If you are a regular reader of robshep.com then you know I'm a fan of American Idol. I'm pretty excited about tonight's show. You see tonight Felicia Barton will take the stage. I'm hoping she tears it up tonight. I know she can sing, but so much of this show is song selection. Anyway, if you watch the show and like her performance, vote for her.

Here is another email from Felicia's husband Loren.
Greetings my friend.
The dream is becoming a reality! We couldn’t be more grateful or more excited. THANK YOU to all of you who are planning to WATCH and VOTE. I thoroughly enjoyed this great article (about Felicia) in the Virginia Pilot, and I thought that you might like to read it, as well. Just click this link to check it out! http://hamptonroads.com/2009/03/felicia-barton-our-next-american-idol
Maybe someone could let them know that Felicia was not the “youth parson” or “youth pastor” at Freedom Fellowship...she was, however, the music director/ lead singer for the last 6 years, or so. ...just to set the record straight... :) I hope you all have a terrific week. Let’s all plan celebration parties for Wednesday night!!! In the meantime, a friend of ours has built a great fan site for Felicia. Check it out! http://feliciabartonforamericanidol.com/
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