Friday, May 30, 2008
I went to a retirement ceremony for Col. Tony Dominice today. Great ceremony! The Air Force really knows how to celebrate people, their accomplishments, and they know how to honor someone. It made me think about why we wait for retirements, funerals, or special occasions before we honor someone. The Bible says that we should show proper respect to everyone (1 Peter 2:17) . Who do you need to honor today? If someone has meant something to you tell them today! Don't wait until they move, or retire, or pass away. Just a thought...I thought it and decided to share it.
My Lakers (yes my Lakers...I have been a fan since 3rd grade) won last night. For all of you that don't follow sports that means that the Lakers are going to the Finals! While I am thinking about it there are a lot of you that don't follow sports, so in honor of you...
Trivia for non-sports fans to impress their friends
Trivia for non-sports fans to impress their friends
- Lakers first trip to the Finals since 2004.
- They beat the Spurs in 5 games...that means they won 4 and lost one.
- They are going to play the winner of the Celtics/Pistons 6 is tonight and Boston is up 3 games to 2.
- The Lakers have won 14 NBA championships.
- Phil Jackson is the coach of the Lakers and he is going for his 10th championship...if he wins it will be the most championships ever...he is tied with Red Auerbach.
- Kobe has won 3 championships, but this will be his first attempt without Shaq.
- The Celtics have the most NBA championships at 16...nothing would make Rob happier then the Lakers beating the Celtics in the NBA finals!
- I love Monica...has nothing to do with the NBA, but I felt like saying it.
These facts will impress your friends and make you look cool while you're hanging around the water cooler.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Brockey '08
Brockey '08 was last night for the students. Brockey stands for broom hockey (like hockey but with brooms and without skates)...pretty clever huh? Overall it was a great night. Our numbers were a lot lower than I was expecting, but I think everyone had a great time. We only had three injuries. One resulted in two band aids, one was a bruised eye, and the other a hospital visit. He is fine and nothing was broken. Overall I give the event a B+.
Quick shout out to all of my Student Community Group Leaders!!! I often get stressed when we do an event. Details are not my thing and I have to work very hard to make sure I don't forget something. It meant so much to me that so many of you asked if there was something you could do, that you jumped in and did things that I needed, and that you were there to hang out with and invest in students. Last night confirmed that Waters Edge has the best Student Leaders around!!!
Thanks to...
Alicia and Steph - for hanging out even though you only had one student come. I love how positive you both are! Thanks for being a part of the team! Thanks for staying late as the last student was picked up. You both are amazing!
Matt and Steven - Matt you are a ninja Brockey Player! You made my day by asking multiple times if there was something you could do to help! By the way...don't move! Steven thanks for being there to hang with the students. I am glad you are on the team! Next time you are on the ice for sure!
Matt and Jon Lancour - You are fun CG leaders! I could tell you have connected with your boys! Your group is growing like crazy! I didn't know half of your guys, but they all knew you and that is what it is all about.
Katey and Julie - You ROCK! Julie thanks for hanging with the girls...don't move! Katie, thanks for hanging and for helping me get those cursed whistles untangled. I appreciate what both of you bring to the team!
Rose and Jess - Rose...don't move! It looked like you had fun out there on the ice. Jess...thanks for coming! Even though you were late it was good having you there! Your group is a fun group of girls and they seem to love you both!
David and Jamey - D-Reeves thanks for being the first there! Also your willingness to always help is HUGE! Thanks for taking care of the bloody finger. Jamey thanks for checking on me and for putting the bracket together! Also thank you for falling on the ice. It was crazy funny!
Monica and Katie - Your group had the most students! You both are wicked awesome! Monica thanks for getting there early and helping me out throughout the night. I love you! Katie I love you too, just not in the same way. Seriously though, Katie thanks for being there and participating.
Courtney - It is obvious that you love your girls. I know your group is small right now, but your investment will pay off! Keep on investing and loving on those girls!
Laura - You were missed last night! Hurry back!
Quick shout out to all of my Student Community Group Leaders!!! I often get stressed when we do an event. Details are not my thing and I have to work very hard to make sure I don't forget something. It meant so much to me that so many of you asked if there was something you could do, that you jumped in and did things that I needed, and that you were there to hang out with and invest in students. Last night confirmed that Waters Edge has the best Student Leaders around!!!
Thanks to...
Alicia and Steph - for hanging out even though you only had one student come. I love how positive you both are! Thanks for being a part of the team! Thanks for staying late as the last student was picked up. You both are amazing!
