1 Dad + 2 Twins - 1 Wife = My Life for Over 24 Hours may sound like a title for a new summer blockbuster at the movie theater, but it's not. It was my life from 2:00 PM Friday to 3:00 PM Saturday.
Before our twins were born, my wife bought tickets to go see New Kids On The Block with the Backstreet Boys on tour in DC. Now you need to know that my wife was and is a HUGE fan of NKOTB. When she was little her dad took her to see them in concert two nights in a row at the Hampton Coliseum. That was when they were still new and still somewhat kids. Now they are old men but that doesn't stop them from hangin' tough and keeping the "New Kids" as a part of their name. A few years ago we didn't have twins and because I love my wife I took her to see them in concert. You can read about that adventure
So my wife heads out with her friends Courtney and Lindsey, to drive three hours to DC. Because it was so far away they stayed the night in a hotel and then made their way back the following day. That allowed me the privilege of hanging out with my twins for over 24 hours without her help. The following is a play by play of our over 24 hours apart. My pictures were taken on a camera phone so their quality is less then excellent. Enjoy...
3 hours of crying by Reese (luckily Hayden slept for most of that time)
3 hours of driving.
I finally got Reese to smile for the camera
The girls finally arrived at their hotel.
I pulled this HUGE bugger from Hayden's nose
The girls pulled up to Quizno's for dinner.
My friends Ryan and Candice came to help for not one but two feedings
Monica's friends Courtney and Lindsey pose for the camera as they take the metro into the city.
Ryan and Candice helped me take Reese and Hayden for a walk
Monica, Courtney, and Lindsey waiting for the concert to start.
After the last feeding I put them down and tried to go to sleep. The monitor went red a lot while I tried to sleep
Monica posing with her ticket to the concert.
More red lights on the monitor
New Kids and Backstreet Boys singing in red lights.
Even more red lights
Even more New Kids on the Block.
I think you get what my night was like
I think you get what Monica's night was like.
Hayden in the morning
Technically this picture was already used but all the girls did the next day was drive home, and Monica didn't take any new pictures of it.
My friends Dan and Danielle were a HUGE help on Saturday morning for not one but two feedings.
So that was my over 24 hours with the twins minus the wife. I am so thankful for my friends who helped me. I guess you could say I think it takes a posse to raise a child. I had good time alone with the twins, but my friends put in some serious hours.
What was the last concert that you went to? Better boy band New Kids on the Block or Backstreet Boys?