Friday, July 30, 2010

How you can live with a poopy diaper

My wife and I recently got to spend some quality time with our 2 year old nephew. If you have had or currently have a two year old then you know how fun they can be. For example...when my mom got home my nephew saw her at the front door and then ran into the living room to exclaim "GRANDMA IS IN THE HOUSE!!!" I've thoroughly enjoyed the fact that he is into super heroes.  We had a very in depth conversation about super hero powers. Poor kid didn't know that Superman had the most powers out there. He was running around pretending to be Iron Man and Spiderman until I told him Superman could shoot beams out of his eyes. For the next hour he would stair at me, shake his lil head, and pretend to shoot beams out his eyes.

One kind of humorous exchanged happened when my sister realized that he had filled his diaper with pee.  He is potty training but you know how that goes with 2 year old. About a minute after changing him my sister must have noticed the look on his face because she asked if he had to go to the bathroom again.  His response this time was that he already pooped.  When my wife told me this story she questioned how someone could live like that...that is with poop in their pants. For my nephew it was just a part of life. You can't say that he doesn't know better because he's been taught to use the bathroom.  I think for him it's more that he is used to it. 

It made me think about bad habits in general. How can a person live in a filthy house? How can a person live with high levels of drama? How can a person live with an addiction? How can I live being over weight? The answer is that we get used to it. It's not that we don't know better it's that we have lived with it for so long we don't know what it would be like to live differently. One day my nephew will be grossed out by pooping his pants, but for now he doesn't mind because he's used to doing it.  Think about something in your life that you would like to change. Now think about how life would be without it. Just like potty training a two year old it's possible to find freedom from a bad or destructive habit. When you do you'll eventually get used to living without that bad habit. Until then our bad habits are causing us to live with a poopy diaper.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Interview with Lebron James

The following video is a fun video we showed last Sunday at Waters Edge.  We were announcing the most anticipated announcement of 2010 and that is the location for Waters Edge first multi-site.  As a joke I interrupted the welcome and showed a video of what I thought was the most anticipated announcement of 2010. Enjoy...

*Phil Poteat filmed, edited, and helped script this video. He's pretty much the junk and that's a good thing.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mind Dump

My brain feels constipated with thoughts. The following is a massive mind dump of all the random stuff going on in my head...
  • I had a great conversation with a York County Sheriff at church on Sunday. Yes we have a Sheriff present at all of our services. It only took one of the handful of church shootings for me to see the importance of having security even at church. Their presence alone will hopefully scare off crazy. I digress...
  • So the Sheriff had some really interesting things to say to me. Things like...everyone should write down their serial numbers to their TV, game systems, cameras, and other expensive items in the home. That way if you get robbed you can report the items quickly and they can track your stuff. If you don't your stuff can get sold and there is no way to prove that it's yours. He also said that you should keep your license plate number in your cell phone. That way if your car gets stolen you can quickly give it to the cops so they can track it. Unless you have your license memorized that sounds like good advice. He said it could take up to 10 to 15 extra minutes to track your plate down through DMV.
  • The most interesting thing that he said to me was that he gets lots of calls from parents who need help with their kids. He said he got a call from a parent who couldn't get their 9 year old on the school bus. How sad is that? He said, "our society has gotten to a place where they call us to police their lives." I think that is a huge sign that our society is in trouble. 
  • I was recently featured on a blog. Ryan Shaughnessy. That was a huge honor for me! Thanks Ryan.
  • On Sunday my pastor announced the new location for Waters Edge first multi-site. This was a HUGE announcement. Our church is too small for the amount of people coming. During optimum service times, that is times where most people can or are willing to attend a service, we are packed. That means that we either have to turn people away or stop growing.  Instead we are going to open a second location in Hampton. Our hope is that 300 people will leave Waters Edge York County and invest their time at Waters Edge New Location. That way it will free up space for York County to grow at the same time we will be impacting and reaching a different area. The new location is the Riverdale Theater in Hampton. Get ready Hampton cause this January Waters Edge Hampton is happening.
  • On Sunday, I jokingly told someone that he didn't like the iPad because it was made by Apple and that he hates all things fruit. I then told him that if it was called a meat-pad I'd bet he loved it. It was a part of a segment at church. The segment also included a video where I interviewed Lebron James. Thanks to worship leading ninja, video editing expert, funny guy, good friend, and all around slacker of a blogger Phil Poteat the video will be posted tomorrow.
  • Not too long ago a person said to me that every once in a while it's good to shock your system. They said that you shock it by eating something different.  Since hearing that I've tried shocking my system multiple times. I have actually eaten some vegetables in hopes that it would shock my system.  I'm not sure that's what they were talking about, but I'll let you know if it works.
  • Next week is a HUGE week for Monica and I. Next week Monica has two procedures for IVF. On Monday she becomes a chicken and she has surgery to remove the eggs. On Friday she has to have two of the best embryos implanted back into her. If all goes well we will be pregnant two weeks from the surgery. Wow! And I'm a little grossed out by all this. I get really uncomfortable talking about lady stuff.
  • I have a theory about dressing up. In almost every circumstance there will be someone who is less dressed up then you.  I've tested this theory multiple times, but most recently at a funeral. I don't like wearing ties, but I don't want to be the least dressed up guy. Have no fear someone will wear jeans. I saw it happen this week. You want another example? Last year on my cruise I was told to dress up every night for dinner. I was told we were supposed to wear a suit or at least a tie. I opted for a nice shirt and khakis.  You better believe there was a joker in a polo and jeans. I never know who these guys are, but I'm thankful for them.
Whew I feel better now.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's Ok To Complain

It's ok to complain if...
  • It is constructive with the goal of making a situation better.
  • It is surrounded by compliments. Let the person know what they do right before and after.
  • It is done with respect.
  • It is to the person you are complaining about.
Most people end up complaining to someone who can't do anything about the situation.  It's not ok to complain if you are just venting about someone else. That's destructive and won't fix the situation.  When we complain to someone who can't fix the situation we are just trying to find someone to validate our feelings.  It may make you feel better but it spreads negativity and doesn't fix anything.  If you really want to fix the situation then it's important to talk to the person face to face. Otherwise you are just creating negative noise.  By the way this is a message to myself.

