Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week of Pictures: Twins

So to end my week of pictures on I thought I'd show the pictures we received yesterday of our twins.  I'm not really sure what I'm looking at but the dr. told me it's two babies.  I'll take her word for it.  To me it almost looks like the mask from Scream. I hope they turn out cuter than that.

We were both excited and in awe of God after yesterday's appointment. We still have a long way to go, but are thanking God for every positive report we get.


Pictured Above: Baby B and Baby A as the ultrasound calls em. For now I'm calling them Chuck and Norris (Hat tip to Dan Peters for texting me those names).


  1. I can just make out the wee little fists in their beards.

    Happy for you and M.

  2. Dear Chuck and Norris, I hope your Mom convinces your Dad to give you better names when you're the meantime, you sure are cute little people! By the way, I hope you realize that your nicknames are just an inkling of what fun you're in for growing up as part of the "Flock" :)

  3. Daniel, best comment of your comment leaving career.

    Jill, are Kobe and Phil Jackson better names?

  4. wow, it really does kinda look like the mask from Scream...and so it kinda takes a little of the creepiness out of it...they'll look like teddy grams real soon!

  5. I'm quite possibly the worst friend. After spending a little time with you today I didn't even congratulate you in person. #FAIL.

    -Terrace Crawford


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Leaving a bad comment = a curse that will cause all of your children to be born bald and naked.