Happy Halloween.
I didn't really grow going trick or treating. I think I may have gone once. Each year though we did our own traditions. I remember for a while my mom made a pinata that we would tear up to get our candy. In my later kid years we went to fall festivals at our church. It was never that big of a deal to me.
I married a daughter of a Haunted House owner and operator. Halloween has always been a big deal to Monica. Scary movies, haunted houses, and candy are now a part of my life come October.
To celebrate this October we went to a party to carve pumpkins, visited The Haunted Swamp (Monica's dad's new haunted adventure), and for Halloween, well...I'm working on a talk for church tomorrow. Monica may pass out candy or hang out with friends. In other words we are not doing anything tonight for Halloween. What are your plans for Halloween? Do you celebrate it or have a tradition all your own?
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Rob's Observatory
Rob's Observatory: A place where Rob observes the world around him.
Observation: A common phrase given to nervous public speakers is to picture your audience in their underwear or naked. I'm not sure why that would help make a person less nervous. In fact if the audience pictured the speaker in their underwear or naked it would actually make them nervous. Spouses excluded, I think it's hard to respect what someone says if they are in their underwear or naked.
Observation: A common phrase given to nervous public speakers is to picture your audience in their underwear or naked. I'm not sure why that would help make a person less nervous. In fact if the audience pictured the speaker in their underwear or naked it would actually make them nervous. Spouses excluded, I think it's hard to respect what someone says if they are in their underwear or naked.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Pastor Appreciation Month

This past Monday WEC celebrated Pastor Appreciation Day by sending in cards to our Lead Pastor Stu Hodges. Over 120 cards were given to Stu. Being one of the Pastors I also benefited from some very encouraging cards and a couple of gifts. I'm thankful that WEC appreciates their pastors. Being a pastor can be lonely, draining, stressful, and can weigh a person down with the the problems at the church. Hopefully pastors don't do what they do for recognition but it's nice to know people care. Thanks WEC!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Make it Rain
This past Sunday at WEC we made it rain on Phil Poteat (Worship Programming Manager). It was a part of a song/video that celebrated a 100 + people getting baptized two weeks ago during a spontaneous baptism. The video is sick. Check it out below...
"Rain Down" at Waters Edge Church from Waters Edge Church on Vimeo.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Mind Dump
My brain feels constipated with thoughts. The following is a brain dump of all the random stuff going on in my head.
- Yesterday at WEC was sick. We made it rain on Phil Poteat while he sang Rain Down by By the Tree. The song was intertwined with video clips from last weeks spontaneous (122 people) baptism. It was one of my favorite services ever at WEC.
- My wife and I bought a new heating unit for our house. We've lived here 4 years and each year we have awful results from our heat. It shuts off for no apparent reason. I'm going to be thankful to have a warm house this winter.
- I've been gaining weight lately. I went to the gym 5 times last week and I gained two pounds. I also ate out almost every lunch last week and one breakfast due to meetings. Imagine what I would have gained if I didn't work out five times.
- I think I may buy the Shake Weight. Just joking. I did see an infomerical for it right as I started blogging and it made me laugh.
- The Shake Weight infomercial was followed up by an infomercial for an ab machine. I flipped channels and the Total Gym sponsored by Chuck Norris was on. I think God might be trying to get my attention and he's using Chuck Norris to do it.
- Speaking of Chuck Norris...did you know that Chuck Norris gargles antifreeze? Did you know that if you stare at the American flag long enough, a 3D image of Chuck Norris pops up. Chuck Norris beard conquered Poland three times. And finally Chuck Norris can speak Braille.
- Speaking of weight gain...have you ever noticed how on the news when they talk about obesity they show the fatest person they can find walking down a street? It's always a picture of someone's butt. Do they have to get permission from the person to show that footage? If so, that would be an awkward conversation.
- I like the song Fireflies by Owl City. I don't have a fat clue what the point of the song is but it's catchy.
- The NBA season starts Tuesday! I'm amped.
- My wife is awesome! She surprised me with tickets to see the Lakers play the Sixers in January. It's my goal to see the Lakers play in every NBA arena before I die.
- This Sunday I'm speaking at WEC. I'm not going to lie...I'm a little nervous following up the last 2 weeks at WEC. INCREDIBLE! Good thing it's not a competition. I also find peace in remembering that it's not about me.
- Tomorrow night I'm going to a dessert thingy for Young Life. I don't know what to call it. They are serving dessert...thus a dessert thingy. I love Young Life. Monica met Jesus through going to Young Life. They will always be special to me because of that.
Whew...I feel much better now.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Movie Review - Where the Wild Things Are
"Where the Wild Things Are" is a classic children's book turned into a major motion picture. I actually never read the book as a kid. I was introduced to it by my wife in our first year of marriage. It is one of her favorite children's books.
Here's the thing...the book only consists of ten sentences. With that being said the movie takes a lot of liberties to stretch ten sentences into a two hour movie. Even though there are a lot of liberties taken I think if you are a fan of the book you will like this movie.
The movie is funny, charming, entertaining, and WEIRD. My wife and I both enjoyed it but we left saying how weird it was. I also don't think it's a great children's film. It could be scary for kids under the age of 10.
"Where the Wild Things Are" is rated PG for a few swears and a lot of angry growling/screaming. I give it one thumb up.
Here's the thing...the book only consists of ten sentences. With that being said the movie takes a lot of liberties to stretch ten sentences into a two hour movie. Even though there are a lot of liberties taken I think if you are a fan of the book you will like this movie.
The movie is funny, charming, entertaining, and WEIRD. My wife and I both enjoyed it but we left saying how weird it was. I also don't think it's a great children's film. It could be scary for kids under the age of 10.
"Where the Wild Things Are" is rated PG for a few swears and a lot of angry growling/screaming. I give it one thumb up.