Monday, July 26, 2010

5 Favorites: Food Edition

I've been told that I'm passionate about the things I love. The following is a list of 5 favorites of mine.

5 Favorite Foods
  1. Chicken Fajita Burrito with corn salsa and lots of cheese from Chipotle.
  2. Buffalo Chicken Dip.
  3. Chick-fil-A - especially the new Spicy Chicken Sandwich.
  4. Marcos Hawaiian Pizza - it has chicken, bacon, ham, and pineapple. Amazing!
  5. Movie theater popcorn.
I've given you 5 of my favorites now give me one of yours.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Even if you were perfect...

I should have known better. Nothing good comes from anonymous letters. I was consumed by this letter from a person who I didn’t know. I felt great about my talk at church until I read their letter the first time. Now on my fourth reading it was starting to consume me. It didn’t matter that I had received a lot of positive feedback about my talk. It didn’t matter that I had preached my heart out. It didn’t even matter that this person was borderline insane with many of their accusations. All that mattered was that they were tearing me and my talk apart.

As I read the letter for a fourth time I heard a still small voice say to me “even if you preached a perfect sermon someone would crucify it.” I can’t tell you how thankful I am for that still small voice. I’ve gone on to apply that phrase to many areas of my life. Whenever I make a decision I try to remind myself that someone is not going to like it. Whether it's picking a restaurant for a group of friends to eat at, saying no to someone, or writing a blog post someone is not going to like my decision. I’m not perfect even on my best day, but as a pastor some people will even crucify my imperfections. Jesus is perfect and yet people still crucified the things He said and did. If that's the case I shouldn't expect any less.  The truth is I'm addicted to people pleasing and it's that desire that needs to be crucified. 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rotten Fruit

I've been grumpy this week. I don't really know why. My grumpiness has led to a lack of patience, anger at idiot drivers, and screaming at my video game for being stupid. I really think the game I'm playing cheats. I hate losing. I digress.

 I feel like everyone is entitled to a grumpy day right? On the other hand grumpiness is a sign that something is wrong with my heart. Sure it's not the end of of the world, but according to the Bible Christ Followers are supposed to produce Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control...not grumpiness. The Bible calls those characteristics the Fruit of the Spirit. When analyzing my grumpiness I had this thought about fruit...

Fruit is most excellent. It's healthy, tastes amazing, and some of it even keeps the dentist away. I'd take fruit over vegetables every day of the week. But fruit doesn't stay fresh forever. It's starts off great, but after a little while it starts to rot. I think it's interesting that the Bible says that when Christ Followers live for God they produce amazing fruit. Too many people think that one dose of God will produce lasting change. One dose of God on Sunday may produce a little fruit, but eventually it goes bad. I think long lasting change comes from a continual daily pursuit of God.  Now don't get me's not God that goes bad. It's the effects that don't last. It's like buying great fruit from the Farmers Market and expecting it to last all year. 

So my grumpiness is a sign that the fruit in my life is going bad. If I'm not producing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control then it's a sign that fruit in my life is starting to rot. The only cure is to pour into my relationship with God and allow Him to produce some fresh fruit.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Top Movies for Men

Some movies are made for women.  Think Pride and Prejudice or Center Stage. These are movies guys will avoid like the plague. Then there are chick flicks that most guys can tolerate.  Think Hitch or most  movies with Reese Witherspoon.  There are even some movies that are gender neutral. Think The Blind Side or Slumdog Millionaire. Finally there are movies made for men.

There are some movies that I love that Monica can't tolerate.  To me that is a sign of a man's movie.  I recently watched the movie Predator staring Arnold Schwarzenegger.  It's without a doubt the most manly movie ever created. There is no love interest, the plot is simple to understand...jacked up guys are being hunted by an alien, and there are very memorable quotes..."I don't have time to bleed".  Watching it made me think of other movies that are made for men.
  • Rocky IV - Rocky movies are the guys answer to dance flicks.  I can't stand dance movies! In the same way my wife can't stand anything Rocky.  The first IV Rocky movies are most excellent, but Rocky IV is the ultimate man movie.  
  • Die Hard - probably the greatest action movie ever created. If you don't like it I question your manhood. 
  • Raiders of the Lost Ark - what guy doesn't love this movie? 
  • Terminator 2 - this is one of those movies that I'm definitely not watching if Monica is home. 
  • Blade - now this is the way vampires should be. They don't sparkle and the only love going on is Blade's love for killing them. 
  • Rambo - My wife has even more hate for Rambo then she does for Rocky. 
So that's my list of the ultimate man movies. Did I forget any?  

