At the end of the Summer Waters Edge Church has started a tradition where we celebrate current volunteers and recruit new ones. This year our service took on an awards show flair. The service started with worship then transitioned to the welcome. At the welcome I introduced that today was in honor of our volunteers. From there the band kicked into the song Use Somebody by Kings of Leon, accompanied with a tribute video featuring our volunteers.
From there we transitioned to the awards show. We brought out a gigantore Oscar statue, Lead Pastor Stu Hodges wore a tux, and he gave out three awards to volunteers in the audience. His talk was taken from Jesus first miracle, turning water into wine. The main idea was that it was the servants who got to experience the miracle. It was sick! The talk honored current volunteers and challenged everyone else to step up. At the same time Stu did a fantastic job at making sure first time visitors didn't feel any pressure. The pressure should be felt by people who say Waters Edge is their church, yet they don't volunteer.
To end Stu's talk he asked all of our current 510 volunteers (spread out between 4 services) to come to the stage. All of them received a brand new Waters Edge t-shirt. Stu then asked for new volunteers to fill out a commitment card and to come to the stage to turn it in. At the end of the day 265 new volunteers signed up to join our team! It was a great day.