Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Guess who got engaged???

OK this news just made my week! D-Reeves and Angela got engaged last night!!!! If you don't know them then you should know that I named my car after D-Reeves mom. I also gave him the nickname D-Reeves and I may or may not have played a part in D-Reeves and Angela meeting. Basically I love the guy! Congratulations David "D-Reeves" Reeves and Angela "future Mrs. D-Reeves" Montondo! I'm so happy for you guys!
D-Reeves sent me some pics that I thought I would share with the world. Enjoy!


  1. whoa! that's awesome, i've played frisbee a couple times with David. congrats, dude!!!

  2. Yay for our friends! I'm so excited for you guys!

  3. WOW! That is so cool! Congrats to them! Thanks for telling us the news, Rob!

  4. you were a big part of getting us together...


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