper. I was on the last phase. All I had left to do was lift his butt up in the air to slide a clean diaper underneath him. Wouldn't you know it, that joker started peeing everywhere as soon as I angled his butt. Pee went everywhere! Because it was at an angle pointing upward it had some leverage to it. He peed on our basket of clean diapers, all over the changing table, on the floor, and the dresser. Oh yeah...and he peed all over me.

If you think that me getting peed on is funny then you will love what he did a few days later. I turned my head for one second and next thing I know it's raining pee. Shirt - check. Head - check. Floor - check. Hand to try to stop the geyser that is my son - check. Just in case you aren't tracking he peed on my shirt, my head, the floor, and then all over my hand as I tried to block it so it doesn't go everywhere. I squealed and Monica came running. There was a nice puddle on the floor for her to step in. And yes she did step in it.

I really do think that Hayden stores some pee in his body just so that he can get me. His diaper is so full of pee that I think to my self, "surely he doesn't have anything left" But boy does he. We will go multiple days in a row without an incident and then like an unmanned fire hose Hayden will let it spray freely.

The idea of keeping track of how many days since Hayden's last incident led me to a thought. We all have things that we struggle with. For me I will go days, weeks, and sometimes even months without allowing my struggle to cause my incident tracker to go back to zero. There are times when I think I have it defeated, but then it breaks into my life and my incident tracker crashes down to zero.

The problem with an incident tracker is that it puts the emphasis on our works and what we haven't done. When a person becomes a Christ Follower their incident tracker is permanently on zero because of God's forgiveness.

And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace. Romans 11:6.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8.

I don't like it when Hayden pees all over me and gets me more wet than a fish at the bottom of the ocean. It's gross. But the truth is that my love for him is not based off anything that he does or doesn't do. I'm not perfect in my love for my kids but God is perfect in His love for us.
When we fathom God's grace it causes us to stop tracking our incidents. We are forgiven! When we fathom God's grace it causes us to want to do better. Having God's grace isn't an excuse to pee all over the creator. In other words being forever forgiven isn't an excuse to sin. It should lead us to love our Heavenly Father more. When we fathom God's grace we understand that even when we have an incident He's not keeping track. We are forgiven.
Do you struggle with keeping an incident report? Have you ever experienced a shower of baby pee?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mind Dump