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

John Mayer and People at Concerts

Fellow Youth Pastor and world famous blogger, Terrace Crawford, scored some free tickets to see John Mayer in concert. He couldn't go, so he generously gave the tickets to me.  My wife, Monica, and I love concerts. We especially love free concerts.  Here are a couple of pics of the concert...
Pictured Above: John Mayer came out into the crowd for his encore. The lady sitting next to me yelled "WHY DIDN'T YOU GET ME TICKETS OVER THERE" to her husband. It made me laugh.

While at the concert I noticed that there are some personalities types that come out at almost every concert I go to.  No matter who is playing I see the following types of people that go to concerts...

  • Performing girl- this girl normally comes in groups of two. She stands up during the entire concert...even during slow songs. But it's not just that she stands, she dances and sings like she is on the stage. This person is fun to watch because they make funny faces when they sing.

  • The way too into it fan - this is the person who makes a sign to draw attention to themselves. They also scream throughout the show to try to get the performers attention. 

  • The Free Bird guy - this idiot fan thinks it's funny to yell Free Bird. Depending on if the concert is selling beer they will probably yell it more than once.

  • The Recorder - this person records large portions of the concert on their phone or flip camera. I'm not sure when they are going to watch the concert. I'm also not sure why they'd want to. The quality can't be that great. I'd rather watch the actual show then worry about recording it.  This however is the person who catches things like Beyonce falling down the stairs. So maybe they do it just in case something embarrassing happens to the artist? If that's the case then that's not a fan that's an enemy.

  • The Surprising Fan - at almost every concert I go to I see someone and I think...really? Whether it's the 72 year old at the rock concert with not a single band from the 70's or 80's, the heterosexual guy who went to the New Kids On the Block Concert without a girlfriend/wife, or the thugged out guy at the John Mayer concert there is always someone who surprises me. 

  • The Over Dressed - some people use concerts to dress up really nice. There's nothing wrong with this but it surprises me to see girls in really nice dresses at a concert.

  • The Mom - almost every concert has a mom who has brought her daughter to the show, but she is enjoying the concert a little too much. 
Did I leave any out.  If you go to concerts a lot what personality types do you see?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Movie Review: Inception

The summer movie season of 2010 has not been the worst summer of movies, but it hasn't been amazing either.   In my opinion it's had one amazing movie (Toy Story 3), and a bunch of decent but not great movies.  So far it was slightly better than last summer, but that's not saying much because last summer was nothing to brag about.  Then comes a movie from Christopher Nolan (director of Batman Begins & the Dark Knight) called Inception.

One thing I appreciated about Inception is that the previews didn't give much away.  Going in I knew it was directed by Nolan, it starred Leonardo Dicaprio, and it had something to do with stealing dreams, but that was it.  Unlike most previews today Inception didn't give away the entire plot.  The creators banked on the fact that they had made a good movie, with great stars, and people would come out to see it.  The creators ended up making an amazing movie that not only will people see, but people will be talking about for a long time. 

Inception is one of the best movies I've seen this year! A sign of a great movie is that people talk about after they see it.  Inception is one of those movies that you talk about over and over again. It's rated PG-13 for intense action/violence and because Leo uses God's name in vain.  I give it two thumbs way up.'s Rating System

Two Thumbs up = I loved it, worth paying full price, and I will own it on Blue Ray.
One Thumb up = An OK movie, worth a matinee showing, and I may buy it on DVD if I see it in the $5 bin.
Thumb to the side = Wait and rent it. I wouldn't be mad if someone gave me this DVD, but I wouldn't buy it.
Thumbs down = I hated it, wish I wouldn't have wasted money on it, wouldn't own it on DVD

Friday, July 16, 2010

My Worst Fears Come Out At Student Camp

I'm would not describe myself as a fearful person, but at some reason the week at Student Camp I develop a long list of fears. For example...

  • The showers bring out a lot of fear. I wear shower shoes because I'm afraid my feet will get mad cow disease if I don't. 
  • I pray to God that I don't drop the soap. I know that if it drops it will instantly become a loofa of hair and disgust. 
  • There is a standing pile of water on the bathroom floor near the drain. I'm afraid of that H20. 
  • I'm afraid I'm going to lose a Student. I count and recount after every bathroom or meal stop. I also count at the camp before sessions. Parents trust me with their Students and I don't want to lose one. 
  • I'm deathly afraid of my skin touching the mattress. We stay in a college dorm and I don't know where that mattress has been. I bring sheets to cover it but it never least one night I wake up with the sheet off and my skin stuck to the mattress. 
  • I fear the smell that is known as the boys dorms. I don't know how guys can produce such a wicked stench.  It is literally a punch in the nose when you walk in the door. 
  • Failing down the stairs while I carry my tray of food. Our students sit up in the balcony of the cafeteria. To fall down those stair would not only hurt, it would also be seen by the entire world camp. 
  • Sitting down on the toilet seat in the boys dorm.  Because there are no urinals the boys use the toilets to go number 1 and number 2. It's amazing how much number 1 ends up everywhere. 
  • Because of that last fear if I ever have to drop a deuce I search the camp for a clean, private bathroom.  This brings out a fear that I'm going to get caught. I found a nice bathroom that was labeled girls/guys basketball locker room. I can't tell you how embarrassed I'd be if the basketball team walked in while I was taking care of business. 
  • Having the bus run over my luggage. When I was in high school it happened to me. It wasn't pretty. 
I think taking 107 Students and Leaders is contributes to my stress/fear. In the end it's totally worth it because Camp is AMAZING! I love it and I'd go back next week if I could. 

