An Awesomely Bad Movie is a movie that you think is AWESOME, but if you were to show it to a group of friends they would say it was a BAD movie. I want to know what your top 5 Awesomely Bad movies would be. Leave a comment. Here are mine...
5. Willow
4. The Rocketeer
3. Cloak and Dagger
2. Bloodsport
1. The Last Dragon
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Sunday Reflections
Sunday was a great day at Waters Edge!
- Stu delivered a powerful talk and I don't know the numbers yet but a bunch of people started their relationship with God today at church! Translation: People got saved!!!
- Worship Set List - Awesome is Lord Most High by Christ Tomlin, Here is Our King by David Crowder, and Phil closed the service with Nothing But the Blood of Jesus arranged by Steve Fee.
- Special rocked my face off! The 80's medley was a grand slam! 14 different songs in 4 was rad!!!
- Did I mention a bunch of people became Christ followers!
Friday, June 27, 2008
The world of blogging
I love having a blog!!!
- Last week I connected through the Blog world with a fellow youth pastor in VA Beach, Terrace Crawford Connecting with other ministry leaders is one of the main reasons I started a blog.
- I started a blog friendship with a pastor from Australia, John Finkelde, and learned what a sook was. A sook is Aussie slang for someone who craves attention, whining all the time, overstating the need, soft as jello! The last part describes my beloved Lakers...soft as jello. I love the term and I would have never learned it if it were not for the blog world. John also has a post on tips for parenting teens that I enjoyed reading.
- On Monday someone from Israel and then someone else from Russia visited my Blog. I wish they would have left a comment. How the heck did they stumble upon my little blog?
- Two weeks ago I talked junk to Vince Antonnucci the pastor from Forefront who posted a video with the guys from his staff as the boy band "Out of Sync". They were good, but it is my opinion that the Waters Edge Boy Band could take them any day. One day I hope to have an old fashion battle against them...all for fun and all in the name of Jesus of course.
I would love to find out who else has checked out my blog. If you are a regular reader, but haven't left a comment, then leave a comment and let me know how you found the blog or say hey if you know me. No pressure, but I love connecting with people.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I Miss Monica Part Two
Monica is on her second day of her trip. I've kept myself busy with work and a Waters Edge House Party. I'm now home alone and I miss her! I honestly don't function right when I'm not around her for periods of time.
In my sorrow I ate the rest of the buffalo chicken dip, but this time I ate it on a bagel. I've never done that before but on my way home every song made me think about Monica. I heard Kiss Me by Sixpence on 94.9. Bob FM played I'm in love with a girl by Gavin DeGraw. They then followed it up with Let's get it on by Marvin Gay. Weird combination of songs. I wondered if God was trying to tell me something? I was too scared to wait to hear the third song fearing it would be Please Don't Go Girl by New Kids On the Block, or Lonely by Akon. I went into the house feeling sad and ate my troubles away. I recommend the bagel buffalo chicken dip combo. Good stuff.
On a good note Monica surprised me with a gift. Today at my desk was a framed poster from the movie Rocky. She had someone deliver it while I was at lunch. Very cool! Monica comes home tomorrow and I can't wait to see her! Thanks Kathy and Nicole for hanging with her and making it a great trip!
In my sorrow I ate the rest of the buffalo chicken dip, but this time I ate it on a bagel. I've never done that before but on my way home every song made me think about Monica. I heard Kiss Me by Sixpence on 94.9. Bob FM played I'm in love with a girl by Gavin DeGraw. They then followed it up with Let's get it on by Marvin Gay. Weird combination of songs. I wondered if God was trying to tell me something? I was too scared to wait to hear the third song fearing it would be Please Don't Go Girl by New Kids On the Block, or Lonely by Akon. I went into the house feeling sad and ate my troubles away. I recommend the bagel buffalo chicken dip combo. Good stuff.
On a good note Monica surprised me with a gift. Today at my desk was a framed poster from the movie Rocky. She had someone deliver it while I was at lunch. Very cool! Monica comes home tomorrow and I can't wait to see her! Thanks Kathy and Nicole for hanging with her and making it a great trip!
Supply and Demand
Now, please forgive me if my understanding of supply and demand is incorrect. I didn't major in economics, microeconomics, or business. I majored in youth ministry, and yes that is a real degree. Before you joke on my degree answer this question...are you doing the job your degree prepared you for? A lot of people aren't, but I am. If you are then feel free to joke.
