Now the question you are probably asking is what is Slumdog Millionaire. It's a little film that is getting a lot of Oscar attention. The movie is about a young man from the slums of India. He becomes a contestant on India's version of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. As a contestant he goes farther than any other contestant in the history of the show. Because he is such a simple person, and not a Dr. or Scientist, they accuse him of cheating. The movie flashes back through his life showing how he knew the answers to the questions.
At the heart of the movie is a love story that has you rooting for the main character. The movie has humor, drama, and some action...what more could you want in a movie.
It's rated R, but I don't know why. There are a few swears, some torture and some violence involving kids.
I went into this movie not thinking much about it, but I left thinking it was one of the best movies of the year. I give it two thumbs up.
Rob's Rating System: Two Thumbs up = I loved it, worth paying full price, and I will own it on DVD. One Thumb up = An OK movie, worth a matinee showing, and I may buy it on DVD if I see it in the $5 bin. Thumb to the side = Wait and rent it. I wouldn't be mad if someone gave me this DVD, but I wouldn't buy it. Thumbs down = I hated it, wish I wouldn't have wasted money on it, wouldn't own it on DVD.
Best movie of the year for me, by far.
ReplyDeleteI just saw it and really loved it! I had never even heard of it until I saw it mentioned on your blog. Thanks!