flash mob - a group of people who appear from out of nowhere, to perform predetermined actions, designed to amuse and confuse surrounding people. The group performs these actions for a short amount of time before quickly dispersing. Flash mobs are often organized through email and/or newsgroup postings.
I recently began a secret group on Facebook, to begin organizing these very events here on the campus of Liberty University. Thus far we've had 3 events, and the video made of the first attempt last month was shown @ a huge campus event known as Coffeehouse. That particular flash mob was based around an empty fountain in the courtyard on campus. We spread out around the area, and I signaled the attendees by yelling "POOL PARTY!"... and then we all rushed the fountain and fake-swam, cannon-balled, and "held our breath" while confused onlookers started in bewilderment. The quick dispersion took place after about 2 minutes, when I blew an air-horn. It was quick, random, and ridiculously fun!
(here's that video : click here)
Yesterday we unleashed 2 more flash mobs on campus, with the same idea & plan.. just at 2 different times so that people who couldn't make it to round 1 could hopefully come to the next. I purchased 47 pairs of white bunny ears, and 1 pair of pink bunny ears for myself. The plan was for me to hop around in front of the main campus building, passing out candy and frolicking.... then the mob of regular bunny-eared people would declare my early-distribution of candy before Easter to be illegal.... and a chase & capture ensued. We also rode the LU-transit bus to the north campus building, peeked into classrooms and waved, sneakily followed people in the halls in a single-file manner, and passed out bunny ears to various people we encountered. Stay tuned for that video (or videos)! They'll be posted over at my blog - http://www.jakeholla.com/ - hopefully by the end of the weekend.
Here's a quick teaser picture of what to expect, to close out this post

2 of the videos are up now on my blog! I wrote this last week, thus why it's slightly inaccurate