Supply and Demand drives me crazy! Have you ever wanted something (demand), but what you were looking for wasn't available (supply). Nintendo is a genius company and I am convinced they release only a limited amount of their products (supply) because it causes people to want what they offer even more (demand). This week I went on a search for the Nintendo Wii game MarioKart (demand). I dragged my poor wife to Best Buy, Target, Toys R Us, Circuit City, and Wal-Mart (no supply). Not one place had it (creating a bigger demand!). I then called multiple game stores and they all said they were sold out until mid July (what the poo...stupid supply. I hate you!).
I did a wedding over the weekend and I would like to spend some of the money on this game. I would be fine with waiting to get it, but because I can't have it I want it even more (supply and demand at it's best). Isn't it funny how that works? Have you ever experienced this? What do you want right now but can't have? Leave a comment.
PS...I finally found it at Game Crazy (supply), which is connected to Hollywood video. They had one copy and I bought it.
Supply and Demand drives me crazy! Have you ever wanted something (demand), but what you were looking for wasn't available (supply). Nintendo is a genius company and I am convinced they release only a limited amount of their products (supply) because it causes people to want what they offer even more (demand). This week I went on a search for the Nintendo Wii game MarioKart (demand). I dragged my poor wife to Best Buy, Target, Toys R Us, Circuit City, and Wal-Mart (no supply). Not one place had it (creating a bigger demand!). I then called multiple game stores and they all said they were sold out until mid July (what the poo...stupid supply. I hate you!).
I did a wedding over the weekend and I would like to spend some of the money on this game. I would be fine with waiting to get it, but because I can't have it I want it even more (supply and demand at it's best). Isn't it funny how that works? Have you ever experienced this? What do you want right now but can't have? Leave a comment.
PS...I finally found it at Game Crazy (supply), which is connected to Hollywood video. They had one copy and I bought it.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I Miss Monica
So, Monica and her team have this great idea. The 3 of them teach 4 grade and throughout the year they cover a lot of history that involves Virginia. Anyway, her team decided to go on a road trip across VA and take pictures of all the historic stuff. Now when they teach it to their students they can show them actual pictures of where stuff went down. Great idea!
The only problem is it means she will be gone for 3 days. Today is her first day away. Before she left she made me a little piece of heaven called Buffalo Dip (see former post "Yummy!!! for a recipe). In my sorrow I ate it for lunch and then dinner. I may eat a little bit more for 4th meal. Thank God taco bell invented 4th meal. It's the meal after dinner and I may need one tonight. Make fun of me all you want, but I hate when she's gone.
The only problem is it means she will be gone for 3 days. Today is her first day away. Before she left she made me a little piece of heaven called Buffalo Dip (see former post "Yummy!!! for a recipe). In my sorrow I ate it for lunch and then dinner. I may eat a little bit more for 4th meal. Thank God taco bell invented 4th meal. It's the meal after dinner and I may need one tonight. Make fun of me all you want, but I hate when she's gone.
Get Smart
So, I went to see Get Smart. Overall it was a pretty good movie. Not great, but not bad. My problem with most comedies is that they show the funniest parts in the previews. Add to that most comedies don't have that good of a story. In my opinion most comedies don't stand by themselves as great stories once you take the humor away. That might be a stupid thing to say, but the movies I love have great stories. Even when you take out the action, or comedy the story still stands. Get Smart had a decent story. I saw if for $5 and for that I was not disappointed. I really like Steve Carell and although his character in Get Smart is no Michael Scott, he is pretty funny. The movie is pretty clean with no nudity and minimal swears. Overall I would give it a B.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Church Signs
Drove home from lunch and I saw this church sign. Do what?

I hope by now you know that all of that was a joke. I found this link to on Ben Arment's blog. Funny stuff!

I didn't think much of it until my buddy called and told me to check out this church sign in York County...
First of all Stu doesn't cuss. He only uses words found in the Bible and he uses them in context. To quote him correctly he said Hell? No! But then we got a call in the office that said there was a sign talking smack about WEC on Todds Lane. Here's a pic.

I couldn't believe what I saw, but there's more. Here is a pic from a church in Newport News.

