Last night during the Lakers game I walked into the kitchen to get a drink. The time was circa 11:30 PM. As I passed the foyer into the kitchen I noticed something on the floor. I stepped back into the foyer to take a second look. What is it...I thought as stopped to stare.
What in the world??? A frog was sitting on my floor. At this moment directions started being hurled at me from the other room. Scoop him up in a cup, open the door, get the shovel and remove him. To my knowledge frogs are pretty harmless but I was a little scared to get up close and personal to this frog. I mean, after all, he is a ninja. He came into our house without us knowing it and remained there for an unknown amount of time. I bet he snuck in to watch the Lakers game.
As I went to grab a cup to scoop him out I heard the loudest noise I have ever heard. My neighbors probably all hate me now. In the other room was Monica, my wife, and our friend Lindsey. From out of no where comes the loudest scream ever produced by human vocal chords. Lindsey was getting some action shots with the camera when the frog hopped. It didn't ninja kick, jump on anyone, or say that all he needed was a kiss to become a prince. It simply hopped. That's what frogs do. At that moment she let out a bloodcurdling scream.
I grabbed the shovel, came to the rescue, and scooped the frog up and out the door to safety. Who knew a frog in a house could cause such commotion.

I'm glad that the frog didn't take it upon himself to kill anyone.
ReplyDeleteThat's a pretty cool clock.
Rob, something's going on here. The other day I went to clean the filter in my pool. I took the cover off and let out a manly yelp (O.K. it was a girly scream) as a dead frog (who was about 8 in long) was staring me in the face. I panicked, wet myself, then took a deep breath. I could find nothing narrow enough to reach into the filter and extricate the giant beast. I then had not choice but to use my hand. Before preceding, I wrapped my hand in about 25 Kroger bags and blindfolded myself. The whole production took about 30 minutes before the all clear signal sounded. I am still having nightmares. The frogs are taking over man.
ReplyDeletevery amusing.... there are so few other creatures that are less-threatening than a simple frog. i'm sure it scared the frog plenty when he was shrieked at. poor ninja amphibian.
ReplyDeleteY'all have reptile and amphibian problems at your place...over here it's insects. I was at my dr's office this morning, when one of those nasty pincher-butt bugs I'm always crying about ran across the floor. I feel like I'm in a horror movie where something is chasing you and you can't get away. :)
ReplyDeletenot that you care, but it's actually a toad. the difference being primarily that toads are not fond of water (they look very different as well).
ReplyDeleteI agree with DP, frogs have much more brilliant colors, and are less likely to show up unannounced and uninvited.