Rob's Rating System: Two Thumbs up = I loved it, worth paying full price, and I will own it on DVD.
One Thumb up = An OK movie, worth a matinee showing, and I may buy it on DVD if I see it in the $5 bin.
Thumb to the side = Wait and rent it. I wouldn't be mad if someone gave me this DVD, but I wouldn't buy it.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Easy things that are hard for me to remember
I feel like I'm a pretty smart guy. I'm not a genius but I'm smarter than the average bear (or at least on par with the average). Yet there are some simple things that I know but I have to think twice about.
For example...
For example...
- My zip code. It's 23692, but my work is 23693...I have to think twice before I say my zip.
- The times that our services start at WEC. 8:20, 9:45, 11:10, and 6:00 PM.
- I do struggle with grammar. One thing that I know but I often jack up are your and you're.
- Making Kool Aid. It's easy. There's only three steps. Yet every time I make it I read the instructions just to make sure I don't jack it up.
- East and West. I know it but I have to think about which way is which.
- Street names. I give directions by places and landmarks.
- Where my address goes on a letter. I know it goes on the top left, but I have to think twice to make sure I don't write it in the center of the envelope.
- The numbers on the Lakers jerseys. I know them but I have to think twice about them.
- I often print something off at the end of the day at work and then forget to get it. I'll drive a minute down the road and realize it's still sitting on the printer.
What are some simple things that you have to think twice about? Come on don't be shy. Is it which hand is your left or your right, your spouses birthday, your home phone number, or something else?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
It's Dangerous to Compare
Comparing doesn't do you a lot of good. There's two sides to the comparing coin. On the one side it makes you feel better about your status. For example...there is always someone fatter, lazier, stupider, balder, or poorer then you. If you want a quick boost to your self esteem at the expense of others just hang out with someone worse off than you.
The other side of the comparing coin makes you feel worse about your status. There is always someone thinner, harder working, smarter, with a better head of hair, or with more money. If you want to feel bad about yourself compare yourself to someone better than you.
The problem with comparisons is it makes us miss out on who God designed us to be. We aren't designed to be like others. We are designed to be unique. Instead of comparing celebrate others differences. Encourage someone who is better than you by telling them what you appreciate about them. Instead of comparing to what other have or don't have focus on being the best at what you do...being you!
The other side of the comparing coin makes you feel worse about your status. There is always someone thinner, harder working, smarter, with a better head of hair, or with more money. If you want to feel bad about yourself compare yourself to someone better than you.
The problem with comparisons is it makes us miss out on who God designed us to be. We aren't designed to be like others. We are designed to be unique. Instead of comparing celebrate others differences. Encourage someone who is better than you by telling them what you appreciate about them. Instead of comparing to what other have or don't have focus on being the best at what you do...being you!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Rob's Observatory
Rob's Observatory: A place where Rob observes the world around him.
Observation: After going to the gym today I came to the conclusion that some people shouldn't wear spandex. In fact people who can get away with wearing spandex should not wear it just because someone who shouldn't wear it might think they can pull it off as well. I'll go one step further...I think spandex should be banned in all major states.
Observation: After going to the gym today I came to the conclusion that some people shouldn't wear spandex. In fact people who can get away with wearing spandex should not wear it just because someone who shouldn't wear it might think they can pull it off as well. I'll go one step further...I think spandex should be banned in all major states.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday at WEC
Sunday at Waters Edge Church was amazing! The day was simple. No gimmicks. It started with one worship song. Then Lead Pastor, Stu Hodges, gave a simple and clear message. Stu challenged everyone to ask if Jesus was Lord and Christ of their life. His talk was from the book of Acts where in one day 3,000 people became Christ Followers and then were baptized. Stu ended the talk by challenging everyone who asked God to be Lord and Christ of their life to get baptized on the spot. We had everything taken care of so no one could have an excuse. We had two heated tents for changing rooms (one for guys and one for girls). We had shirts, shorts, underwear, sports bras, hair ties, brushes, and towels. We also had a photographer take pictures and we videoed it so we can put it online. That way people can show their family and friends.
On Sunday a bunch of people asked Jesus to become Lord and Christ of their life. It was too many to count. Right afterward 132 people were baptized on the spot. It was an amazing day! Here are some pics from the service my wife went to.