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Student Camp: Day Three

Student Camp is AWESOME! The Waters Edge Students have been amazing! I love getting to hang out with them for a week at camp.  Here are some highlights of day three...
  • Everyone is getting a little noobly. According to Camp Vocabularity (which we learn each morning0 noobly is when your head and neck bounce when you are falling asleep sitting up.  Students have been great, but getting a little noobly happens to the best of us.
  • Volleyball. Waters Edge Students have won the volleyball tournament the last three years at camp. There name each year is the Ferocious Chinchillas.  Now volleyball is a big deal to us because we lose in the first round of every other sporty tournament.  This year a team of 6 girls and 2 guys made easily to the finals.  In the finals they were pitted against a group of entire guys. They played their hearts out. The Camp Director announced that in 11 years of him watching the sports tournaments this was the most intense volleyball final he's ever seen.  In the end Waters Edge lost 29 to 27.  I was so proud of our Students. They prayed with the other team before the game. Congratulated them afterward and had amazing attitudes.  It's not easy to lose with grace but these students did. They fought hard and made me proud.
  • Some of our students took part in the "studio". It's a place to be creative. Some of our students have made some amazing art and paintings while hanging out in the studio.
  • It's a really big deal for Rob to know every student's name. Students ask me almost hourly if I know their name.  I'm trying but I don't have all 107 of them down.  I have one more day to get em all.
  • Lots of questions are being asked. On day three we focused on who do you say Jesus is.  In our church group time we discussed how we tell people who we really think Jesus is by the way we live our lives. We had some good discussion. 
  • Here are some pics of day 3...
Pictured Above: Practice for the big tournament
Pictured Above: Action Shots of the big tournament
Pictured Above: Some of the Ferocious Chinchillas with the fans
Pictured Above: Anthony and Jared with their sign that they made at camp.
Pictured Above: The Ferocious Chinchilla cheer.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Car Dings

I have a friend, lets call him Dan.  We will call him that because that's his name.  Now Dan really hates the thought of potential car dings. You know when you park next to someone and they open their door into your car and ding it? That's a car ding.  When Dan goes to a grocery store he parks miles a long ways away.  If he has to park close he likes a spot near a curb.  That way it lessons the chances of getting a car ding on both sides of your car.  Now the kicker is when he parks really far away and next to a curb he declares that he got a really good parking spot. 

Now I've come to appreciate Dan's passion for avoiding the potential of a parking lot car ding.  It reminds me of people.  When you get close to people they have the great potential to ding you with their words or actions.  It may have been an accidental ding or it could have been a ding made by a careless person.  A careless comment here, a hurtful action there.  Dings happen. Even though it's a little mark it still leaves a permanent mark.  Dings can even cause you to want to avoid people because of the potential damage they can cause. 

I think we'd all be better off if we were more careful with our words and actions. Dings leave marks.  You can't always protect yourself from dings but you can be responsible for the dings you cause.  If you ding someone be quick to ask for forgiveness.  If someone dings you be quick to forgive because after all you know you've dinged others in the past. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Student Camp: Day Two

Day two at Student Camp was a smashing success.  Lots of fun had by all. Here are some of the highlights...
  • Watching the two...count em two WEC soccer teams. Neither won, but one did make it to overtime before receiving a crushing blow known as a goal. 
  • Watching Students run the obstacle course. It's only day two of camp, but currently two WEC students hold the time records. Kristen A has it for the girls and Eddie A (no fact they have totally different last names. They just both start in A) for the guys.
  • Hearing about Epic World Domination. It's a large group game that sounds insanely fun. All I know is that it involves flags, socks with flower in them, and bases.
  • GD. Now before you get offended you need to know what GD stands for in the context of Summer Camp.  GD stands for Group Dump.  It was started by a few high school guys a couple of years ago at camp and for some odd reason it's caught on. They actually talk about going to drop a deuce together.  Now they are all in separate stalls, but it's still weird. I've known the that high school students did this, but I didn't know that it spread to the middle school students. A bunch came running up to me exclaiming, "GUESS WHAT WE DID!!!" It was then followed up by info on their first ever GD. I don't get it.
Here are some pics of Day 2 of Student Camp...

    Pictured Above: The Crossroads Morning Show
    Pictured Above: One of the WEC teams in the soccer tourney
    Pictured Above: The climbing tower. So far no WEC Student has dared to climb it.
    Pictured Above: Olivia running the obstacle course.
    Pictured Above: Some of the WEC gals after the obstacle course.
    Pictured Above: Moriah, Britney, and Brie
    Pictured Above: Clayton King playing the world famous "Clayton Says".
    Pictured Above: Worship Leader Carl Cartee

Student Camp: Day One

Here are some highlights of my time with 107 Students and adults at Student Camp 2010.
  • Spending 7 hours on a bus with Waters Edge Students. I'm not going to lie we have the best students ever. They make spending time on a bus fun.
  • Taking an extra 15 minutes to count, check off names on a roster, and double count students after lunch.  My worst fear, in almost the whole entire world, is leaving a Student at a rest-stop or lunch break.  I was on a trip once, as a high school student, when the youth pastor left a student after lunch.  He had driven almost an hour a way before he realized the student was missing. 
  • Not being late to check in at camp. Almost every year we are late. This year we got there with time to spare.
  • Spending time with the leaders. We have 10 leaders this year. They are AWESOME!
  • Seeing Clayton King and the rest of the Crossroads staff.  We've been to Crossroads for six years now. Clayton is the founder and main speaker.  Our church has built a good relationship with them over the years at camp. 
  • Seeing 27 students stand to ask Jesus into their lives! I couldn't help but cry when I saw our students stand. I never know how they are going to respond. I beg God every year to move in their lives and He never lets me down.
Pictured Above: Parents and Students gathered at 6:00 AM to leave for camp

Pictured Above: More parents and students gathered at 6:00 AM
Pictured Above: They may not look like it but this group of high school students were having a blast on the 7 hour bus ride to camp.