My brain is constipated with random thoughts. It's time to free up some space with another Mind Dump...
  • I jogged on Monday night and the jog was poo. Literally. In the neighborhoods that I run in they had just put down fertilizer. It smelt like poo for almost the entire run. And that my friends is what we call gag nasty.
  • Speaking of jogging, if you run but hate it like I do then there is a great new website for you. If you are a regular at then you no doubt know who Trip and Tyler are. They have started a new website called Reluctant Runners. It's great!
  • At what point do couples start calling each other babe? When I was in high school I vowed to never call my wife babe. I would hear married people do that and think "Silly adults. Don't they know each others names." But then I got married and the babe calling snuck into my vocabulary.
  • Before kids I would wonder when parents start calling each other mom and dad. Before kids I vowed to never call my wife "mom." That's just weird! My kids are 11 weeks old and the mom and dad name calling has already started creeping in.
  • The Dallas Mavericks won the NBA Title. When I was in Texas for seminary we watched the Mavs play a few times. I am a die hard Lakers fan, but I feel like we still won. The team that beat my team won the title. That is a moral victory for me. Hey, it was a rough year for the Lakers. I've got to hold on to whatever I can.
  • Before the finals I was ready to put Lebron James in the best of all time category. He has a long way to go before he gets to that status. Wow. I don't want to bash on the guy but he will have to win multiple titles to recover from how poorly he played in the fourth quarter of the Finals.
  • Mt. Dew is the Mac Computers of soda. People who drink it are a wee bit fanatical and deep down inside they know that they are better than everyone else.
  • It's summer movie season and that means movie reviews for Now, people often tell me that they enjoy the movie reviews but according the stats people don't read em. I'm not looking for a compliment. I honestly want some readers feedback. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you enjoy the movie reviews? 1 being I could care less and 10 being love em.
  • A friend, Brandon Price, posted the following on my Facebook page, "Have you ever met a person who is always sincere, cares about others as much as he cares about himself, has a heart of gold, loves his wife and kids with all his heart, loves Jesus like no other, takes his own time to teach others about Jesus and always influences people to be the best they can be? I have......His name is Rob Shepherd. THX Rob for being such a positive role model to our youth and for sharing your life experiences with us. You are truly a special person and whether you realize it or not you are effecting peoples lives everyday in a positive way."  Wow! Every pastor and church staff needs people like Brandon in their lives.
  • This is the most boring time in sports. The NBA is over. The NFL hasn't started. It's just baseball. I enjoy baseball live but it's a wee bit boring on TV.
  • My wife watches the Bacherlorette. That show is the TV version of a "do me" novel. You know the books that have Fabio on the cover in a shirt that is falling off and are all about cheesy romance? That is a "do me" novel. I'm not judging you if you read them or if you watch the Bachelorette I'm just sayin' that they are similar. I watched five minutes of the show and that girl kissed 72 different guys. She is falling in love with all of them. I'd rather watch anything else.
  • Speaking of anything else, do you remember Fear Factor? I just read in Entertainment Weekly that Fear Factor is coming back. My wife loved that show when it was on. I enjoyed it a lot more than the Bachelorette.
  • Do you like milk? I like it for it's milk mustache celebrity ads, cookies, and cereal. I am not passionate nor do I know anyone that is passionate about milk. That was until I met people who drink Oberweis. Oberweis milk drinkers are fanatics. Oberweis delivers the milk like something out of your parents childhood. That's cool, but I can't imagine the milk is that good. I'm still waiting for my sample. I am supposed to get one from one of the guys I work with.
  • Oberweis makes chocolate milk that is really good, but I said that it's not any better then any other store bought choco milk. My pastor said that it was way better. I said that I bet he couldn't tell the difference in a blind taste test. He said he could. I went and bought 3 things of choco milk. He guessed wrong. It was fun. Two other WEC staff member tried the blind taste test and they both failed.
  • Speaking of drinks...Mtn. Dew White Out is amazing. I am pretty sure I heard my taste buds scream "Thank You Master Rob!" after I drank it.
  • I need my hairs cut. My head is looking shaggy.
  • My dad landed a role in a Steven Spielberg movie. It's a principle role which means he will have speaking lines. He tells me on the phone that Steven wants him to grow a beard. Who gets to say that? The greatest director of all time wants my dad to grow a beard.
  • In case you are new to the blog my dad is an actor. He has worked a lot but is still looking for his big break. You can see him in Evan Almighty, Clear and Present Danger, and Major Payne. He also has done for TV a Hardee's commercial, Unsolved Mysteries, and Homicide. My prayer for my dad is that he would get his big break and make a difference for God in Hollywood.
  • Every time I go to the doctor my weight is significantly higher. Like between 4 and 6 lbs. My theory is that clothes, keys, and a cell phone make up the difference. I'm tempted to pull a boxing weigh in the next time I go to the doctor. What if I stripped down to my underwear and then flexed my biceps like the boxers do? The doctor has my weight on record so that makes it official. I need that thing to represent how much I really weigh.
  • Public high school graduation for the 757 is this weekend. That means that I get to go to graduation and grad parties!
  • Have you ever had a pee shower? I have. Score another victory for my son, baby Hayden.
Whew...I feel better now.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Caption Please

The following picture was taken on Sunday. I think it deserves a caption. If you didn't know me what would your thoughts be. Enter a caption in the comments.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Perish is not in France

I'm not great with vision. Not only do I wear contacts, but I struggle having a vision and then casting it. Great leaders are all about their vision. They write purpose statements and cast compelling vision to where they are going. Me, well, I tend to focus on the moment. I guess you could say that I'm far sighted, both with my eyes and with my life.

Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."

Where there is no vision the people perish. Perish sounds like the way Daffy Duck would say the capital of France. Perish actually means...

1. Suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way.
2. Suffer complete ruin or destruction.

So to not have a vision equals a violent destruction. That doesn't sound like fun. I wonder if where we have ruin and destruction in our lives we can find a lack of a clear vision?

What would a vision look like for your family?
What would a vision look like for you?
What would a vision look like for your relationships?

I stink at vision. I get along on personality and incredible good looks. I'm joking about the personality part. There are a couple of areas where I haven't stunk at vision and there are a lot more where I do. For example...

For my marriage my vision is to have a marriage where people always ask if we are on our honeymoon. When I first got married whenever I would do something nice for my wife other married people would say, "just wait until the honeymoon is over." I don't want the honeymoon to ever be over. I want people to always ask if my wife and I are newlyweds. The way that I try to live out my vision is to love my wife like Jesus loves the Church.

