Robert Randolf and the Family Band was next. I thought they put on a good show. They are very talented musically. It was a little funny though because they didn't sing very many words. When they did sing it was the same words over and over again. Song you may have heard = Aint Nothing Wrong with That. Song you should legally download = Aint Nothing Wrong with That.
Switchfoot was the main reason I went to this concert. I love Switchfoot. They are one of my favorite bands. They are AMAZING in concert! Song you may have heard = Dare you to Move. Song you should legally download = Oh Gravity...and while your at it download The Shadow Proves the Sunshine, Awakening, and This is Your Life.
Switchfoot brought out a guest violinist for a couple of their songs. It was wicked awesome!
My friend David Ferrell is a member of the Switchfoot fan club. One of their perks for being a part of the fan club is they get to do a meet and greet with the band. David was nice enough to bring me back stage for the meet in greet. Thanks David!
Third Day was next. They are Jamey's favorite band. I've seen them a bunch of times and they always put on a good show! Song you may have heard = God of Wonders. Song you should legally download = Call My Name.
For the encore Third Day brought out all of the bands and they did a couple of songs together. It was a great way to end the show. It was cool to see so many big name Christian bands in one concert. It almost felt like a festival. It didn't hurt that we hung out with some good friends!
Sounds like a lot of fun!
ReplyDeletethat's awesome.. i have the uncanny luck of meeting alot of my favorite bands... whether outside venues, backstage, or radio contests... it's nuts.... but i might have to give the fan-club-approach a shot, cuz that seems like a rather good guarantee for sweet perks
ReplyDelete(oh, and one of those moments was Relient K walking into the Kiln Creek Chick-Fil-A.... random!)