Pictured Above: Crossroads Staff greeting us as we pulled into camp. This year was extra awesome because one of our former students is on staff with Crossroads this year.

Pictured Above: This is what we call organized chaos. At this point VA students are in a battle with GA students to see who loves their state more.

Pictured Above: Alex V doing his best Flash impersonation. That boy runs so fast.

Pictured Above: Say Cheese WEC students

Pictured Above: Courtney Hornsby leading the 11-12 grade girls small group during Church Group Time.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Mind Dump

My brain is constipated with thoughts. The following is a massive mind dump of all the random stuff going on in my head.
  • I had a fun time speaking at Waters Edge yesterday. We are in the middle of a series called "At the Movies". We are finding spiritual truth in some of this summers biggest blockbusters.
  • Apparently a few people left yesterday at the beginning of the talk. I think they were offended that we talked about Twilight in church. I wish they would have stuck it out because Twilight was just the vehicle we used to relate to people. I'm pretty sure they were Christ Followers and I'm also pretty sure they were judging.  At the end of the day you can't please all people, but sometimes Christ Followers get on my nerves.  In Jesus day He used the culture to connect with people.  He talked about farming, and sheep, and lost sons.  Things people could relate to.  I don't mind if people don't like something but I think they lost out by not giving it a chance.  Rant over.
  • Apparently some scientist has invented birth control for guys. A. I thought they already had that. It's that very embarrassing and awkward package that if you purchase it everyone knows what it's for. It rhymes with dondoms.  B. I don't want to know how this works. There has to be some serious side affects to this.
  • As I was shopping this weekend I had this thought and posted it on Facebook/Twitter..."All women's clothing stores should have a husbands room with a tv, some sports magazines, and multiple game systems." I think it would make shopping awesome. 
  • So we found a snake in our kitchen on Friday. Now when I say we I really mean Monica. Snakes are her worst fear in the entire world. We determined he was a ring neck snake.  It wasn't that big, but it's the thought of having a snake in the house that is freaky.  
  • Today I'm taking 107 Students and Leaders to summer camp. We are leaving at 6:00 AM for a 7 hour drive. I pray that God gives us protection, and that He moves in our students lives. I just want them to be more like Him. In case you are wondering I'm praying the same thing for myself.
  • I'm bringing an iron to camp this year. Don't judge me. It's not like this is a wilderness camp. I'd never torture students like this.  We stay in college dorm rooms and I hate it when my clothes are wrinkled.
  • This week I'm going to be blogging from camp. I plan on posting the highlights of each day.
  • I like the fact that TV now shows original programming in the summer. I remember when it used to be all re-runs. My wife is really enjoying the new shows "Rookie Blue" and "Boston Med".  Plus summer is when "Wipe Out airs". 
  • So Lebron went to Miami. It feels like such a HUGE deal. Media outlets everywhere were focused on his decision.  If felt like everyone was talking about it on Facebook. I love that even with it being a massive media frenzy I had one friend ask if he played football or baseball. I love even more that my mother in-law asked who this "Lebron" guy was. 
  • I feel like getting Lebron makes Miami a def contender, but it's no gaurantee that they will win it all.  I wasn't alive back when Wilt Chamberlin became a Laker, but it put him with Jerry West and Elgin Baylor. Those are three of the greatest basketball players of all time.  They couldn't win together. It wasn't until they got really old, and Elgin retired that Wilt and Jerry won a championship. 
  • So week one of in vitro is under our belts. It was a very interesting week. It confirmed that I thank God I'm not a woman.
  • In vitro is very expensive. I'm not complaining...just stating. It will be worth it in the end. 
Whew...I feel much better now.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Thoughts I Wish I Wrote Down...

I received this email/forward from a member of my church. Most of the time I delete forwards without even looking at them.  For some reason I read this list and it made me laugh.  I don't know where this one came from but it's a list of pretty funny thoughts. I wish I had come up with some of these. They would have made a great blog post.