I don't even know what that means, but it is an obvious shot at WEC. Apparently church signs everywhere are uniting with messages against WEC. Here are more pics...

That was a good play on words using Stuart instead of steward, but unnecessary!

That's not in the Bible! This next one was just a low blow...

That was a good play on words using Stuart instead of steward, but unnecessary!

That's not in the Bible! This next one was just a low blow...

I hope by now you know that all of that was a joke. I found this link to on Ben Arment's blog. Funny stuff!
The Greatest Graduation Speaker Ever
Somebody that must like me put an article about Liberty University's recent graduation. Now the speaker this year was none other than Chuck Norris. Cursid 7 years! If I was 7 years younger then I would have been there. 7 years ago I graduated from Liberty and I wish that Chuck Norris was the speaker. If you don't know about Chuck Norris then you either don't have a teenager in your life or you and I are not friends (if you do have a teenager and we are friends and you still don't know about Chuck Norris then please make it a priority to keep reading because you need to know). About two years ago I spent about a month talking about nothing but Chuck Norris. He is the greatest and just in case you don't know here are some facts about Chuck! These are not disputed and they are facts!
- Chuck Norris can speak braille
- If you have five dollars and Chuck Norris has five dollars, Chuck Norris has more money than you.
- There is no 'ctrl' button on Chuck Norris's computer. Chuck Norris is always in control.
- Apple pays Chuck Norris 99 cents every time he listens to a song.
- Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open.
- Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.
- Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird.
- When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
- Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
- Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris.
- Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
- Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.
- Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.
- Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday Reflections
I didn't have time to post this yesterday, but here are some highlights from Sunday's service.
- Worship was great!
- Set List - Everybody Praise the Lord by Lincoln Brewster, Tell the World by Hillsong United, Everlasting God by Lincoln Brewster, How Great is Our God by Chris Tomlin.
- The band rocked Beat it by Michael Jackson! Mike Dominice is a ninja guitar player and I went crazy the first time I heard him do that solo!
- I spoke. I felt it went good and I pray that God spoke through me. If you weren't there you will have to judge for yourself. Click here to listen to the talk.
- Overall I felt it was a great day at Waters Edge!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Spencer for hire
So, this week I watched David Letterman interview Spencer Pratt. Spencer is one of the stars of the MTV reality show The Hills. The show never shows him working, and yet he appears like he has a lot of money.
Anyway, Spencer gets grilled on David Letterman. I'm talking about turn the heat up, close the lid and cook away. In the interview David is typical David and asks awkward, hard questions, that everyone is thinking but nobody has asked. Dave wanted to get to the bottom of what Spencer does for a living. Every time the Hills is on in my house I ask that same question. According to the interview Spencer gets a minimum of $100,000 just to appear in a club. Here is the only clip of the show I could find on YouTube. Sorry for the adds and announcer lady.
Now, I will never intentionally bash on another human being on this blog. There is too much negativity going on in the world and I don't want to be a part of it. In fact I will find something nice to say about Spencer. Good for him for capitalizing on America's obsession with celebrities. If someone is willing to pay him 100 G's then he would be foolish not to take it. Personally, I don't like the club scene. It's loud, smokey, and I feel like I have to be on the defensive because there are so many guys trying to go low low low low around my wife and the other female friends that are with us. But if someone were to start paying me $100,000 I would make appearances at the club. In fact, I would go to one club a week for 10 weeks in a row and then retire from the club circuit. The clubs could throw me a retirement ceremony and each club could retire a piece of my clothing and hang it from the rafters for all to see (similar to the way sports teams retire jerseys). After a few years of retirement I would throw a press conference announcing that I was back. It would be a big deal and clubs everywhere would want me. I would then up the price to $200,000 an appearance. I would do a mini club tour and visit a few selected clubs for one week only. I would bring other staff members from Waters Edge with me so they could get their name out. Then clubs could pay them ridiculous amounts of money and collectively we could put our earnings together and pay for the Big Dream (our new church building). We would get an extra $500,000 a piece to do the Hang'n Tough routine. It would be great! So if there are any club owners out there who want to pay me Spencer type money to go to their club; please leave a comment.