Matt and Steven - Matt you are a ninja Brockey Player! You made my day by asking multiple times if there was something you could do to help! By the way...don't move! Steven thanks for being there to hang with the students. I am glad you are on the team! Next time you are on the ice for sure!
Matt and Jon Lancour - You are fun CG leaders! I could tell you have connected with your boys! Your group is growing like crazy! I didn't know half of your guys, but they all knew you and that is what it is all about.
Katey and Julie - You ROCK! Julie thanks for hanging with the girls...don't move! Katie, thanks for hanging and for helping me get those cursed whistles untangled. I appreciate what both of you bring to the team!
Rose and Jess - Rose...don't move! It looked like you had fun out there on the ice. Jess...thanks for coming! Even though you were late it was good having you there! Your group is a fun group of girls and they seem to love you both!
David and Jamey - D-Reeves thanks for being the first there! Also your willingness to always help is HUGE! Thanks for taking care of the bloody finger. Jamey thanks for checking on me and for putting the bracket together! Also thank you for falling on the ice. It was crazy funny!
Monica and Katie - Your group had the most students! You both are wicked awesome! Monica thanks for getting there early and helping me out throughout the night. I love you! Katie I love you too, just not in the same way. Seriously though, Katie thanks for being there and participating.
Courtney - It is obvious that you love your girls. I know your group is small right now, but your investment will pay off! Keep on investing and loving on those girls!
Laura - You were missed last night! Hurry back!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Indiana Jones
Someone told me they were surprised that I didn't post my thoughts on the new Indiana Jones flick. I didn't want to spoil anything or taint anyone else's viewing pleasure because of my thoughts, so I waited until now. I am incredibly hard on movies. I often leave a movie picking it apart and talking about how bad it was, while everyone else that I am with talks about how great a movie it was (examples include Transformers, X-Men 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 2 & 3).
Here is my review. It is not as good as Indy 1-3. There are some good scenes and it was fun to see Harrison Ford reprise the role. George Lucas was clear that he wanted this to feel like a 50's movie. They succeeded. It is high on the cheese, low on the character development and story, and it left me scratching my head, and asking why George why?. Overall I give it a C+.
If you would like another opinion you can ask my Mom. She left saying she hasn't laughed that hard in a really long time. That comment alone about sent me over the top. Indy is not a comedy. So if you are not critical about movies, don't have your life invested in one of the greatest movie franchises of all time, and want to see a decent family film then go see Indy.
Here is my review. It is not as good as Indy 1-3. There are some good scenes and it was fun to see Harrison Ford reprise the role. George Lucas was clear that he wanted this to feel like a 50's movie. They succeeded. It is high on the cheese, low on the character development and story, and it left me scratching my head, and asking why George why?. Overall I give it a C+.
If you would like another opinion you can ask my Mom. She left saying she hasn't laughed that hard in a really long time. That comment alone about sent me over the top. Indy is not a comedy. So if you are not critical about movies, don't have your life invested in one of the greatest movie franchises of all time, and want to see a decent family film then go see Indy.
Last week I heard the horrible news that Steven Curtis Chapman's daughter was killed. Throughout the years I have listened to Steven's music and I have even seen him in concert a few times. Whether or not you enjoy his music this tragedy is almost unbelievable. The following is from Steven's web page. On his website you can view videos of Maria.
NASHVILLE, TN...5/21/08... At approximately 5pm on the afternoon of Wednesday May 21st, Maria Sue Chapman, 5 years old and the youngest daughter to Steven and Mary Beth Chapman was struck in the driveway of the Chapman home in Franklin, TN. Maria was rushed to Vanderbilt Childrens Hospital in Nashville, transported by LifeFlight, but died of her injuries there. Maria is one of the close knit family’s six children and one of their three adopted daughters.

Life is precious and short. God forgive me for taking every day for granted. Every day is precious and should be lived out fully for you.
NASHVILLE, TN...5/21/08... At approximately 5pm on the afternoon of Wednesday May 21st, Maria Sue Chapman, 5 years old and the youngest daughter to Steven and Mary Beth Chapman was struck in the driveway of the Chapman home in Franklin, TN. Maria was rushed to Vanderbilt Childrens Hospital in Nashville, transported by LifeFlight, but died of her injuries there. Maria is one of the close knit family’s six children and one of their three adopted daughters.