For my kids, my vision is to raise kids who love God with all their heart. Not only do I plan on modeling this for my kids, but I pray it over them on a regular basis.

The way to get a vision is to ask, "Where are we going and how are we going to get there?"

I have some other areas in my life that are in need of a clear vision. There is some destruction and it's in need of some direction. For example my weight has been a source of destruction for me. It destroys my chances of taking off my shirt when I go to the beach. It destroys my health. It destroys where I want to be. So I am creating a vision. Where am I going with my weight? My vision is to lose and then maintain a healthy weight so that I can enjoy a long life with my kids. How am I going to get there? Today represents week two of Weight Watchers. I hope that I can stick to this vision.

Do you have a vision for your life? If so what is it?

Monday, June 13, 2011

1 Dad + 2 Babies - 1 Wife = My Life For Over 24 Hours

1 Dad + 2 Twins - 1 Wife = My Life for Over 24 Hours may sound like a title for a new summer blockbuster at the movie theater, but it's not. It was my life from 2:00 PM Friday to 3:00 PM Saturday.
Before our twins were born, my wife bought tickets to go see New Kids On The Block with the Backstreet Boys on tour in DC. Now you need to know that my wife was and is a HUGE fan of NKOTB. When she was little her dad took her to see them in concert two nights in a row at the Hampton Coliseum. That was when they were still new and still somewhat kids. Now they are old men but that doesn't stop them from hangin' tough and keeping the "New Kids" as a part of their name. A few years ago we didn't have twins and because I love my wife I took her to see them in concert. You can read about that adventure here.

So my wife heads out with her friends Courtney and Lindsey, to drive three hours to DC. Because it was so far away they stayed the night in a hotel and then made their way back the following day. That allowed me the privilege of hanging out with my twins for over 24 hours without her help. The following is a play by play of our over 24 hours apart. My pictures were taken on a camera phone so their quality is less then excellent. Enjoy...

3 hours of crying by Reese (luckily Hayden slept for most of that time)
 3 hours of driving.

I finally got Reese to smile for the camera

The girls finally arrived at their hotel.

I pulled this HUGE bugger from Hayden's nose
The girls pulled up to Quizno's for dinner.

My friends Ryan and Candice came to help for not one but two feedings

Monica's friends Courtney and Lindsey pose for the camera as they take the metro into the city. 

Ryan and Candice helped me take Reese and Hayden for a walk

Monica, Courtney, and Lindsey waiting for the concert to start.

After the last feeding I put them down and tried to go to sleep. The monitor went red a lot while I tried to sleep

Monica posing with her ticket to the concert.
More red lights on the monitor

New Kids and Backstreet Boys singing in red lights.
Even more red lights

Even more New Kids on the Block.

I think you get what my night was like

I think you get what Monica's night was like.

Hayden in the morning
Technically this picture was already used but all the girls did the next day was drive home, and Monica didn't take any new pictures of it.

My friends Dan and Danielle were a HUGE help on Saturday morning for not one but two feedings.

So that was my over 24 hours with the twins minus the wife. I am so thankful for my friends who helped me. I guess you could say I think it takes a posse to raise a child. I had good time alone with the twins, but my friends put in some serious hours. 

What was the last concert that you went to? Better boy band New Kids on the Block or Backstreet Boys?  

Friday, June 10, 2011

Guest Post: Ricky Anderson

Today I have a guest post thrown down by Ricky Anderson. I met Ricky on the world wide web but it wasn't through a dating service and it wasn't in a chat room. I don't know why but I feel like I have to clarify how I meet people on the Internet. It was through a mutual blogging friend. I left a comment on a blog about the infertility issues that Monica and I had. He read the comment and then came to my blog. I haven't been able to get rid of him since...and that's a good thing. Read his guest post below and then check out his blog here.

Rob has been pretty open about the difficulties he and Monica had getting pregnant. While I can't say I've been through everything they've been through, I can relate a little bit.

My wife and I tried for two and half years before we were successful. During that time, we sought help from an infertility treatment center.

You'd be surprised how many ways they can test you. You'd be even more surprised how many ways they can humiliate you while doing so.

I won't go into what the woman has to endure, because I'd probably pass out from the squeamishness of it. I'm not going to pretend anything the man has to go through is even an iota near what the woman goes through...I'll let a woman write about that!