Anyway, Spencer gets grilled on David Letterman. I'm talking about turn the heat up, close the lid and cook away. In the interview David is typical David and asks awkward, hard questions, that everyone is thinking but nobody has asked. Dave wanted to get to the bottom of what Spencer does for a living. Every time the Hills is on in my house I ask that same question. According to the interview Spencer gets a minimum of $100,000 just to appear in a club. Here is the only clip of the show I could find on YouTube. Sorry for the adds and announcer lady.
Now, I will never intentionally bash on another human being on this blog. There is too much negativity going on in the world and I don't want to be a part of it. In fact I will find something nice to say about Spencer. Good for him for capitalizing on America's obsession with celebrities. If someone is willing to pay him 100 G's then he would be foolish not to take it. Personally, I don't like the club scene. It's loud, smokey, and I feel like I have to be on the defensive because there are so many guys trying to go low low low low around my wife and the other female friends that are with us. But if someone were to start paying me $100,000 I would make appearances at the club. In fact, I would go to one club a week for 10 weeks in a row and then retire from the club circuit. The clubs could throw me a retirement ceremony and each club could retire a piece of my clothing and hang it from the rafters for all to see (similar to the way sports teams retire jerseys). After a few years of retirement I would throw a press conference announcing that I was back. It would be a big deal and clubs everywhere would want me. I would then up the price to $200,000 an appearance. I would do a mini club tour and visit a few selected clubs for one week only. I would bring other staff members from Waters Edge with me so they could get their name out. Then clubs could pay them ridiculous amounts of money and collectively we could put our earnings together and pay for the Big Dream (our new church building). We would get an extra $500,000 a piece to do the Hang'n Tough routine. It would be great! So if there are any club owners out there who want to pay me Spencer type money to go to their club; please leave a comment.
Friday, June 20, 2008
This is why I don't do overnighters
From time to time students come to me all excited and bushy tailed and they have this look on their face. It is a look of I have the greatest idea known to man. Whenever I see that look I know what is coming. The student is about to ask me if we can do a church overnighter. I've done these many times and let's just say I don't plan on doing one ever again. If you have never experienced one then watch this video because it is priceless!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Showing the Blog Love
I really enjoy reading Blogs. I get a lot of ministry insight, biblical insight, and leadership insight from the Blogs I read. Here are some highlights I have seen this week.
- Ben Arment posted a funny video with my best friend from high school Chad Johnson. It is about the Catalyst conference and I can't wait to get there. If your work involves leadership in any capacity then you should go to this conference! If you want God to rock your world little country girl then you should go to this conference!
- Blake Maurice, my best friend from college, posted a really cool quiz called cake or death! I don't know how they created that, but it was cool!
- Carlos Whit has a great post on being used! This guy is AWESOME. In my mind I pretend to be as cool as this guy.
- Clayton King has a good post on comparing the Celtics to the church. Even though I am a Lakers fan I will show him the blog love.
- I love all things Perry Noble. His Blog is on allowing things to cause us to lose heart is a good read.
- Seth Godin's post on "is it worthy" is a great read. I loved the last paragraph! "The object isn’t to be perfect. The goal isn’t to hold back until you’ve created something beyond reproach. I believe the opposite is true. Our birthright is to fail and to fail often, but to fail in search of something bigger than we can imagine. To do anything else is to waste it all." If I ever write a book that quote will make it's way into it.
- The Big Dream now has an official blog. There are some recent pictures of the activity on the land for the future home of Waters Edge .
Smoking Kills
In the great tradition of the former blog posts...dead frog and the naked snake/ Satan is dead (see May posts) I would now like to introduce dead bird with a cigarette. Smoking is a nasty habit that kills. Unfortunately no one told this bird.

*Here are some additional notes to add to this post. This smoker pot (I don't know if that is what it is called but it is a pot that people have put out their cigarettes in) was found outside the Yoder Barn, the facility where Waters Edge has church on Sunday nights . The bird was already in it and in that position. I may or may not have added the cigarette to the birds mouth. If I did add the cigarette I may or may not have been scared to death that the bird was just sleeping and was going to wake up and peck my face off.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Back Handed Compliments
I have noticed that a lot of people don't know how to give complements. I don't know if it is because we are afraid that the person receiving the compliment will get a big head, or maybe it's because we haven't received very many compliments ourselves. I think a lot of it is an unintentional thing that so many of us do. Whatever the reason I have heard a lot of back handed compliments lately. A back handed compliment is a compliment, but at the same time it is a negative statement or an uncompliment if you will. Here are some examples...