Life is precious and short. God forgive me for taking every day for granted. Every day is precious and should be lived out fully for you.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday Reflections
Enjoyed speaking at all four services yesterday with Stu at Waters Edge. During the second service I sprayed a can of "Blues Be Gone" and it went into my nose and straight to the back of my throat. I coughed and got very choked up. People laughed. It ended up throwing me off and I forgot a story that I told in all 3 of the other services. Good times though. We talked about having an encounter with God. I prayed it this morning. I hope people listened and will pray the prayer "God I want to encounter you".
I also enjoyed worshiping with Josh Bayne. Great worship leader and I enjoyed hanging out with him all weekend. I missed having Phil Poteat at the service, but he will be back this weekend from vacation.
Overall it was a great weekend service!
I also enjoyed worshiping with Josh Bayne. Great worship leader and I enjoyed hanging out with him all weekend. I missed having Phil Poteat at the service, but he will be back this weekend from vacation.
Overall it was a great weekend service!
Satan is dead
I was mowing the lawn this weekend I saw the snake formerly known as the "naked snake" (see post under blog archive called naked snake). He is now dead.
Like Indiana Jones I hate snakes. They are cursed animals and tools of Satan...Genesis 3:14. I'm sure PETA loves them but they are wicked scary creatures that I don't like around my house. I did enjoy the memories that I had with this snake though. His nudity and then death have given me something to blog about. 

Saturday, May 24, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Highlights from Whiteboard
Here are some of the highlights from my trip with Stu to Whiteboard...
- Stu scaring a homeless man (who we think was trying to steal a bike).
- David Cook winning American Idol!
- Watching the Lakers win with Stu...I told Stu because of that win he now has to watch the rest of the series with me. Sports superstitions may be silly but I will do anything to help my Lakers win.
- Hearing Mark Batterson speak, and meeting Mark Batterson. Thanks Chad Johnson for talking to Brad about hooking me up!!
- Talking with the guys from Catalyst. I love this conference and I can't wait for it!
- Seeing my friend Matt Senger.
- Hearing Perry Noble speak.
- Going to lunch with the staff of Forefront.
- Talking with WiBo founder Ben Arment.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Best Week Ever Part Deux
Like I said earlier this week, this is the best week ever and it continues...
- Monday the owner of the Kiln Creek Chick-Fil-A brought by the Waters Edge office a tray of chicken nuggets and a brand new sauce for us to try out. The sauce is called Chick-Fil-A sauce and it has a barbecue mustard taste to it. 6 out of 7 people in the office liked it a lot. The one who didn't like it just enjoys free food so he won't complain about it.
- Tuesday I received an email about a free CD. That is right you can request a free legal copy of Josh Bayne's new EP. Josh Bayne is a worship leader who will be leading worship this Sunday at Waters Edge (Phil is out of town). To receive a free copy email Josh at with the subject Free CD.
- (This one is for my Dad...he wasn't happy that I left this off the list) The Dancing with the Stars season finale is tonight!
- I get to spend tonight just hanging with Monica! I love nights like tonight. Best week ever!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Best Week Ever
The stars have aligned and this week is the best week ever!
Monday - I have Community Group (I love Community Group!!)
Tuesday - American Idol David vs. David (who will win?)
Wednesday - Lakers 1st game in the conference finals and the results show for American Idol
Thursday - Attending Whiteboard Conference and Indiana Jones comes out (unfortunately because of the conference I won't be able to see the movie until Friday)!
Friday - Indiana Jones (I may see it two times on Friday)
Saturday - Relax and then get ready for co-teaching with Stu on Sunday
Sunday - Co-teaching with Stu at all 4 services at Waters Edge
Monday - I have Community Group (I love Community Group!!)
Tuesday - American Idol David vs. David (who will win?)
Wednesday - Lakers 1st game in the conference finals and the results show for American Idol
Thursday - Attending Whiteboard Conference and Indiana Jones comes out (unfortunately because of the conference I won't be able to see the movie until Friday)!
Friday - Indiana Jones (I may see it two times on Friday)
Saturday - Relax and then get ready for co-teaching with Stu on Sunday
Sunday - Co-teaching with Stu at all 4 services at Waters Edge
Friday, May 16, 2008
Back to the Future
Does anyone know what year it is? This morning as I'm working out I see on the TV that the musical guest on the Today show is New Kids On The Block. The movie that I am most excited about this summer is Indiana Jones. Right now they are making G.I. Joe the movie, American Gladiators second season premiered on Monday, and Strawberry Shortcake has a new cartoon. I think that I've gone back in time to the 1980's. Sure the 80's had the right stuff, but seriously what's going on? I guess I will just have to be hangin' tuff until I can find a way to step by step back into the future. I thought by the year 2008 we would have flying cars and microchips embedded in our brains, but instead we are saying please don't go girl to the 80's. Well, I guess this one's for the children who have never had the privilege to see an Indiana Jones movie in the theaters or buy a new New Kids On the Block album. So in honor of the 80's I say...I'll be loving you forever!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Love like a salesmen?