At the doctor's request, I went to have a "specimen" collected and tested at the lab. As you can guess, I was a bit nervous about this. I'm not the most outgoing guy in the world, so 'nervous' would be an understatement. I felt like I was about to take the stage at Saturday Night Live, in my underwear, with no script.

I trepidatiously made my way to the counter and said hello to the grumpy lady behind it. I looked both ways, and quickly handed her the folded doctor's note (I would make a horrible drug dealer or CIA agent). She hardly glanced at it, handed me a plastic cup, and directed me down the hall toward the restrooms.

Yada, yada, yada...

I made my way back down the hall, alternately studying the wall and the floor. I nervously approached the grumpy lady behind the counter once more.

"Did you write your name, social security number and today's date on the label?", she asked.

" Didn't know I needed to do that. Sorry.", I mumbled.

"Here's a pen. Take it back to the restroom and fill out the label. You can't do that here at the counter." She hadn't looked up during my chiding.

I sheepishly headed back to finish my paperwork and shortly returned.

I looked both ways, then quickly slid my pro-life contribution across the counter. She picked it up and made a frowny face, which quickly evolved into a look of complete terror.

She exclaimed loudly, “We don’t collect THAT type of specimen at this office! You have to go to our other location downtown!"

If they had an Olympic event for how quickly you could exit a humiliating situation, I would have taken home the gold!

What's an embarrassing situation you've had to run from?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Movie Review: X-Men First Class

I've experienced a roller coaster of emotions when it comes to the X-Men franchise. X-Men was a good first film for a franchise. I went into it not expecting much and I came away liking the film. That led to pretty high hopes for the second film. X-2 blew me out of the H20. I saw it five times in the theater and it quickly became one of my favorite super hero movies. That led to extremely high hopes for the third film. I left X-Men 3: The Last Stand angry. That film fell way short of my expectations. From there they produced the pathetic spin off Wolverine. That all leads to the prequel X-Men First Class.

I wasn't all that excited about this film...until...until Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 92% approval. Just to put it into perspective X-Men got 82%, X-2 got 88%, Last Stand got 57%, and Wolverine got 37%. Rotten tomatoes is pretty accurate on whether or not a movie is going to stink. So a friend at work tells me that X-Men First Class got 92%. That's crazy. With the percentage that high I got immediately excited about the movie. So excited that I went to a midnight showing.

X-Men First Class is a decent film. It's a pretty good story and a decent attempt to get back to the goodness that was X-Men 1 & 2. The movie was a little slow and I got a little tired. One other problem is that the film doesn't have any of the cool X-Men. When you have mutants like Banshee you need to up the action to make up for your lack of coolness. They didn't. First Class is a decent attempt at getting the franchise back on track but it's still a far cry from X-2.

X-Men First Class is rated PG-13 for some girls in their underwear, an F-bomb, and some action violence. I give it one thumb up.
Rob's Rating System =
Two Thumbs Up - A great movie worth paying full price.
One Thumb Up - A decent attempt and worth seeing at a matinee price.
Thumb to the side - An ok film, but wait for video.
Thumb down - A stinker of a film. Don't waste you life seeing it.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dear Tripp and Tyler