1. Great job speaking today. I don't' normally like it when you speak, but today was good.
2. Rob you were actually funny today.
3. I love ______ (fill in the blank) to death, but I can't stand when they ______ (fill in the blank).
4. (after performing the New Kids on the Block song Hang'n Tough at church) Rob, you're going to get made fun of a lot for that, but it was good...I liked it a lot.
5. Rob your one of the coolest guys I've ever met, but the first time I talked to you on the phone I thought you were gay.
Those are all real life examples of things said to me this past year. I write this not to call anyone out or to make anyone feel bad. I also don't write this because I am looking for compliments in my life. Don't get me wrong I do appreciate a good compliment, but honestly that is not what spurred on this blog. Read what Jesus had to say in Matthew 12:36-37. Our words matter and we should be careful about what we say and how we say it.
Instead of building someone up and then tearing them down, practice just building them up. Instead of seeing the negative in someone find something positive about a person. Train yourself to be intentional about saying positive things to people because your words matter. And if you don't have anything nice to say don't add a compliment to it.
1. Great job speaking today. I don't' normally like it when you speak, but today was good.
2. Rob you were actually funny today.
3. I love ______ (fill in the blank) to death, but I can't stand when they ______ (fill in the blank).
4. (after performing the New Kids on the Block song Hang'n Tough at church) Rob, you're going to get made fun of a lot for that, but it was good...I liked it a lot.
5. Rob your one of the coolest guys I've ever met, but the first time I talked to you on the phone I thought you were gay.
Those are all real life examples of things said to me this past year. I write this not to call anyone out or to make anyone feel bad. I also don't write this because I am looking for compliments in my life. Don't get me wrong I do appreciate a good compliment, but honestly that is not what spurred on this blog. Read what Jesus had to say in Matthew 12:36-37. Our words matter and we should be careful about what we say and how we say it.
Instead of building someone up and then tearing them down, practice just building them up. Instead of seeing the negative in someone find something positive about a person. Train yourself to be intentional about saying positive things to people because your words matter. And if you don't have anything nice to say don't add a compliment to it.
Funny Stuff
So, my friend Matt K recently started a blog and it is very funny! It is called The Machine and I think he just started it today. He told me last night at Community Group that he was going to, but I thought he was joking. Anyway click on his name and it will direct you to his blog.
Lakers play game 6 tonight. They are down 3 games to 2. I cannot take the stress of this series. I feel like I have given birth. I don't really feel like that, but I thought it would be funny to write. I do feel worn out from the ups and downs of this series. I hope they win tonight!
One good note and little known fact is that the Lakers are 2 and 0 during the playoffs when my pastor Stu Hodges watches a game. He promised that he was going to watch at least some of it tonight. Go Lakers!
One good note and little known fact is that the Lakers are 2 and 0 during the playoffs when my pastor Stu Hodges watches a game. He promised that he was going to watch at least some of it tonight. Go Lakers!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday Reflections
Sunday was a great day at Waters Edge! Here are the highlights...
- We honored dads with a Fathers Day Hot Wing Challenge! Great competition and some pretty funny moments. In the first service the contestants both were wearing t-shirts. The first one's said Best Dad Ever and the second said I'm with Stupid. It was a pretty funny unscripted moment.
- Stu teaching everyone the verse was hysterical. I laughed out loud with the fro part.
- Stu's point was made loud and clear...that anything less then everything is too little for God. Listen to the talk here.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Brad Pitt
So a few days ago I went to Wal-Mart with a couple of my buddies (friends of mine not the dolls from the 80's) on the way to stay at Monica's parents river house. We had two for the girls and one for the guys. The girls left but the guys stayed to buy some movies. While we were there one of the guys I was with decided to buy the movie Meet Joe Black with Brad Pitt in it. It was in the $5 bin and he really likes the film. When we go up to the cash register I decide to strike up a conversation with the Wal-Mart employee working the cash register. Here's the conversation...
Rob: Have you seen Meet Joe Black?
Wal-Mart Employee: Yes I think I have.
Rob: Did you like the movie?
Wal-Mart Employee: Anything with Brad Pitt in is good.
Rob: Did you know that Brad Pitt and I are from the same city, Springfield Missouri.
No response, so I keep talking.