I've been thinking about this a lot lately. In America we tend to love like salesmen. No offense to salesmen, but whenever I am around one I feel a lot of love. They act like my best friend, try to relate to me, and by the end of the night we're exchanging numbers, singing kumbaya, and I feel like I've found a new friend. The problem is that the reason they love me is because I am a potential client. It benefits them to be nice to me.
As a Christian I am commanded to love people period! It is hard to love someone when they don't benefit me, but that is what God has asked me to do. Read what Jesus said...
Here is a simple rule of thumb for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you; then grab the initiative and do it for them! If you only love the lovable, do you expect a pat on the back? Run-of-the-mill sinners do that. If you only help those who help you, do you expect a medal? Garden-variety sinners do that. If you only give for what you hope to get out of it, do you think that's charity? The stingiest of pawnbrokers does that. Luke 6:31-32 (The Message).
I love that verse! Grab the initiative and show love to someone. Who needs a call from you, not because you need anything, but just to say hello? Who needs a gift from you, not because it's their birthday, but just because? Who needs a card or email sent to them that says how much you appreciate them? Do you love others simply because God loves them or do you find yourself loving others because they benefit you? Think about it!
As a Christian I am commanded to love people period! It is hard to love someone when they don't benefit me, but that is what God has asked me to do. Read what Jesus said...
Here is a simple rule of thumb for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you; then grab the initiative and do it for them! If you only love the lovable, do you expect a pat on the back? Run-of-the-mill sinners do that. If you only help those who help you, do you expect a medal? Garden-variety sinners do that. If you only give for what you hope to get out of it, do you think that's charity? The stingiest of pawnbrokers does that. Luke 6:31-32 (The Message).
I love that verse! Grab the initiative and show love to someone. Who needs a call from you, not because you need anything, but just to say hello? Who needs a gift from you, not because it's their birthday, but just because? Who needs a card or email sent to them that says how much you appreciate them? Do you love others simply because God loves them or do you find yourself loving others because they benefit you? Think about it!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Mondays: Part Deux
Continued...After Monica told me about the leak, I ran up stairs and went into our attic to see our hot water heater emitting steam from one of the pipes. It was dripping water ever so gently, but over the course of a day it had leaked to the floor and caused the water mark on the ceiling. I don't have a fat clue how to even turn off a hot water heater. I should have left it alone but I felt like I had to do something. I started messing with the pipe that had the leak and I noticed that when I lifted the pipe the steam stopped spraying out. So, I end up jimmying a shoe string (I felt like MacGyver) around the pipe and to a board above the hot water heater. This stops the steam and I feel like a hero. I run down stairs and finish a few things and then people start coming in for Community Group. As soon and my brother and Bobby (both Community Group members) get there I point to the ceiling and before I could even get the words out they run upstairs and start messing with it. I love Community Group!!!! By 7:20 they assessed the problem, had Meredith's (Bobby's wife and a Community Group member) dad come over to look at it and make sure that was the problem. We carried on with group and Tuesday afternoon my brother (he's a ninja and he assassinated the problem) came over and fixed the pipe. What a day! By the way the shoe string is still attached as a safety precaution...who's your daddy?
My second night with my new Community Group was on Monday night. It started off with an adventure. I rushed into the house at 6:00 PM an hour before group. I was running late Monday night because I had to pick up my car from Hornsby Tire (thanks Dan for picking me up!). When I get home I see that Monica is running around making snack for group. I start to help clean up all the while catching up with how her day was. At 6:15 she says "by the way our ceiling is leaking"...She points up to our kitchen ceiling and there is a big water spot and it is getting bigger. I was like "by the way"? "When were you going to tell me about that"! To her defense she knows I am the last person to go to fix anything and she knew there wasn't much I could be continued...
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Mark Batterson Part Two
Yesterday I left Mark Batterson a comment and today he responded!
Look forward to meeting at WiBo. Let's try to connect during a break. I have our team with me so we're hanging some too...and I already have a lunch scheduled...but I definitely want to meet. I'll listen for those boos :)
Here is the comment that I left him...(with some recently added commentary in parenthesis.)
