Last week before my Student Community Group I discovered that I was missing my silver controller for my PS3. A lot of weeks a few guys come over early to play video games and this is when I discovered it was missing. The last time that I saw it was the week before at Student Group. Now we have had a few people look at our house because it was on the market, and I host two Community Groups (one adult and one student), but I don't think any of them would have taken it. So the question is what happened to the silver controller?
Before group started the guys in my group tore up my house looking for said silver controller. This was a Christmas present and they aren't cheap. Plus only one person can play if I don't find this controller. The guys looked in lamps, under couch cushions, and in every cabinet in the kitchen. They then came up with some pretty funny theories as to what happened to the silver controller.
Here's the contest...come up with the best theory as to what happened to my controller and you will win
Grand Prize = sticker.
Second Place = "Sun Stand Still" by Steven Furtick. It's a book.
Third Place = Mad respect.
Leave a comment and the winner will be picked and announced on Friday. I'm looking for something that is creative and or funny. Go!
david ate it. or james hid it. if either is the case, please let me know and we will get you a new one. i will take it out of the boys college funds.
ReplyDeleteseriously. i just googled it. i think i saw the boys with it. have you had it since we painted? i think i stuck it downstairs by the tv.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean you just googled it? Are there pictures out there of what happened to the silver controller?
ReplyDeleteWow, it's crazy that you bring this up today given what I happened to see on T.V. the other night. I think I know what happened to your controller. To begin telling you, I think it is best that you are sitting down. This may sting a little bit. Well, I was flipping through the channels and happened to stumble upon American idol. I actually thought that it was a rerun of the old Andy Griffith show and I was watching an episode with Aunt Bee. It turns out that it was Steven Tyler! Ooops. Anyway, he was making inappropriate remarks and leering at one of the contestants. A shy, strangely shaped contestant at that. I didn't realize what I was looking at until just now. It was your controller! It fell for Mr. Tyler and hard! It gave itself over to him, but alas, he is a fickle creature and left your controller heartbroken. American Idol issued an apology, but it did not heal the spirit of your controller. Now it has lost everything and is working as a cast member in one of those tawdry revue shows on the Vegas strip, where everyone teases their hair and wears glitter. Not a pretty sight. Rob, dry your tears and run to your controller now. It yearns to be back home with you, but its darned pride is just too strong.
ReplyDeletecheck your wife for random cords, your unborn children may be starting their addiction early...
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should have spent that time praying rather than looking for a controller.... JESUS JUKE! :)
ReplyDeletethe gremlins from the the gremlins 2 heard you were talking trash about their movie so they decided they would be funny and take your silver ps3 controller as payback, but on their way out of the house they noticed that Cord was stopping by with a group of unwanted women to see how you were doing (he didn't call ahead so he didn't know you were not home). The gremlins ended up throwing a PARTY AT ROB'S!!! with Cord. During the party one of the "unwanted women" picked up the silver controller that the gremlins by now had forgotten about. After the party the controller was never returned. The "unwanted woman" who had taken it realized she obviously had kelptomania and did not realize that she had even taken it until that moment. she was scared so she through it out the window of Cord's car as they were driving back to their houses. It flew out the window and went down into a storm drain on the side of the street. A few days later it was found by Donatello of the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles. Why he was wondering around so far away from New York City, we will never know. He took it back to the Ninja Turtles' crib and they used to fill in for the 4th controller they needed for everyone to be able to play a private match of Call of Duty Black Ops (they only had 3 controllers before, and Raphael would always have to sit out the first round and wait for his turn.). Thus the case of the missing silver controller. Will it ever be found? Well that depends on how good the teenage mutant ninja turtles hiding place is.
ReplyDeleteI think Mr T came, played and took home the controller as a trophy! Did you see his initials by any of the first place point scores? Just sayin
ReplyDeleteumm why is there a gray man head as my picture?????? My hair def looks better than that! :)
ReplyDeleteLove Mr. T. That would be worth it missing.
ReplyDeleteTry signing in by using your Facebook account. It will pull your profile pic.
ReplyDeleteJust for that you are disqualified from the contest.
ReplyDeleteIt was vortexed from your house and was stripped for parts to be used for Ironman's arc reactor.
ReplyDeleteit got lost.
ReplyDeleteYour Realtor took it becuase it ruined the Feng Shui of your living room. Seriously, I got nothing. I just hope I come in second, as cool as a sticker would be, I really want to read Sun Stand Still, but I just splurged on all of Rob Bell's books in hardcover.
ReplyDeleteI bet your wife slept walked (sleep walked?) and picked it up and put in the freezer. Or in a bathroom or something. That or your controller is magical and just walked away. Maybe it couldnt handle you being a button smasher while your plain cod so it hid behind the tv.
ReplyDeleteI meant playin cod
ReplyDeleteI like this. Who is this though?
ReplyDeleteDerek, thanks for the comment. We will see what we can do. There have been some really good theories.
ReplyDeleteThis was funny.
ReplyDeleteAngie, I like this a lot.
ReplyDeleteThe Dog ate it.
ReplyDeletehahaha. yep. google "what happened to robshep's controller?" and then "i feel lucky." hahaha! no, silly, i had to google what the controller looked like!