1. I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.
2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.
3. I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.
4. There is great need for a sarcasm font.
5. How the world are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?
6. Was learning cursive really necessary?
7. Map Quest really needs to start their directions on # 5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.
9. I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kind of tired.
10. Bad decisions make good stories.
11. You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.
12. Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I don't want to have to restart my collection...again.
13. I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten-page technical report that I swear I did not make any changes to.
14. "Do not machine wash or tumble dry" means I will never wash this ever.
15. I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring (Hello? Hello? Darn it!), but when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and goes to voice mail. What did you do after I didn't answer? Drop the phone and run away?
16. I hate leaving my house confident and looking good and then not seeing anyone of importance the entire day. What a waste.
17. I keep some people's phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call.
18. I think the freezer deserves a light as well.
19. I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with Miller Lite than Kay.
20. I wish Google Maps had an "Avoid Bad Neighborhood" routing option.
21. Sometimes, I'll watch a movie that I watched when I was younger and suddenly realize I had no idea what the heck was going on when I first saw it.
22. I would rather try to carry 10 over-loaded plastic bags in each hand than make 2 trips to bring my groceries in.
23. I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger.
24. How many times is it appropriate to say "What?" before you just nod and smile because you still didn't hear or understand a word they said?
25. I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars team up to prevent a jerk from cutting in at the front. Stay strong, brothers and sisters!
26. There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far.
27. As a driver I hate pedestrians, and as a pedestrian I hate drivers, but no matter what the mode of transportation, I always hate bicyclists.
28. Sometimes I'll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is.
29. Even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating their car keys in a pocket, finding their cell phone, and Pinning the Tail on the Donkey - but I'd bet my last dollar everyone can find and push the snooze button from 3 feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time, every time!
30. Have you ever jumped up during a TV Commercial and ran to another room to do something, only to get there and forget what it was you were going to do.
31. When I put something in a place I know where I will be able to easily be able to find it later, I have pretty well ensured that I will never find it when I need it.
32. It appears that we are all children when it comes to opening something with a “childproof cap”.
33. Do you use your cell phone from the kitchen downstairs to call your child, who is upstairs, to come to dinner?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Triple Feature Movie Review: Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Stephenie Meyer must have written some really good books when she wrote the Twilight Saga. I think the books have put a spell over American woman.  The books have captivated these girls so much they are blind to the fact that the first two Twilight movies are awful. Even if they admit that they are awful they still went to see them multiple times and made both films gross a lot of money. 

Now I never saw the first Twilight, but because I love my wife I took her to see the sequel, "New Moon."  I was told that "New Moon" was a much better movie than "Twilight." There have been very few times where I actually wanted to bang my head against something so I would pass out.  Watching "New Moon" was one of those times.  Let's just say I'm not a big fan of that movie, and if that movie is way better than the first I can safely say the first movie is awful. 

My wife does an amazing job of supporting the things that I like.  She does such a good job that I feel bad ripping on the Twilight series.  After she saw "Eclipse" she promised that it was better than "New Moon." She also said that she would be interested in seeing it again.  So this past Tuesday night I willingly took my wife to see the latest Twilight movie. 

"New Moon" made me want to lick the movie theater floor in hope that I'd pass out from disgust.  "Eclipse" was a very different feeling.  It's still not an amazing movie, but it was way more enjoyable than the last film.  For one there was an actual conflict that made sense. There was a bad girl, an army of vampires, and a climatic ending.  The acting is not the best that I've seen, but it's not as bad as some people are saying. Truth be told I would enjoy it much more if "Blade" was in the movie and he was trying to kill the sparkling vampires, but for what it was it wasn't awful.  If it was just me I'd give this movie a thumb to the side, but compared to the first two films I'm going to give it one thumb up.  "Eclipse" is rated PG-13 for a few swears, and some minor action violence.'s Rating System

Two Thumbs up = I loved it, worth paying full price, and I will own it on DVD.
One Thumb up = An OK movie, worth a matinee showing, and I may buy it on DVD if I see it in the $5 bin.
Thumb to the side = Wait and rent it. I wouldn't be mad if someone gave me this DVD, but I wouldn't buy it.
Thumbs down = I hated it, wish I wouldn't have wasted money on it, wouldn't own it on DVD

This is 3 of 3 reviews that will be posted today, thus the name...Triple Feature.

Triple Feature Movie Review: Knight and Day

Like him or not Tom Cruise is one of the most consistent actors in Hollywood.  Every big time actor has at least one what were you thinking movie.  Will Smith has "Wild Wild West," Tom Hanks has "The Lady Killers," and Tom Cruise has "Eyes Wide Shut." With the exception of one or maybe two movies Cruise is ridiculously consistent. He makes quality movies. You may not like him as a person but it's hard to deny the quality of films that he makes.

Knight and Day is not one of Tom's best movies but it's well done.  The chemistry between Cruise and co-star Cameron Diaz is evident.  The action is spectacular. The jokes are well timed and funny.  The biggest problem I have with this movie is that it feels like it's already been done.  It's a different movie, but it looks and feels like "Mr. and Mrs. Smith."  It probably doesn't help that a few weeks before "Knight and Day" came out, Ashton Kutcher released "Killers." Every time I saw a preview for "Killers" it was shortly followed by a preview for "Knight and Day," which was followed up by someone saying isn't that the same movie? Cruise's waining popularity and the fact that "Knight and Day" feels so familiar is probably going to keep most people away from this movie. 

I think it's a good summer movie. If you are looking for to escape the heat, and you've seen all the other summer blockbusters I think you'd like "Knight and Day." It's rated PG-13 for action/violence, and a handful of swears.  I give it one thumb up.'s Rating System

Two Thumbs up = I loved it, worth paying full price, and I will own it on DVD.
One Thumb up = An OK movie, worth a matinee showing, and I may buy it on DVD if I see it in the $5 bin.
Thumb to the side = Wait and rent it. I wouldn't be mad if someone gave me this DVD, but I wouldn't buy it.
Thumbs down = I hated it, wish I wouldn't have wasted money on it, wouldn't own it on DVD

This is 2 of 3 reviews that will be posted today. Come back at 5:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time) to read review 3 of 3.

