Sunday, May 31, 2009
Waters Edge First Service

Friday, May 29, 2009
The Standout

Some kids will tell you exactly what they think about you.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
How'd You Find robshep.com
- Carlyn and Jamey (good friends who just got married)
- What to say after a sermon (I did a series of posts on this a few weeks ago)
- Should I drop my maiden name (This post generated the second most comments I've ever had.
- Funny Photo Face Game (I'm glad to see it's sweeping the nation)
- How do I know I'm uncool (I don't know but you could play the game cool or uncool at robshep.com)
- Racquetball naked (why would you look for this online?)
- Punched him in the mouth teeth (I'm not a violent person)
- You skin that smoke wagon and we'll see what happens (This is just crazy. I don't have a fat clue what this means but some how it led them to robshep.com)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Your Husband Is Not An Idiot Part 2
Now my wife could have focused on the mistake I made or she could focus on the effort that I made to make her day special. My wife understands that I'm not perfect. I'm going to make mistakes, but that doesn't make me an idiot. My wife understands my weakness and loves me in spite of them. She respects me.
I'm sure your husband or wife makes some dumb mistakes, but instead of bashing on them focus on the good things that they do. If you can't find any good then maybe you did marry an idiot. If that is the case then blame yourself because no one forced you to marry them.
Your Husband Is Not An Idiot Part 1
Here is some food for thought. If your husband is really an idiot then you are a bigger idiot because you married him. Nobody forced you to marry him. You fell in love with him or with the idea to change him. If he is really an idiot then don't bash him bash yourself for not making better choices.
Most likely though your husband isn't an idiot. We've all heard it before but men and woman are different. Just because someone is different or can't do what you do doesn't mean they are an idiot. I can't play basketball like Kobe Bryant, I'm not not handy, and I don't do well with details. Those are not my gifts and I'm fine with that. I need other people in my life to complete me. Your husband isn't supposed to do everything as well as you do. He needs you.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I Scared the Poo Out of a Snake

Sunday, May 24, 2009
It's ok! I'm a limo driver!

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Complain Up
The problem with complaining to the wrong people is that it leaves us feeling better but we've dumped our problem on someone else. It ends up spreading the negativity because no action is being taken to make the situation better. Instead of being selfish and dumping your complaint down on someone else complain to the right person in order to try to solve the problem.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Jamey and Carlyn are getting hitched

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Hug it out Biff
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Don't Forget to Say Thanks
I worked my tail off that first year. I worked hard to build relationships and make a difference in the students lives. After a year of being on staff I felt like God was leading me to pursue a Masters in Seminary. As soon as it was announced that I was leaving people came out of the woodwork to show their appreciation. Mom's who I had never met would stop me in the hallway and tell me how hot I was...that is so not true. I just wanted to make sure you were still reading. The truth is that parents who I had never met would stop me to tell me that I had made a difference in their child's life.
I remember talking with my wife during that experience. I didn't work hard to be appreciated but it would have been nice to know I was making a difference before we left. Why do we wait until someone leaves or dies before we tell them how much they mean to us? Maybe you think they will get a big head if you tell them. Maybe you haven't been appreciated enough and so you are just treating people the way you have been treated. Maybe we are just so self absorbed that we don't make time to think about others. Whatever the reason if you have someone in your life who you love you should tell them. If you know someone who has helped make you a better person you should encourage them by letting them know.
If someone has made a difference in your life don't be afraid to tell them. Write a note, send them a card, give them a random gift, take them to lunch, call them on the phone. It doesn't matter what you do just do something today. Who knows tomorrow you may not have the chance.
PS: I'm blessed to work at Waters Edge. One of the things I love about it is that I know where I stand with the people who attend. I feel appreciated.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Would You Do Your Job For Free?