My pastor and I are coming to WiBo in a couple of weeks. I would love to say hey while we are there. I know you are busy...please don't hesitate to say heck no (my first attempt to be relevant)...but I would love to meet you. Again there is no pressure, but I thought I would go for the ask and take a chance (second attempt at being relevant by saying go for the ask). If you are scared or think that I may be a stalker we can meet in a well lit area around a lot of people...joking (my attempt to be funny part one). I told my best friend from high school, Chad Johnson (name drop...he knows Chad J), how much I loved In A Pit (just in case words of affirmation are his love language) and he told me to contact you if I was going to be in town. Again, no pressure, but be prepared to be booed from the audience if you say no...joking again (my attempt to be funny part two).
Look forward to meeting at WiBo. Let's try to connect during a break. I have our team with me so we're hanging some too...and I already have a lunch scheduled...but I definitely want to meet. I'll listen for those boos :)
Here is the comment that I left him...(with some recently added commentary in parenthesis.)
My pastor and I are coming to WiBo in a couple of weeks. I would love to say hey while we are there. I know you are busy...please don't hesitate to say heck no (my first attempt to be relevant)...but I would love to meet you. Again there is no pressure, but I thought I would go for the ask and take a chance (second attempt at being relevant by saying go for the ask). If you are scared or think that I may be a stalker we can meet in a well lit area around a lot of people...joking (my attempt to be funny part one). I told my best friend from high school, Chad Johnson (name drop...he knows Chad J), how much I loved In A Pit (just in case words of affirmation are his love language) and he told me to contact you if I was going to be in town. Again, no pressure, but be prepared to be booed from the audience if you say no...joking again (my attempt to be funny part two).
Friday, May 9, 2008
Mark Batterson Part One
So, I read a book a few months ago called In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day by Mark Batterson. I love the book! I have recommended it to all of my friends and pushed for Community Group Leaders at Waters Edge to do it with their groups. Anyway I would like to meet Mark. There is something in me that just wants to meet people who have influenced my wife calls it stalking. Today, I took my first step. I sent Mark a comment and asked to meet at an upcoming conference that he is speaking at and that I am going to. I feel like a fool, but we will see what happens.
Weekend of Weddings
Last night I bought a new suit, because this week the summer wedding season begins. Today I have a wedding rehearsal that I am leading at 5:00 PM. As soon as that is done I am rushing to go to my friends Rose and Jake's wedding at 7:00 PM. Tomorrow I will officiate a wedding at 2:00 PM. Whew. I have a total of four weddings that I am officiating this summer alone. This new suit is going to get its money's worth.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Naked Snake
So today I get home from work and there is a snake skin laying on my grass right in front of my front door. Scary stuff. The nerve of a snake to undress in public like that. Be on the lookout for a naked snake. It is flashing it's business in the Yorktown area of VA.

My Boy Jamey
So my long time friend Jamey Menser got engaged last night. He went all out and surprised his girlfriend Carlyn with a hot air balloon ride. While in the air Jamey got down on one knee and popped the question. For the last seven years I have been praying that God would bring the right person into Jamey's life. Carlyn is that person! God definitely knew what He was doing when when He led them together. Carlyn is a great person and very good for Jamey! I love a happy story! Congratulations guys! Here is a pic of the big event.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Unconditional love
I was listening to a radio morning show, and I heard something that broke my heart. A lady contacted the radio show and told them that her husband cheated on her. She then said that she understood because she had let her self go (gained a bunch of weight). The morning show applauded her and said that when her husband married her she was more attractive and since that changed he should be able to be with someone that he was attracted to.
On the one hand, I applaud the woman for thinking about how she played a part in this situation. I do believe that we should work hard at meeting our spouses needs. Husbands need to romance their wives, wives need to call Victoria and get her secret from time to time, couples should care about their own health and physical appearance. Here's the deal...affairs happen because a need is not being met. A need that was met when the couple first started dating.
On the other hand when you get married it is for better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and in health, love handles and cankles (when the calf merges with the foot and thus there are no ankles). Our love for our spouse should not be based off of physical appearance alone. Marriage is a big deal and the commitment doesn't change!
What have you done this week to show your spouse love? Have you shown them unconditional love? Think about it, and then do something!
On the one hand, I applaud the woman for thinking about how she played a part in this situation. I do believe that we should work hard at meeting our spouses needs. Husbands need to romance their wives, wives need to call Victoria and get her secret from time to time, couples should care about their own health and physical appearance. Here's the deal...affairs happen because a need is not being met. A need that was met when the couple first started dating.