Triple Feature Movie Review: Shrek Forever After

Making a sequel to a movie has to be difficult. If it wasn't then more movie franchises would do it successfully.  If a movie can make it past a sequel it is close to a guarantee that the third movie will have lost some of the luster of the first two films.  If a film franchise makes it to a fourth movie it means one of two things.  Either the movie franchise is cheap to make and the studio can easily make their money back (think Saw, Home Alone, Land Before Time, or Friday the 13th) or the franchise is extremely loved.

Shrek produced two incredibly original and funny movies.  The third Shrek fell way short of the first two films. It lacked the big laughs and the story didn't advance the movie franchise. It was billed as Shrek with kids, but his kids are barely in the movie.  Even though it made a lot of money it still fell way short. 

Shrek Forever After is a way better movie than the third one.  It's funny, entertaining, and a good movie to bring the kids to.  I liked the fourth Shrek, but I didn't love it.  I think the reason is because once again it doesn't really advance the Shrek story.  It's more of an adventure with Shrek and his pals. I'm glad they made this movie because it is way better than the third film, but it still falls short compared to the first two films in the series. 

Shrek is rated PG for some cartoon action. I give it one thumb up.'s Rating System

Two Thumbs up = I loved it, worth paying full price, and I will own it on DVD.
One Thumb up = An OK movie, worth a matinee showing, and I may buy it on DVD if I see it in the $5 bin.
Thumb to the side = Wait and rent it. I wouldn't be mad if someone gave me this DVD, but I wouldn't buy it.
Thumbs down = I hated it, wish I wouldn't have wasted money on it, wouldn't own it on DVD

This is one of three reviews that will be posted today. Come back at 12:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time) to read review 2 of 3.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mind Dump

My brain feels constipated with thoughts. The following is a massive mind dump of all the random stuff going on in my head...
  • I recently drove by a restaurant in VA Beach called Croakers. Now what caught my attention was the fact that in the parking lot was a ton of senior citizens walking towards the restaurant.  I'm not sure if I was over 70 if I'd eat at a place with the word croak in it. Just sayin.
  • My wife, Monica, and I are pursuing in vitro fertilization and it starts this week.  If all goes well we could have a baby by May. I'm praying that God blesses this effort.
  • I don't know what causes the human body to randomly itch. What I do know is that it's a guarantee that if my hands are full my face will start itching. My face goes all day without itching but if I can't scratch it because my hands are full you better believe that joker is going to start itching.
  • I recently got a song that I didn't have from my favorite band Needtobreathe. It's only available if you buy their whole album on iTunes. It's called "Said too Much." If you don't have any of their albums I recommend downloading "The Outsiders - Deluxe Edition" from iTunes. Love it!
  • So far I'm pretty disappointed in the summer movie season. Toy Story 3 has been the best movie thus far.  No offense to Toy Story 3, but if before the summer you would have told me that it'd be my favorite summer movie I'd have told you that you were silly. 
  • Monica took me to see the new Twilight movie.  She promised that it's good. Look for the review tomorrow.
  • I think that I've finally discovered why my wife is so attracted to me.  After seeing the way she responds to the Twilight movies I now know that she likes really pale men. 
  • I've been slacking on my movie reviews. I have 3 movie reviews that are all going to post tomorrow in a triple feature post. 
  • I'm very thankful for gift cards. Monica was given $75 to the movie theater. It was AWESOME!  
  • Next week I'm taking 107 students and leaders to summer camp at Crossroads. I love taking students to camp. It's a great week. I expect God to do some really big things in our students lives next week. I'd appreciate the prayers.
  • I got the chance to speak this past weekend at Waters Edge. We kicked off a new series called "At the Movies."  If you are interested you can watch the service by clicking here.
  • I'm honored to get to speak at WEC. I'm pretty excited to get to speak one more time in this series.
  • I went to buy some new shorts at American Eagle. I'm thankful that I'm not a girl. Every girl that shopped there or worked there wore clothes that showed a lot of skin. I'd feel naked if I showed that much skin. It must be really hard to be a girl and buy clothes that don't show off all the goods.
  • Lebron James needs to hurry up and make a decision about which NBA team he's going to. I love what Conan O'brien said about it on Twitter..."I don't care where LeBron James ends up... As long as it's not at 11pm on TBS." That's funny.
  • I hate getting haircuts. I don't really know why, but I do. I resist getting one as long as I can. I'm about 2 weeks past due. My sideburns are puffy. I hope to motivate myself to get one this week. 
  • I bought my first Blu Ray this past week. I got paid for a speaking engagement and so I splurged and bought "Toy Story" with DVD & Blu Ray. I still remember my first was the "Patriot." That was a lot harder transition for me because I had to say goodbye to my VHS tapes. At least Blu Ray plays DVDs.  Even though Blu Ray plays DVDs because DVDs don't play Blue Rays I went with the combo. 
Whew...I feel much better now.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What I'd Do If I Was Skinny