A few months ago my pastor made a comment in one of his talks that I don't think he thought anyone would take him up on. He was talking on volunteering and he said if you have time to volunteer during the week we have plenty of work for you to do. The next day at 8:30 in the morning a guy from our church showed up to work. He worked all day and then came back the next day, and the next, and the next. In fact he hasn't left since. Everyday this guy comes to work at the same time the staff does and most days he leaves when we leave. By the way he also volunteers during all four services on Sundays. He works his butt off and he does it as a volunteer.
Today I was working with him and I had this thought. Would you do your job if you weren't getting paid? I think a huge sign of having passion for your job is if you would do it without getting paid. Now I know you need money to live, but if money wasn't an option would you still work at your job? If you wouldn't work at your job for free then your probably not passionate about it. Maybe it's not the right job for you. I think we were created to do specific things in life. We were gifted with certain passions and desires. If your job doesn't bring out those in you then you should change jobs. If you don't think you can then change your attitude.
Just a thought I had today as I worked along side the hardest working non paid staff member I know.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Bangerang Kool-Aid
- Don't ring the doorbell. Just walk in when you come to group.
- Help yourself. If you want a drink help yourself. (Amendment: the first amendment to the rules was I had to add a two drink limit because one of the students was drinking 3 to 4 cans of soda in an hour and half time period.)
- When you pee in the bathroom out of respect for my wife put the toilet seat back down. Even if you don't know my wife respect her. There is a picture of me and my wife above the toilet. The students tell me it weirds them out but it's there to remind them to close the lid. Just joking.
- When you drink the Kool-Aid you have to say bangerang.
Do you remember the phrase bangerang from the movie Hook? In a desperate attempt to cut back on the sodas we were buying my wife bought black cherry Kool-Aid. On the first night we had it I was trying to get the students to drink it and I told them it was bangerang Kool-Aid. Whenever they would ask why I would simply say because when you drink it you will say the words bangerang...it's just that good.
For some reason that stuck. Whenever we have Kool-Aid the students call it bangerang. If a new student comes to group other students will tell them to drink the bangerang Kool-Aid. I always feel a little weird at this point because drinking the Kool-Aid at church has some negative feelings attached to it. Anyway...sure enough when a student drinks the Kool-Aid they will say the phrase bangerang after they drink it.
I recommend trying black cherry Kool-Aid...who knows maybe you too will have to say bangerang after you drink it.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Right Words at the Right Time
They send great email messages. Floor seats for $20 (unheard of) for Clipper games, pre-sale for HUGE concerts and events, and a chance to by cheap season tickets. At least once a week I look at one of their emails and think...what the crap, I wish I lived in LA. Because I live in VA their emails don't do me any good. They don't do them any good either because I'm never going to take them up on one of their offers...yet they keep sending the emails. Those are the wrong words at the wrong time.
It's hard for me to do this, but I want to say the right words at the right time. Whenever I hang out with someone I want to bless them with the right words. I once heard a youth pastor tell a student, who didn't go to church, he shouldn't wear a particular shirt because the band wasn't Christ like. Wrong words at the wrong time for that student.
Sometimes I get so caught up in my life that I forget to even ask how someone else is doing. Sometimes I make a joke when that is the last thing a person needs to hear. Sometimes I force advice when all they need for me to do is shut up and listen. Sometimes I don't talk about God because I don't want people to think I'm forcing Him on them. It's hard to know what the right words to say are but I want to say them. Otherwise I might as well be telling people who live in VA about great tickets in LA. It wouldn't do anyone any good.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Peeing in the Shower...Seriously?
Thursday, May 14, 2009
What's the real problem?
A few days go by and I'm in my shed getting out my lawn mower. This is a blog all to itself. It takes me 3o minutes to mow my grass and 22 of the those minutes are me wrestling the mower out of this shed that is really just a small closet. Anyway...I noticed that water was leaking from a pipe. I ran to find my wife, Monica, and she helped me discover what was happening. Come to find out our AC unit was freezing over. There were huge chunks of ice surrounding the unit. I quickly called for another appointment. We were low on freon and it caused the freezing.
When we saw this Monica said a profound statement. She said we tried everything to fix this problem but we never actually looked at the source. Until this moment this was the first time we had actually looked at our AC unit. Silly us.