Rob: A lot of people get us confused all the time.
Wal-Mart Employee: I can see that. You should try to make some money with that. You could sign autographs and stuff.
Rob: That's a great idea.
I then leave and me and buddies laugh. I like that a Wal-Mart employee has some personality and was willing to joke around. But the story doesn't stop there. The next day our group realizes that we forgot the Sweet Baby Rays barbecue sauce for the rump roast we were cooking. So me and the guy that bought Meet Joe Black go back to Wal-Mart to buy some Sweet Baby Rays Barbecue sauce (it is slap your mama good and worth a 40 minute round trip drive to Wal-Mart). When we get up to the cash register I am greeted with...
Wal-Mart Employee: Hey Brad
Rob: (chuckle) I can't believe you remembered that?
Wal-Mart Employee: How could I forget you look like freek'n Brad Pitt!
Rob: (hard laugh) You made my day.
I love when people have personality. I laughed about that one for a while.
Incredible Hulk
Just saw "Incredible Hulk" and here are my thoughts. It's a pretty good movie. Better than the first one, but overall it is not amazing. I felt that the movie was too small. What I mean by that is it seemed contained. The fight scenes are in a park and then in New York City and they never leave those areas when they fight. When I think of the Hulk I think of huge over the top...picture King Kong meets Jurassic Park. Those movies felt big and that is what I wanted this to feel like. A park couldn't contain the Hulk. I don't know if that makes sense or not. Ed Norton does a good job as Bruce Banner. There is a definite chemistry between Ed Norton and Liv Tyler. The CGI is good. The story is pretty good. It's a clean film (no nudity, not a lot of swears). So there is nothing to gripe and complain about. Overall I say it was a good popcorn flick but nothing to write home about. I give it a B.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
If you are a guy then there is a great chance that you will love this recipe. Yes, I wrote recipe. I feel a little...silly writing a recipe on my blog, but all guys everywhere need to try this. Monica (my wife) made it for me on Tuesday night and the Lakers won. She is the best wife ever! I attribute their success to this recipe. She then made it again for my Student Community Group and they devoured it. I'm telling you I would eat my left hand if it was made out of this stuff. I would try to resist eating my hand at first, but after a few nibbles on my pinkie finger I would devour the rest of my hand. It is that good.
Buffalo Chicken Dip
1/2 cup buffalo wing sauce
1 8 oz block cream cheese
2 cooked/shredded chicken breasts
Mix all
Top with melted shredded cheddar cheese and bake at 350 degrees until it's bubbly.
Serve with Tostitos Scoops
Buffalo Chicken Dip
1/2 cup buffalo wing sauce
1 8 oz block cream cheese
2 cooked/shredded chicken breasts
Mix all
Top with melted shredded cheddar cheese and bake at 350 degrees until it's bubbly.
Serve with Tostitos Scoops
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Lakers win by 6 last night...I win another soda (if you don't know what that means then you don't read my blog enough. Scroll down to Lakers!!! to find out what I am talking about.)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Helping the Poor
Today I get a call from what I think was a lady (it sounded like a dude but had a girls name) who wanted money to pay her/his rent. This person was going down the phone book from church to church desperately searching for someone to help her/him out. She/He didn't make a lot of sense but from what I gathered had a stroke recently and hasn't been able to pay the rent. She/he also said something about trying to pay it quickly because she/he was about to go to court (I don't have a fat clue what the court thing had to do with this situation). I'm so torn with situations like this. On the one hand the mercy side of me causes my heart to break and I want to help this person out. I kept thinking about the verse in the Bible that says what good is it if you say to a poor person without food or clothes I wish you well keep warm and well fed? The verse challenges Christ followers to do something with their faith and not just talk about it.
On the other hand I don't know if this was a scam. I mean they wanted $150 that day to pay the rent. I understand not having a lot of money, but I don't understand why you wait until the last minute to start asking for it. Maybe I'm cruel, or maybe this is just an excuse, but I have a hard time sending $150 to someone I don't know who needs money that day.
I'm interested to know what you would do if you were in my shoes. Post a comment and let me know.
On the other hand I don't know if this was a scam. I mean they wanted $150 that day to pay the rent. I understand not having a lot of money, but I don't understand why you wait until the last minute to start asking for it. Maybe I'm cruel, or maybe this is just an excuse, but I have a hard time sending $150 to someone I don't know who needs money that day.