Dear Tripp and Tyler,

I'm not real good with writing letters so the following is a bulleted list of random things that I want to say to the two of you...
  • I think you both are really funny. In fact, I think that people who don't think you are funny are sick. Not sick like all the cool youth pastors use the word, but sick like they need to go to the doctor and get some serious medical attention.
  • You both left comments on my blog. Tripp's is here and Tyler's comment disappeared when I changed my comments to Disqus, but I promise you left one. That made my week.
  • I often help write videos for Waters Edge Church. When I do I impersonate what I think you think would be funny. For example...
  • Tyler have you ever wished that people said your name first when referring to the two of you? That's really nice to let Tripp go first all the time. I'd say that's like Jesus.
  • Tyler and Tripp (you see what I just did?) I've had your song Bowlin' (video coming at the bottom of this post) stuck in my head for 24 hours. Out of all the songs in all the world, my brain chose yours to trap. I think that's what inspired this blog post.
  • Tripp I'm glad you started blogging again. I really like your blog.
  • Tyler you once said that you'd do a guest post for me. I can't wait for that day. It will be like Christmas and my birthday rolled up into one amazing day.
  • I first learned about you from Ben Arment's site. You had me at this video...
  • I think the three of us would get along. Have you considered replacing the "and" of Tripp and Tyler with Rob? Tripp Rob Tyler has a nice ring to it. Or if you don't like that idea I can change my name to and.
  • Tripp, for the last 3 years I've sat behind you at some point during Catalyst. I wanted to talk to you, but I thought I'd say something dumb. Maybe this year.
  • I promise I'm not crazy and I don't physically stalk you. I may or may not virtually stalk you, but that's okay...right?
  • Besides becoming a Christ Follower, getting married, having twins (still waiting on that guest post about being a dad, Tyler), working with students, skydiving, rapping on stage in front of 2,000 people, winning the Student Summer Camp volleyball championship for three years in a row, and eating at Chipotle 5 days in a row, your week of videos on was one of greatest weeks of my life. Thank you.
  • Tyler, why do you like the Bachelor? I just don't get it. I make fun of my guy friends who watch this show. You watch it. It makes me think that maybe I shouldn't make fun of my other guy friends who do watch it. Help me out Tripp. Am I wrong for joking on guys for watching that show?
  • Tripp and Tyler, people often ask me what you do. I don't really know, so I say you make videos and emcee stuff. If my life ever inspires something worthy of having an emcee, I'd like for you guys to do it.
  • I don't know if that's how you make your living but you do a good job at making videos and emceeing stuff. Videos like...
  • or
  • or
  • I have an idea for a video for you guys. I will share it with you sometime. It's probably the funniest video idea that you have not heard, from a guy named Rob.
  • I don't know if either of you will read this. I did a post about Jon Acuff and his wife left a comment. So you have that to compete with.
Thanks for being awesome,

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The World Without The Fall Of Man

If you grew up in church or have even visited on a non churchy holiday then there is a great chance that you have heard about the fall of man. The characters are Adam and Eve, the devil in the form of a snake, and a forbidden fruit. Adam and Eve eat the fruit and sin enters the world. According to the Bible labor pains, weeds, guilt, and the need to wear clothes all came the second they ate that fruit. I've often thought about what our world would be like if they didn't eat that fruit.
  • Giving birth would be painless. I think that means that women would give birth while standing up and doing something they love like Jazzercise. There would be no mess and husbands would not only not be grossed out by the process, they would also catch the baby with their soft hands. If only we didn't eat that fruit. 
  • Men would have soft hands. There would be no calluses because there were no weeds and work would always be fun. We would work hard but it wouldn't wear on us like it does in our world. If only we didn't eat that fruit.  
  • We all would have rock hard abs. Have you ever seen a picture of Adam? He always looks like he's in good shape. Why? He was naked. Granted he didn't realize he was naked but I can't help but know that if everyone was naked we'd all have nice abs.   If only we didn't eat that fruit.
  • Since we would all be naked lust would not be around. Instead teenagers would sneak a peak at Playboy Magazine and it would feature women fully clothed from head to toe. There would be no guilt but the sight of fully clothed women would make them giggle like school girls. If only we didn't eat that fruit.
  • Food wouldn't have calories. Or if food did have calories we would all have super mutant metabolism to be able to eat whatever we want and not gain weight.  If only we didn't eat that fruit.
  • Leather furniture would not exist. Skin sticks to leather. We've already discussed that we'd all be naked. Thus we would not have leather furniture. Instead we would have bear skin furniture! If only we didn't eat that fruit.
  • Babies would be born with rubber teeth that retract when they eat. One thing I do not look forward to is my twins teething. I've heard it's not easy for babies or parents to go through. But in the glorious world of things before the fall, babies would not have to suffer when they grow teeth. Mom's wouldn't suffer either because their teeth would be made out of rubber that would contract when they chew on stuff. Babies not teething would be awesome.  If only we didn't eat that fruit.
  • No one would have to go to the bathroom. We would eat whatever we want and it would just dissolve in our bodies. How do I know this? Well, how gross would it be to go to the bathroom outside while naked and not have toilet paper? That doesn't sound like paradise to me. The garden was paradise and that means nobody is pooping. If only we didn't eat that fruit.
  • It goes without saying but insects would not exist. Being naked and all we wouldn't have shoes to kill the spiders, or clothes to protect us from mosquitoes. If only we didn't eat that fruit.
  • Math would not exist. The Bible says that God is not a God of confusion. Math is confusing as all get out, so therefore the Devil created Math. If only we didn't eat that fruit.
He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” - Revelation 21:5a.