In life we often forget to look at the real problem. Monica talks about this often. Many times as a teacher she sees kids acting up. Often they are acting up because of something going on in their life. It doesn't excuse their behavior but punishing them doesn't deal with the real problem. The real problem is that their parents are getting a divorce, or are fighting, or worse. Maybe you've dealt with some problem people. Maybe they are a jerk, or maybe there is something else going on. There are times when we need to look past the behavior and look to the source of the problem. Maybe something else is going on that needs to be fixed. It's not justifying the behavior but it's changing the way you deal with a difficult person. Maybe they are being difficult because of another problem. It's only after you fix the real problem that your issues will be resolved.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
G.I. Joe
Recently my brother and I were talking about the new movie coming out in August. During our conversation he mentioned a G.I. Joe named Zap. I thought he was joking. I laughed really hard at that name. I thought I knew my G.I. Joe history so I told my brother he was crazy. He stuck by his story and made me look up Zap online. Sure enough Zap was a G.I. Joe.
Who knew? Zap came with a bazooka and a wicked mustache. Now it's got me thinking...there were a ton of G.I. Joes and maybe I missed some others. For all the G.I. Joe fans out there...who is the most obscure G.I. Joe that you remember?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I'm really patient unless you make me wait
A few weeks ago I asked God to show me what I needed to work on. This is always one of those prayers that God answers quickly for me. For the last week it's as if incredibly slow people have been placed in my path to reveal how impatient I am.
I was trying to park at the grocery store the other day and a woman, who had one foot in the grave, was moving at a snail like pace across the street. At first I didn't mind waiting for her, but after a minute of watching her cross the street I wanted to get out of my car, pick her up and put her in a shopping cart to wheel her into the store.
Later in the week there was a woman who was on an elliptical at the gym. All the machines I normally use were taken so I decided to hop on a machine that I don't really like. I watched this woman on the elliptical move so slow the machine would ask if she was still there in between strides. I'm not joking. It was so slow I thought she was moving in slow motion. The whole time I was getting really frustrated because she was on the machine that I use.
For about a week now whenever someone moves at a slug like pace and they are in my way I start singing a song that I used to listen to as a kid. The song lyrics were something like...
It's funny but singing this song is the only thing that helps calm my impatience down. If you would like to hear a snail sing this song click here. Maybe it will help you if you are like me and struggle with being patient.
Monday, May 11, 2009
My Own Personal Horror Movie
I recently visited this little town to go to a varsity boy's soccer game. As soon as we opened our car doors we were attacked. At first it was a slow attack but slowly but surely the attack became a torturous massacre.
Poquoson has flesh eating gnats. These gnats are impervious to bug spray, they don't die they multiply, and they suck. During the game I sprayed bug spray on and you would have thought I covered my arms in icing. These gnats love hair gel so they were burrowing in my head. Luckily my wife brought a towel to the game to sit on and she was nice enough to give it to me so I could cover my head.
If murdering gnats was a crime I would be a mass murderer. These horrors of nature deserved to die. They made it incredibly hard to enjoy the game. So if you ever want to experience your own personal horror movie visit a quaint little town in Virginia called Poquoson.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Movie Review - Star Trek

Friday, May 8, 2009
Above: This video was comprised of over 3,000 photos and a 3-day shoot. Pretty creative if you ask me.
Warm and Fuzzy Memories with Rob
One day Stu (my pastor) and I went to collect everything that we needed to set up. We had to make multiple trips from one building to the other. On this day I grabbed the large key board and carried it down from the second floor. On our way out the door we had to walk down a small set of steps and then go across the street to the gym/fellowship hall.
On my way down the steps I fell. I missed the first step because the keyboard I was holding was so large it impeded my vision of the steps. On the way down panic seized my thoughts. I knew if I busted this keyboard I was in BIG trouble. On the way down I twisted to the side to protect the keyboard. I hit the ground hard. As soon as I fell Stu ask if I was ok. He had a panicked tone to his voice. I responded with "is the keyboard ok." As soon as Stu heard that he started laughing. Once he knew I was ok he couldn't contain his laughter. He is a sucker for a good fall.