I'm interested to know what you would do if you were in my shoes. Post a comment and let me know.
So, my Lakers are down two games to zero and it feels like the whole world is letting me know. I'm getting messages on facebook, phone calls from people who don't even like the NBA talking junk...CHAD JOHNSON. I've got a member of my adult Community Group making bets with me...He gave me an over under of 3 points...I don't really know what that means, but if the Lakers win tonight by less then 3 points I owe him a soda...I think. Anyway I'm feeling good about tonight. Here is a picture of the crew that watched Sunday's game at my place. They are such good sports!

Sunday, June 8, 2008
New Kids On the Block = Waters Edge Staff
So, if you have been reading my Blog then you know I announced something was going to happen this Sunday at church. For those of you who weren't able to be there the staff guys at WEC preformed New Kids On the Block hit song "Hangin' Tough" in honor of our series "I love the 80's". It was a blast to do! I love when we can be dumb and enjoy ourselves. Enjoy the video...
Here are some thoughts that I had of all four performances...
9:30 AM - We got the loudest reaction from this hour. They cheered for what seemed like forever. I liken this to the early years circa "Hangin' Tough"
10:55 AM - Great reaction from the audience! We even had one person give us a standing ovation. I liken this to the 90's New Kids circa Step by Step.
4:45 PM - Server Service was a little off. We made some mistakes and the crowd was nice but not excited to see us. I liken this to the end of the New Kids circa when they changed their name to NKOTB and nobody knows what songs were on that album.
6:00 PM - Brought the house down. I liken this to the reunion years circa right now.
Here are some thoughts that I had of all four performances...
9:30 AM - We got the loudest reaction from this hour. They cheered for what seemed like forever. I liken this to the early years circa "Hangin' Tough"
10:55 AM - Great reaction from the audience! We even had one person give us a standing ovation. I liken this to the 90's New Kids circa Step by Step.
4:45 PM - Server Service was a little off. We made some mistakes and the crowd was nice but not excited to see us. I liken this to the end of the New Kids circa when they changed their name to NKOTB and nobody knows what songs were on that album.
6:00 PM - Brought the house down. I liken this to the reunion years circa right now.
Waters Edge
Friday, June 6, 2008
Congrats Court!
Maybe I'm naive, but I believe that God is very active. A good friend recently graduated from getting her masters and was looking for a teaching job. Her first choice was Grafton High School. She was holding out hoping that she would get an offer, but nothing worked out. In the mean time she had a couple of offers from other schools but ended up turning some down and waiting on some others in hope that her dream job would be offered. Well, she waited too long because when she finally went back to one of her second options they had already filled the spot. So now my friend is waiting without a job...
And then one glorious evening while shopping...her parents run into the varsity volleyball coach at Grafton High School. They mention to the coach that there daughter is looking for a job. Within a few days the school called and offered her a job. Now she is at the school that she wanted. How freak'n cool is that? It is a simple reminder that you never know what tomorrow will bring. Today may suck, but tomorrow God may rock your world little country girl! Congrats Court!
And then one glorious evening while shopping...her parents run into the varsity volleyball coach at Grafton High School. They mention to the coach that there daughter is looking for a job. Within a few days the school called and offered her a job. Now she is at the school that she wanted. How freak'n cool is that? It is a simple reminder that you never know what tomorrow will bring. Today may suck, but tomorrow God may rock your world little country girl! Congrats Court!
Last night was TNL (Thursday Night Life) at Waters Edge. If you weren't there this is what you missed...
- A ha-larious church lady skit by Chris Arnold! "Isn't that special".
- The band was AWESOME!
- Worshiping with a packed out Yoder Barn Theater. There was a lot of energy!
- Stu's challenge! Stu talked about Abraham and how God showed Abraham the stars and told him he was going to do the impossible. He then talked about how God was doing the impossible at Waters Edge. A funny side not is that Stu told everyone to look at the stars when they get home...last night the clouds covered the sky and you couldn't see a single star. What does that mean? Maybe that God has a sense of humor.
- Hanging out eating ice cream with everyone afterward.
I love our church and I love it when we get to hang like we did last night!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Staff Fun Day
The first three days of this week were supposed to be dedicated to our annual staff retreat. It started off on Monday where four of us met in meetings from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM. A lot of thinking, brainstorming, and eating were done during that time.