On the other hand when you get married it is for better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and in health, love handles and cankles (when the calf merges with the foot and thus there are no ankles). Our love for our spouse should not be based off of physical appearance alone. Marriage is a big deal and the commitment doesn't change!
What have you done this week to show your spouse love? Have you shown them unconditional love? Think about it, and then do something!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Iron Man
So last night I saw Iron Man with my bro and dad. If you like big summer movies then this is a great one to go see. It had great humor, great action and special affects. There were no cheesy moments that normally find their way in Marvel Comics movies. If you see it make sure you stay through the credits. There is a hidden scene and it is really cool, especially for comic book fans. The summer has started off with a bang...I can't wait for more movies!!!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Dead Frog
This afternoon when I came home I saw a very sad sight. A frog was dead in the middle of my sidewalk. My theory is that he got on the roof of my house and then jumped...thus committing froggy suicide. Or maybe he was murdered. I am going to get to the bottom of this and find out. I'm calling CSI Vegas, New York, Miami, Yorktown, and Brazil (they have rain forests in Brazil and have probably done a million cases involving mysteriously dead frogs). By the time I got to him he was bloated and being eaten by ants. Here is a pic.

Summer Movie's
The summer movie season starts today (actually it started at 8:00 PM last night with some sneak showings). Iron Man was officially released today. I have my ticket and am going to see it with my bro at 9:00 PM tonight. I will let you know what I think.
In honor of the summer movie season (my favorite time of year) here is a list of the best and worst movies according to Rob...
1.Raiders of the Lost Ark (the first Indiana Jones film!!)
2. Star Wars IV - VI (call me old but the originals kick the new ones tails)
3. Die Hard (The best action movie of all time)
4. Batman (The one from 1989)
5. The Fugitive (Tommy Lee Jones won an Academy Award for this performance)
1. Batman and Robin (people that tell me they like this movie loose all credibility and respect as far as an opinion on movies goes. This movie is horrible...Batman uses a Bat credit card and has ice skates come out the bottom of his boots).
2. Speed Two (I went in thinking it was going to be great...not so much)
3. The New World (this was the longest 2 1/2 hours of my life. I'm not joking everyone besides us left the movie. I waited as long as I could to check my watch because I knew that time was standing still...30 minutes, that was all that had gone by and it felt like 3 days.)
4. Beowulf (I didn't want to see it, but my brother talked me into it. Right when Beowulf decided to fight a monster naked I knew that seeing this in 3-D was one of the worst mistakes of my life)
5. Superman IV (At one point Superman rebuilds the Great Wall of China by pointing at what? He doesn't have that power).
In honor of the summer movie season (my favorite time of year) here is a list of the best and worst movies according to Rob...
1.Raiders of the Lost Ark (the first Indiana Jones film!!)
2. Star Wars IV - VI (call me old but the originals kick the new ones tails)
3. Die Hard (The best action movie of all time)
4. Batman (The one from 1989)
5. The Fugitive (Tommy Lee Jones won an Academy Award for this performance)
1. Batman and Robin (people that tell me they like this movie loose all credibility and respect as far as an opinion on movies goes. This movie is horrible...Batman uses a Bat credit card and has ice skates come out the bottom of his boots).
2. Speed Two (I went in thinking it was going to be great...not so much)
3. The New World (this was the longest 2 1/2 hours of my life. I'm not joking everyone besides us left the movie. I waited as long as I could to check my watch because I knew that time was standing still...30 minutes, that was all that had gone by and it felt like 3 days.)
4. Beowulf (I didn't want to see it, but my brother talked me into it. Right when Beowulf decided to fight a monster naked I knew that seeing this in 3-D was one of the worst mistakes of my life)
5. Superman IV (At one point Superman rebuilds the Great Wall of China by pointing at what? He doesn't have that power).
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
This week I saw the movie Expelled. Very interesting movie. I was captivated by it. It is a documentary by Ben Stein (Bueller Bueller) about the controversy of Evolution vs. Intelligent Design. Apparently some professors have been fired because they mentioned or taught that there was another option in science besides Evolution. I am very interested to hear what others think about this movie. If you have seen it please post a comment. For what it's worth I went with two other guys and they both fell asleep. It may be one that you want to rent on DVD, but if you like documentaries and are interested in this debate then go see it. It is hard to know how I feel about this documentary because my opinions are pretty in line with the film. I would be interested to see what someone who disagrees thinks about it.
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