That day I ripped a hole in my GAP jeans, I scrapped up my knee, I bruised my ego, but I saved the keyboard. And that my friends is another Warm and Fuzzy Memory with Rob.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Easter in May?
What's that smell?
The next day she said it again and started searching for the smell. She said it was from my side of the room. No surprise there.
I went over to my closet and started sniffing like a hound dog. Alas I finally smelled what she was talking about. It wasn't stinky shoes. It wasn't crusty underwear left out for days (not that mine is crusty or left out). It smelled like dirt. It smelled like my lawn mower after I mow the grass.
The funny thing is it is only by my window. I searched and searched and I couldn't find out what the smell was. Monica thinks that it might actually be our lawn mower. We have a shed near my window. I don't think that is it. I don't even know who to call to figure out where this smell is coming from. Is it a leak that we don't see? The smell gets worse after the rain. If anyone knows who to call to fix this please let me know. If you don't know who to call take a guess at what you think the smell is.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Maiden Name Debate
I didn't argue because I was out numbered. When I got home that night I asked my wife and she said she didn't think it was the norm. She didn't do it and most of her friends didn't do it either. Later that night my friend DP stopped by and I asked him. He said it definitely wasn't the norm.
Let the fun begin. What do you think? Which one is the norm?
Brain Dump
- The Lakers play tonight. They lost the home opener to Houston. This game is crucial.
- I've got so much on my brain your getting not one, not two, but three blog posts today.
- I've got my Student Community Group tonight. I missed last week because of Thr3e. I'm amped to be back with them tonight.
- Star Trek comes out this Friday. I'm waiting until Saturday to see a matinee. Look for the review by Saturday afternoon.
- Waters Edge is only three weeks away from moving into our building. That is crazy to me. I can't wait.
- I think the judges of American Idol have an agenda. They want Adam Lambert in the finals. Was it just me or did they seem harsh on everyone else last night? He was in the bottom two last week and I think they wanted to make sure he made it this week.
- Monica (my lovely wife) bought me some new clothes. She has great taste so I always like when she picks stuff out for me.
- I only have one pair of black shoes. They hurt my feet so I rarely wear them. I need to wear them with one of my new shirts. I think I'm going to get gel inserts...is that what you call them? Has anyone tried them? It's going to be hard for me not to say I'm gellin every five seconds.
- I heard on the radio that someone on the TV show 24 got arrested. They said that story was coming up but 15 minutes later they still hadn't talk about it. Does anyone know who they were talking about?
- I'm hoping my last series of posts didn't make anyone self conscious to talk to me after a talk at church. It's not something that I dwell on, but so many people say funny things to me I decided to post about it.
- My pastor is now on Twitter. If you aren't following him then you should. He writes good tweets.
Whew I feel relieved to get all of that out.
What to say to a pastor after a sermon...Part 3
I once worked at a church where the pastor would stand at the door and shake hands with everyone as they left. I spoke on a Sunday once and the pastor asked me to come with him to the doors. I've never received so many forced compliments in my life. If you didn't like the talk or if God didn't speak to you don't feel pressure to say anything after the talk.
If you did enjoy the talk let the pastor know but avoid words like actually or normally. For example "Normally I sleep through your sermons but this one kept my attention."
The best compliment you can give a pastor is if God spoke to you. At the end of the day there are only a couple of people's opinions that I really look to after I speak. I care about what my wife says and what my pastor says. The comments that really get me amped are the ones where people say God spoke to them. If someone makes a change in their life because of something God said to them through my talk then I get excited.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
What to say to a pastor after a sermon...Part 2
Here are some things that have been said to me after I have preached. Most of these were said by well meaning people and most of these made me laugh.
- You were actually funny today.
- I don't normally like it when you preach, but today I liked it.
- Today was actually a good talk.
- Today you were funny, insightful, and passionate. You were at a whole other level then where you normally are.