On Sunday a bunch of people asked Jesus to become Lord and Christ of their life. It was too many to count. Right afterward 132 people were baptized on the spot. It was an amazing day! Here are some pics from the service my wife went to.

Friday, October 16, 2009
Picture Week: Haunted Swamp
My camera (actually my wife's camera) is full of pictures. So this week is picture week at robshep.com. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Picture Week: Naked Snake
My camera (actually my wife's camera) is full of pictures. So this week is picture week at robshep.com. Enjoy.
If you are new to robshep.com then you may not know that snakes live in my front yard. Last summer we had a snake that scared my wife multiple times. I even scared the snake one time causing him to poo himself. Read about that here.
Now we have a new snake and he is taunting us. He was near my front door a few weeks ago. I ran into my house to get a weapon of mass destruction...i.e. a shovel. He was too quick for me and he got away. This past week he shed his skin in our front lawn. He is taunting us. He let us know that he is still around. To make matters worse he is now naked. Sorry animal lovers but if I ever see him I'm going to try to kill that naked snake.

Picture Week: The Office Party
My camera (actually my wife's camera) is full of pictures. So this week is picture week at robshep.com. Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Picture Week: Catalyst
My camera (actually my wife's camera) is full of pictures. So this week is picture week at robshep.com. Enjoy.
Last Thursday and Friday I attended a conference in ATL called Catalyst. It's amazing! It has a top shelf line up of speakers, passionate worship, and fun entertainment. There isn't another conference like it. This year's theme was "On Your Mark." You'll see they made sure the theme was carried through the entire venue. Here are some pics of some of the highlights.

Pictured Above: Almost 13,000 people pour into the arena for Catalyst.

who wore suits that people could actually leave their mark on (write on).
Pictured Above: Another way to leave a mark at Catalyst.
At one point I was standing about 3 feet away from Andy backstage,
but I was too scared to talk to him.
Pictured Above: Rob Bell, author of Velvet Elvis and Pastor of Mars Hill

Chad is the Catalyst Concierge. He hooked me up with a luncheon with Perry Noble and a breakfast with Francis Chan. Both are pastors and guys that I have a high level of respect for.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Picture Week: The Most Amazing Thing I've Ever Seen