The world as we know it is broken. There is pain. There is hurt. There is suffering. But Jesus is making everything new. Jesus is in the business of taking the mess that we created and making it like new. The world we live in is broken but Jesus doesn't let us suffer alone. Even though we broke the world He loves us and renews our lives. Through him we can experience a glimpse of what this world was supposed to be like if only we didn't eat that fruit.

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Real You

This is a picture of how I see myself in my mind...
Who is that guy? Well, it's actually Jake Gyllenhaal. I don't know Jake, but this image is pretty much how I see myself. He is smiling and looks like a lot of fun. He has a great head of hair. He is muscled enough to wear a v-neck t-shirt. He looks like a fun, cool, and pretty laid back guy. That's how I see myself.

I was recently told that I am somewhat different then the picture above. Now what I was told was not out of a mean spirit. They weren't trying to hurt my feelings or make me feel bad. They had noticed something that had been going on for quite some time. As I listened to their description of me it looked more like this...

Now this is Shrek. Not Shrek from Shrek 2,3, or 4. That was a gentler less grumpy Shrek. No this is Shrek from the first movie. He's a big ogre. He has the potential to be lovable, but at the end of the day he is an ogre. Now that I'm looking at the pictures I do kind of resemble Shrek as well. I have a few more hairs on my head but I'm quickly going the way of the Shrek dome. But this post isn't about physical appearance. I digress.

It's hard to hear how others view you. It's hard but it's healthy. The truth is that I analyze myself a lot, but even with self analyzing we have blind spots that we just can't see. I wish it was as easy to see our faults as it is to see the faults of others.

It's like my eyes are made of magnifying glasses when I look at others and kaleidoscopes when I look at myself. I can see the faults in others so clearly but when I look at myself I only see a fraction of what's really going on.

Maybe that's why Jesus said, "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 'Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?' How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?" Matthew 7:2-4.

I wish planks were easier to see.  I've got not one, but two, eyes for seeing other people's sawdust.

I'm thankful that in a non-judging way I was confronted with my ogre like behavior. Because we all have blind spots we need help with our planks. Not in a judgmental way. Instead our planks should be yanked with grace. We need relationships with people who love us as we are but refuse to leave us as ogres. With God's help I'm trying to be less of an ogre.

Do you think that the image you have of yourself fits who you really are? Is it easier for you to see other people's sawdust while being blinded to your plank?

Friday, June 3, 2011

It's Okay! I'm A Limo Driver!

For the last three years I've been asked by students from my senior high Community Group to drive them and their dates to prom. If you are interested you can check out year one here and year two here.

I am amazed that a group of public school students would want to spend a good portion of their prom with their youth pastor. This past Friday I had the privilege of taking ten students to their prom in the Waters Edge party bus. I picked them up and took them to take pictures at City Center. A HUGE group of students met there. It was so much fun seeing so many Waters Edge students before prom. After lots of photos we made our way to Williamsburg to eat at Bone Fish Grill. The students collected money to pay for me and Monica to eat dinner. I was so honored to sit at dinner with them on their prom night! I was also very excited to eat but not have to pay for Bone Fish. Can you say Bang Bang Shrimp? That stuff is a party, plus an after party in your mouth. It's amazing! From there we went down the road to the Kingsmill Marriott.

The night was so much fun for both me and Monica. In a day and age where it's easy to use prom as an excuse to make stupid decisions I've been blessed by students who decided to go a different route. Enjoy some pictures of my night as a limo driver.
Pictured Above: The students on their way to take pictures. Notice Dillon Tulip (bottom right) showing off his suspenders. He was really proud of those.

Pictured Above: Rob driving the WEC Party Bus.

Pictured Above: Alainna and Monica. I got to take Alaina's oldest sister to prom two years ago. How cool is that?

Pictured Above: Rob and Monica at City Center.

Pictured Above: This group of girls didn't ride with us but three out four go to WEC. Like I said it was fun seeing so many WEC students before the prom. 

Pictured Above: Austin, Rob, and Dillon. I've known Dillon since he was in sixth grade. Austin and Dillon have been a part of my Student Community Group since they were freshmen.

Pictured Above: The Party Bus students at City Center.

Pictured Above: The students wanted a picture of everybody and the Party Bus.

Pictured Above: These are Monica's shoes. They were a graduation gift for her getting her Master's. It took seven Shepherds to buy these shoes. Monica got them when her feet were swollen from being pregnant with the twins. This was the first time she could wear them out in public. She looked great in them!

Pictured Above: Rob and the Students at Bone Fish.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being should have stayed at home and 10 being best night ever) how was your prom night?