- Was that story true?
- Today wasn't one of your best. It was OK, but it just wasn't one of my favorites.
What to say to a pastor after a sermon...Part 1
It's like this...for at least a week the pastor studies, prays, writes, and prays some more for this one talk. For me I write out my entire talk word for word. I often write at least one rough draft that gets completely rewritten before Sunday. An average talk for me is six to eight pages that I memorize. For at least a week the pastor has lived with this message inside of them. When the message is finally delivered it's birthed in front of an audience. What took hours to prepare can be torn down in 30 seconds.
To be continued...
Monday, May 4, 2009
Brain Dump
- Their volunteers were amazing! When we got there they gave us Krispy Kreme Donuts and we were assigned a volunteer host. He gave us his card with his cell number on it in case we needed anything.
- First session was about 3 Elements Elevation wants to be known for. Culture of Audacity, Uniqueness, and Honor...somehow I ended up with a fourth one which was generosity. .
- Audacity is a spirit not a set of actions.
- God doesn't step up until you step out.
- Don't insult God with small requests.
- As a leader look for ways to remind your followers where you have been.
- Steven's take on honor was eye opening. I wish every senior pastor and every member of every church could have heard it.
- Steven said that as pastors, "If people don't see you as a man of God they can't hear from God."
- Session Two - Systems and Strategy
- We're Ruth Chris not Golden Coral. In other words do what you do well and say no to everything else.
- "Dress for the wedding not for the gas station." - structure your church for where you want to go not for where you are. If you are dressed for a wedding and go to a gas station you will look silly. But when you get to the wedding you will look great.
- Think Inside the Box - this was my favorite part of this session. Instead of focusing on what you are not think inside the box that you are in. The question is "how do I change what I do have."
- When you think outside the box you get frustration but when you think inside the box you are in you get innovation.
- Third Session - The Cost of Your Calling
- The difference between where you are and where God wants you to be is the pain you are willing to endure.
- The space between hope and change is pain.
- "You wouldn't worry about how much people think about you if you knew how seldom they did."
Whew. I feel better now that I could dump all of that out of my brain. The truth is there is a lot more. I took a lot of notes. Now I just pray I'll put into action what I heard.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Movie Review - X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Rob's Rating System: Two Thumbs up = I loved it, worth paying full price, and I will own it on DVD.
One Thumb up = An OK movie, worth a matinee showing, and I may buy it on DVD if I see it in the $5 bin.
Thumb to the side = Wait and rent it. I wouldn't be mad if someone gave me this DVD, but I wouldn't buy it.
Thumbs down = I hated it, wish I wouldn't have wasted money on it, wouldn't own it on DVD.
Friday, May 1, 2009
What Job Would I Have If I Didn't Work at A Church
This was really hard for me to answer. I think my first response to him was "I'd be screwed." After a few minutes of brain racking (this is hard to do some times but it is a lot less painful then the other kind of racking I have experienced) I came up with a short list. Here are the other jobs I would try to do if I weren't in ministry...
Jobs For Rob If Rob Wasn't In Ministry
- ESPN personality/broadcaster - before I felt led to do ministry this is what I'd tell people I wanted to become
- College Professor
- Author
- I think I would attempt to work at Catalyst. They have a lot of fun and put on one of my favorite conferences every year
- Counselor
- Secret Shopper
- Entertainer
- Church consultant
So that's my list. What would you do if you weren't doing your job?
I Love It The Least
For example I love going to the class Powercut at my gym to workout, but out of all the things I love to do in life that is near the bottom. I also love to draw. I rarely do it but once I start to draw I love doing it. Because I never make myself draw it must mean that it's near the bottom of my list of things that I love to do. A while back I did a post entitled I Hate Reading. Now that I think about it I actually don't hate it. I just love it the least amount out of the things that I do. I can't really hate reading because I subscribe to a magazine, I read blogs daily, and I slowly make it through books. I love it less than watching a movie, but I still love it. Make sense.
Now it's your turn. What do you love to do but you love it the least?