Tuesday was then our staff fun day. Our entire staff went on a yacht ride and then out to eat together. This was a great time to bond, hang out, and play. Our staff works really hard and I love that Stu (lead pastor at Waters Edge Church) creates days for us to bond together as a team. The rest of Tuesday was spent brainstorming...
The idea that spawned was rejected at first, laughed at, stressed about, and then it happened...we all agreed to do it. What is it you ask? You will have to come to Waters Edge this Sunday to find out. I'm telling you this idea would have never happened if we did not spend some fun time together outside of the office. I can also tell you this that I have never had more fun working on a service! I can't wait for part two of I Love the 80's this Sunday at WEC!
Tuesday was then our staff fun day. Our entire staff went on a yacht ride and then out to eat together. This was a great time to bond, hang out, and play. Our staff works really hard and I love that Stu (lead pastor at Waters Edge Church) creates days for us to bond together as a team. The rest of Tuesday was spent brainstorming...
The idea that spawned was rejected at first, laughed at, stressed about, and then it happened...we all agreed to do it. What is it you ask? You will have to come to Waters Edge this Sunday to find out. I'm telling you this idea would have never happened if we did not spend some fun time together outside of the office. I can also tell you this that I have never had more fun working on a service! I can't wait for part two of I Love the 80's this Sunday at WEC!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Sex and the City
So, Sex and the City the movie opened over the weekend and made 56 million dollars...that's HUGE! I was listening to 94.9 the point this morning and they were getting reactions to the film. Apparently everyone loves it, but there were a handful of concerned callers. A few callers were voicing their concerns with parents who brought there 6 and 7 year old girls to an R rated movie. The caller wanted to know whether or not she should have said something to the parent. Great question.
It leads me to another question. You see I know lots of Christians that saw Sex and the City the movie over the weekend. According to 94.9 the movie had a lot of nudity and language that was not appropriate for children. Anyway, I often struggle with confronting people. My struggle is I don't ever do it and sometimes I think I should. I have not seen the film and I would not see it even if it was called Abstinence and the City. I prefer action movies. Maybe the film is not that bad. Maybe it is not any worse than the movies that I enjoy. I am not trying to cast stones. Because I have not seen the film I am not saying that Christians should not see it. I guess I am looking for some healthy dialog. I know the handful of people that read my blog don't normally comment, but I would love to know your thoughts. Should Christians stay away from a movie like Sex and the City?
My personal standard is that I don't go see movies with nudity. I know too many guys who are addicted or struggle with pornography and I don't want to put my mind in a compromising situation.
Here are a couple of verses that relate to my questions.
It leads me to another question. You see I know lots of Christians that saw Sex and the City the movie over the weekend. According to 94.9 the movie had a lot of nudity and language that was not appropriate for children. Anyway, I often struggle with confronting people. My struggle is I don't ever do it and sometimes I think I should. I have not seen the film and I would not see it even if it was called Abstinence and the City. I prefer action movies. Maybe the film is not that bad. Maybe it is not any worse than the movies that I enjoy. I am not trying to cast stones. Because I have not seen the film I am not saying that Christians should not see it. I guess I am looking for some healthy dialog. I know the handful of people that read my blog don't normally comment, but I would love to know your thoughts. Should Christians stay away from a movie like Sex and the City?
My personal standard is that I don't go see movies with nudity. I know too many guys who are addicted or struggle with pornography and I don't want to put my mind in a compromising situation.
Here are a couple of verses that relate to my questions.
- Matthew 7:2 - For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
- Matthew 7:3-5 - Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
- Romans 2:1 - You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.
- Romans 14:10 - You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God's judgment seat. I
- Corinthians 5:112-13 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. "Expel the wicked man from among you.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Sunday Reflections
So today we started a new series at Waters Edge called I love the 80's. Great first week! Stu brought it and his message was very challenging. Phil and the band ROCK'd I Love Rock and Roll! It was a great worship set as well. I gotta say though something special was going on during the 9:30 service. They were pumped to be at church! During I Love Rock and Roll one guy jumped up to his feet and let out a yell. That burst of excitement led the majority of everyone else to stand to their feet during the song. It was awesome! I love going to a church were people enjoy being at church. Great first day of the series!
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