Monday, October 12, 2009
Picture Week
My camera (actually my wife's camera) is full of pictures. So this week is picture week at robshep.com. Enjoy.
Sunday at WEC was amazing. We celebrated baptism in all five of our services. The stories of life change brought tears to my eyes in multiple services. I'm thankful to be apart of the baptisms at WEC.
Sunday at WEC was amazing. We celebrated baptism in all five of our services. The stories of life change brought tears to my eyes in multiple services. I'm thankful to be apart of the baptisms at WEC.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Grace makes life not fair
Grace is not fair. Grace is getting what we don't deserve. It's not just being let off for something you did it's getting a prize instead. It's like getting pulled over because you were speeding and the cop says your forgiven and here's $100. It's committing a hanus sin and then having God forgive you, restore you, and show you love like you've never experienced. Now don't get me wrong there are always affects to our poor choices, but grace is unfair.
I was recently told about a pastor who had an affair with his secretary. It destroyed his family and ministry. Now though, he is good with God and has appeared to move on. All the while his family is left in the wake of his selfishness. He's received God's grace and it's not fair!
Grace seems unfair, but I'm thankful for that. To borrow a line from the band Relient K, "The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair." I'm blown away that God still loves me after some of the blatant choices I've made. I'm astonished that God still uses me in spite of myself. It becomes a lot easier to swallow how God can show grace to others when you've experienced it yourself. When I experience it for myself I'm glad that grace is unfair.
I was recently told about a pastor who had an affair with his secretary. It destroyed his family and ministry. Now though, he is good with God and has appeared to move on. All the while his family is left in the wake of his selfishness. He's received God's grace and it's not fair!
Grace seems unfair, but I'm thankful for that. To borrow a line from the band Relient K, "The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair." I'm blown away that God still loves me after some of the blatant choices I've made. I'm astonished that God still uses me in spite of myself. It becomes a lot easier to swallow how God can show grace to others when you've experienced it yourself. When I experience it for myself I'm glad that grace is unfair.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Rob's Rant
Spit. It happens. Every once in a while either because of too much saliva in the mouth or flem in the throat everybody has to spit. My problem is not with spit it's with where some people choose to spit. If you have to spit please make sure it's not in front of a door way at Target (I stepped over this a few weeks ago), on a sidewalk, or any other place where people walk. It's just gross. Spit in the grass, in a napkin, or even swallow it before you spit where someone has to step.
Rant over.
Rant over.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Mind Dump
My brain feels constipated with thoughts. The following is a brain dump of all the random stuff going on in my head.
- I went to Howl-O-Scream at Busch Gardens on Saturday. The production is top shelf. It really is amazing. It was not that scary for Monica or I, but we enjoyed the sets, and production. We also enjoyed hanging out with friend!
- I wonder how everyone on the world wide web feels about haunted houses? Are you a fan or a hater? Love to know your thoughts.
- Great weekend at Waters Edge Church. I thought it was a good first week of our new series Deep.
- I really like the song "Say Hey I Love You" by Michael Franti & Spearhead
- I'm still thinking about the U2 concert last Thursday. It was an amazing experience. Bono is like a choir director leading 80,000 people. When they started playing "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" Bono simply said sing this. The crowd sang every lyric in the first verse and then the chorus before Bono sang a word. That has to be an amazing feeling, having so many people sing a song you wrote.
- One of my favorite moments is when Bono led 80,000 people in "Amazing Grace." Wow!
- Tomorrow night is a House Party at Waters Edge. The House Party is the way to learn about our small groups, called Community Groups. At the end of the night people are given the chance to sign up for a group. It's a busy week whenever House Parties come around.
- Wednesday I leave for Catalyst. In my humble but accurate opinion, it's the best conference ever created. I'm really excited to hear Andy Stanley, Rob Bell, and Francis Chan. Besides the line up of speakers my favorite part of Catalyst is hanging out with my friends that don't live in the 757. I'm really excited to see Chad Johnson, Mobbs, Brian Smith, and Chad Childress.
- My friend Chad Johnson, the Catalyst Concierge not the football player, asked me to facilitate a luncheon with Perry Noble at Catalyst. I love what God is doing at Newspring, where Perry is the pastor. I hope I don't jack it up.
- The only thing I hate about Catalyst is not having Monica with me. I miss my wife when I'm not with her!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Beer is proof that God wants us to be happy
I saw a t-shirt that said "Beer is proof that God wants us to be happy." That's cool I guess, but I don't think it's true. I think the shirt would better reflect God if it said "Beer is proof that God wants us to be responsible." I don't have a problem with beer. I don't think beer is evil. But like anything in life we should be responsible with beer.
Friday, October 2, 2009
There are concerts and then there is U2. My first U2 concert was an amazing experience. They did almost all of my favorite songs, including "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For," With or Without You," "Beautiful Day," and "Vertigo." The lights were amazing, the video screen was out of this world, and Bono was Bono. The whole experience was top shelf. Enjoy the pics.

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