If I was skinny I'd...
  • Walk around my house with no shirt on for no reason except to not have a shirt on. I'd also do things like mow the lawn with no shirt on, work out with no shirt on, and wash the car for no other reason but to take my shirt off. 
  • Shave my chest hair. Right now I kind of feel like it helps cover some of my less than attractive body parts. If I was skinny I'd shave my chest to show off my pecs.
  • Shave my back hair.  Since I'm going to be shaving my body I might as well shave my back as well.
  • Shop at the Express.  That store is made for crack skinny people.
  • Wear a v-neck t-shirt. I don't like v-neck t-shirts. I think they look kind of silly, but if I was skinny I'd show off my recently shaved chest by rock'n a v-neck.
  • Get rid of my farmers tan. Because my shirt would be off for no other reason but to not have a shirt on I'd be tan all over.
  • Probably forget to do important things like eat. Too many skinny people say things to me like they forgot to eat lunch.  I don't forget to eat.  When it's 12 PM I eat lunch whether I need to or not. It's when people should eat lunch, but if I was skinny I'd probably forget.
  • Own a sleeveless t-shirt. I'm not saying I'd wear it out in public but I'd own it just cause I was skinny.
  • Allow people to touch my abs. If I was skinny I like to think I'd have nice abs. If they were nice I'd offer to let people touch em.
Truthfully I like who I am and don't really want to be skinny for any other reason than to be healthy. I hope it happens one day, but if not I'm ok with it. This was just a thought I had watching some skinny people.

Monday, July 5, 2010

If I Was In Charge I'd Amend the 4th of July

I love America! It's because of that I'd like to amend the celebration of the 4th of July.  July 4th is a celebration of America's independence.  As far as holidays go I'd say it ranks near the bottom of major holidays in America. It's definitely behind Christmas and Thanksgiving.  I'd say it doesn't even feel like as big of a deal as New Years.  The following are some ways I'd like to amend July 4th to make it a better holiday...
  • I think on the 4th of July everyone should have to hug a solider. It needs it's own thing. Christmas has trees and gifts. Easter has egg hunts. Halloween has costumes and candy.  It would be kind of like a competition.  The whole point of the day would be to find a soldier to hug em.  I think kids would get into that.
  • I think gifts are a great thing and might as well be given on July 4th. I love gifts. Now, they don't have to be presents like Christmas. It could be taking someone out to lunch, doing something nice for a fellow American, or giving away something that you don't use to someone who could use it. I just think all Americans should give something away to celebrate freedom.
  • I think restaurants should give away something free. I mean Tropical Smoothie gives away free smoothies on "National Flip Flop Day."  You'd think that our nations independence would garner at least a free drink.
  • I think we should get the whole first week of July off from work and not just one day.  Memorial Day gets one day. Thanksgiving gets one day. New Years gets one day. To set July 4th apart from the rest of the holidays I motion that we get a week off from work.  I've heard that in Europe they take the whole month of August off for vacation.  If they can do that then Americans can afford to have a week off to celebrate freedom. 
  • I think we should say "Happy 4th" to each other.  I heard a few people say it but it was almost a joke.  Americans say "Happy Thanksgiving" and "Happy New Year" to each other with pride, so why not "Happy 4th?" If July 4th wants to become a major player in the holiday game then it needs people to boldly greet one another with "Happy 4th."
  • I think musical artists should start making July 4th songs.  For the weekend of July 4th my church kicks things off with a patriotic song.  For the last two years our only options have been "Party in the USA," "Livin' In America," "I'm proud to be an American," and "The National Anthem." There are a few other songs out there, but I'm telling you it's slim pickings when it comes to great songs about America.  Every band releases a Christmas album, so why not a July 4th album?
  • I think the movie "The Patriot" should play on TBS for 24 hours on July 4th.  TBS plays "A Christmas Story" for 24 hours at Christmas so why not "The Patriot" on July 4th?
  • I think for the month of June all men should have to grow a sweet mustache.  Then as a celebration of being free all men should shave them off on July 4th and have to yell "FREEDOM" after they shave. 

Friday, July 2, 2010

5 Favorites: July 4th Edition

I've been told that I'm passionate about the things that I love.  The following is a list of 5 Favorites of mine...

5 Favorite things about July 4th
  1. Spending time with friends and family.
  2. Getting the day off.
  3. All countries have a July 4th but only America celebrates on that day. I love that it's an American holiday.
  4. Movies. Typically July 4th is a big weekend at the Box Office. This year all it gave me was Twilight and The Last Airbender.  I still plan on watching a good movie on this long weekend.
  5. Food. I don't really need an excuse to eat but celebrating America's independence makes it feel like a worthwhile reason.
I've given you five of my favorites now give me one of yours.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I Must Protect This House

My wife and I recently renewed our pest control contract.  We don't have many pests, but we wanted to be proactive to prevent them from visiting.  The pest company came to my house and sprayed not only inside of my house, but outside as well.  Now when it comes to pests in my house I'm of the opinion that they are vicious invaders that need to be killed.  I have friends who actually pick up an insect if they find it in their home and then take it outside.  Not me. I have no mercy on the little home invaders.

I had this thought after the pest control guy left my house.  They don't just protect the inside of the house they protect the outside as well.  They spray to prevent pests from even thinking about coming into my home. 

Worry is a lot like a pest. It appears out of nowhere.  It creeps into our minds.  It often hides in the darkness and scatters when exposed to the light. When it happens to me I want to kill it, but I often allow the pest to stay and fester. 

What if there was a way to stop worry from creeping into our home (aka our hearts and minds)? Read Philippians 4:6-7.  It promises that when we pray to God with thanksgiving Jesus will guard our hearts and our minds.  It's as if praying before we are worried protects our hearts and minds from allowing worry to enter.  Like cockroaches worry is something that can consume your house. Like pest control Jesus can protect the outside of your home so that the pest of worry can't enter.  What if you were proactive and called Jesus before you were consumed with the pest of worry? If you don't call it's because either you like the pests or you don't really believe it will make a difference.  I for one don't like to take a chance when it comes to pests. Just something to think about.